Questions tagged [orchardcms]

Orchard is a free, open source, community-focused Content Management System built on the ASP.NET MVC platform.


Orchard is a free, open source, community-focused Content Management System built on the ASP.NET MVC platform.

Orchard is built on a modern architecture that puts extensibility up-front, as its number one concern. All components in Orchard can be replaced or extended. Content is built from easily composable building blocks. Modules extend the system in a very decoupled fashion, where a commenting module for example can as easily apply to pages, blog posts, photos or products. A rich UI composition system completes the picture and ensures that you can get the exact presentation that you need for your content.

Orchard is delivered under the .NET Foundation. It is licensed under a New BSD license, which is approved by the OSI.

Browse the source code on GitHub.

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2952 questions
4 answers

A full guide to Orchard CMS

I am currently developing a very simple website in Orchard, which however required me to extend it both with themes, and with content types/widgets. Now this is as far as I went - Content Types and Widgets, because they were the only ones to be…
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4 answers

What does an @functions code block in a razor file do, and when (if ever) should I use it?

Whilst looking at a theme I downloaded from the Orchard CMS gallery, I noticed that a Layout.cshtml file had this block of code at the top of the file: @functions { // To support the layout classifaction below. Implementing as a razor function…
Chris Payne
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1 answer

Integrate existing ASP.NET MVC application with Orchard CMS

I have Orchard CMS and I want to integrate my MVC site with it. Can anybody tell me how to do this?
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5 answers

DotNetNuke, Umbraco or Orchard

First off please have patience for this long winded post. I wanted to get all the pertinent information (as I see it) out to you. I have a decision to make and would like your input. I have recently taken on the task of taking over my daughter's…
3 answers

How to deploy an Orchard CMS site, including all settings and content from development environment?

I've been trying to build and deploy a website running on Orchard CMS. I've previously downloaded Orchard, set up a development environment, made a few modifications to the source, added and modified a theme, added some content and so forth. I've…
Tomas Vinter
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4 answers

where to change the Database connection settings in Orchard MVC CMS

I set up a site in Orchard CMS. While choosing data storage settings I chose Use an existing SQL Server(or SQL Express) database Instead of Use built-in data storage(SQL Server compact) It has worked fine for me but I am wondering where to…
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3 answers

Building a site with Orchard CMS

I'm in the early stages of trying to learn Orchard, and I'm still seem to be struggling with the basics on how to build a page containing a multitude of various content that can be easily managed by non-technical users. Ideally, what I'm trying to…
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4 answers

Deciding between Umbraco and Orchard ASP.NET CMS

Now that both system's are built on ASP.NET MVC, does anyone have any experience dealing with both? Looking to set up a small business site for a friend, that will eventually have an online store. I've read a lot of posts, but nothing recent ( since…
Michael Armstrong
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4 answers

ASP.Net CMS recommendation, Orchard, Sitefinity, Umbraco or N2?

Over the past 3 years I have been using (...shamefully) SharePoint 2007, DNN and Tridion to develop web portals. I am however looking to move off SharePoint and Tridion (lack of control over urls, markup and tdd) and am looking for…
2 answers

Orchard CMS - Remove Title and Metadata(published date) in a post

How do I remove the Title and Metadata(published data) in a post? Can this be done in I tried creating a custom content but doesn't look like a best solution. I just done it with CSS but I know this could be done in another way.
Jayson Ragasa
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3 answers

Reset Orchard to look like fresh install

Couple of custom modules were not working. I disabled/deleted them and tried to enable/install again. It did not work. I decided to start from scratch. So I deleted all the database tables (I am using SQL Server 2008). Is this not enough? If I run…
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5 answers

Choosing a CMS: EPiServer vs Orchard vs SiteCore vs Umbraco

Increasingly, I have noticed the number of Content Management Systems in use. I have some familiarity with SiteCore. I have read some literature on Umbraco. I only just got wind of Orchard the other day. I have only heard positive feedback about…
1 answer

Menu on Translation Layer disappearing on Custom Module Sites

Currently I'm using Orchard 1.9 with different Main Menus on Culture Layers (en/de). For regular (translated) Content it is working. But for Custom Modules/Pages like User/Account or MyModule/List the Menu is not appearing at all. How can I fix…
Johannes Wanzek
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3 answers

Orchard: Full Source or Not?

We're going to be using Orchard as a base for a particular client. We're a C# shop running VS2K10. We'll throw it in our version control system as per the norm for our projects. That said, we'll be creating custom modules based on the needs of our…
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4 answers

How to use javascript(js file) in Orchard CMS

Can any one tell me please how to use js file in Orchard CMS? I added it to Layout.cshtml page as Script.include("jquery.js").
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