Questions tagged [tridion]

SDL Tridion is a Web Content Management software platform that supports both Java and .NET architectures.

Consider posting SDL Tridion related questions at the dedicated Tridion Stack Exchange site.

SDL Tridion is a Web Content Management software platform that supports both Java and .NET architectures by offering multiple public application programming interfaces (APIs) for both the J2EE and the .NET Frameworks.

The management platform runs on Microsoft Windows 2003/2008 whereas the publishing platform is platform-independent and support includes Microsoft, Unix, or Linux.

The latest public release is SDL Tridion 2011 Service Pack 1, which adds built-in support for comments and ratings (SDL Tridion Community Builder).

Common terms and abbreviations

  • Content Management System: The parts of the system used for working with content. This includes editing, versioning, categorization, page composition, etc. and publishing of content to the Content Delivery system.
  • Content Manager Explorer (CME): a browser-based user interface for the content management system.
  • Content Delivery (CD): The parts of the system on or near the presentation servers, which manage deployment or storage of the content and implement web application functionality such as dynamic linking or delivery of targetted content.
  • Presentation Server: the target, published-to website
  • Building Block: an item in Tridion
  • Schema: a content definition for fields, types, and descriptions
  • Component: Tridion's basic unit of content, based on a schema. Multiple components may be used to compose a page.
  • Template: an item that transforms (renders) components or pages
  • Component Presentation (CP): a combination of a component and template, typically on a page or stored in a CD database
  • Tridion Page: an item in Tridion that includes component presentations and is typically published to CD
  • Core Service: A WCF Service introduced in SDL Tridion 2011 which allows manipulation of Building Blocks via code.

See the SDL Tridion World site for more information and examples. See SDL for product-related information.

Appropriate questions

Questions about any of the above technologies in relation to the CMS should have the tridion tag. Example topics include SDL Tridion:

  • Code
  • APIs
  • Errors
  • Configuration details
  • Possibly behavior, unfortunately StackOverflow is focused on programming-type questions which overlaps much of Tridion but is tangential to functional aspects of the software.
1162 questions
1 answer

List view getListItemXmlAttributes method fails with child publication items

I have created a JS class to populate SG/Folder list view data, when items are modified. (As per Jaime's approach) Everything works great when I operate on items in the publication they're created in. Ex: I open a component or page and the custom…
Warner Soditus
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2 answers

How to register a .NET assembly as COM?

I have created a class library for a workflow on a local machine and build that. I moved the complete solution to a Tridion server and tried to register the assembly in the server using regasm.exe tool as below: C:\User\XYZ\Desktop\>RegAsm \codebase…
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4 answers

Tridion Component Link not resolving in Dynamic Component Presentation

I'm currently implementing functionality in Tridion 2009 SP1 where the user is able to utilise a filter which in turn queries the broker for matching criteria and then returns the Component Presentations to the page. Each item returned contains a…
Mike Percival
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4 answers

ASP.Net CMS recommendation, Orchard, Sitefinity, Umbraco or N2?

Over the past 3 years I have been using (...shamefully) SharePoint 2007, DNN and Tridion to develop web portals. I am however looking to move off SharePoint and Tridion (lack of control over urls, markup and tdd) and am looking for…
5 answers

Multiple Dynamic SiteEdit CPs on a Page

We have SiteEdit 2009 SP2 in SDL Tridion 2009 SP1 and it is working fine for normal published pages. It is also working ok if we have single Dynamic Component Presentation (DCP) in a page. But when we have multiple DCPs on the page, it is taking the…
vikas kumar
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2 answers

Access a component's fields from a custom deployer

I'm trying to create a custom deployer in Tridion 2011 SP1 that can index a component to a solr instance once published. Everything is working fine but I've come across a bit of a problem with the way it indexes the components fields. I can access…
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2 answers

Rules for Rich Text Field usage?

Can anyone point me to some rules to follow when using using Rich Text Fields on Tridion Components? I notice that you can enter mark up directly on the Source tab, but if you enter incomplete html then tridion completes it for you, as…
Mr Smith
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1 answer

Tridion Favorites - ability to rename favorite links

I am using Tridion 2011. And I am looking for a way to let users rename the favorite links. Adding a component, folder etc to favorites is straight forward but is there way to let users rename those favorite links?
Ram Gandhapuneni
  • 566
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3 answers

How to remove "SDL Tridion has not been tested with this version of the browser"

I'm seeing the following message in the Tridion CME and am unsure of where the configuration is to that removes it. Can anybody help?
Ibrar Hussain
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4 answers

How can I detect if my code should Impersonate or not?

I have code that runs as part of an event handler and need to create a new TOM.NET session (I can't reuse subject.Session). This event handler is loaded into many Tridion processes (TcmServiceHost, COM+, Publisher, TcmTemplateDebugHost, IIS…
Frank van Puffelen
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5 answers

What's the difference between C# Code Fragments and Assembly TBBs?

I understand C# Code Fragments and .NET Assemblies offer the same functionality for modular template development. We manage the code fragments in the CME and assembly code in Visual Studio, but use both the same way in Template Builder. In terms of…
Alvin Reyes
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3 answers

How should I decide the quotas for the Tridion core service binding?

I am connecting to the Tridion core service using a System.ServiceModel.WsHttpBinding. The service will only be used by authenticated users, and probably only by code which I control. I have to choose values for the following MaxBufferPoolSize…
Dominic Cronin
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1 answer

Applying more than one sort on a Tridion broker query

I have a broker query where I need to sort by 2 different fields (using JSP and 2011 SP1) The API has the method "addSorting" which I am applying. It appears, however, that the second addSorting call is overwriting the first addSorting call - rather…
  • 143
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1 answer

Changing the default ordering of Keywords in a dropdownlist

I have a category "Year" in Tridion and it has keyword values listed 1900s-2012. I am trying to access the category in a component via a dropdownlist. The problem is, I am seeing values in dropdownlist in ascending order 1900s-2012. And user has to…
Ram Gandhapuneni
  • 566
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2 answers

Error uploading large binaries into SDL Tridion Multimedia Components

I am using SDL Tridion 2011 SP1, and uploading large binaries as Multimedia Components. This works fine for binaries up to about 30Mb, after that the CME fails to upload files. I assume this is some sort of web.config setting to limit binary sizes,…
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