Questions tagged [tridion]

SDL Tridion is a Web Content Management software platform that supports both Java and .NET architectures.

Consider posting SDL Tridion related questions at the dedicated Tridion Stack Exchange site.

SDL Tridion is a Web Content Management software platform that supports both Java and .NET architectures by offering multiple public application programming interfaces (APIs) for both the J2EE and the .NET Frameworks.

The management platform runs on Microsoft Windows 2003/2008 whereas the publishing platform is platform-independent and support includes Microsoft, Unix, or Linux.

The latest public release is SDL Tridion 2011 Service Pack 1, which adds built-in support for comments and ratings (SDL Tridion Community Builder).

Common terms and abbreviations

  • Content Management System: The parts of the system used for working with content. This includes editing, versioning, categorization, page composition, etc. and publishing of content to the Content Delivery system.
  • Content Manager Explorer (CME): a browser-based user interface for the content management system.
  • Content Delivery (CD): The parts of the system on or near the presentation servers, which manage deployment or storage of the content and implement web application functionality such as dynamic linking or delivery of targetted content.
  • Presentation Server: the target, published-to website
  • Building Block: an item in Tridion
  • Schema: a content definition for fields, types, and descriptions
  • Component: Tridion's basic unit of content, based on a schema. Multiple components may be used to compose a page.
  • Template: an item that transforms (renders) components or pages
  • Component Presentation (CP): a combination of a component and template, typically on a page or stored in a CD database
  • Tridion Page: an item in Tridion that includes component presentations and is typically published to CD
  • Core Service: A WCF Service introduced in SDL Tridion 2011 which allows manipulation of Building Blocks via code.

See the SDL Tridion World site for more information and examples. See SDL for product-related information.

Appropriate questions

Questions about any of the above technologies in relation to the CMS should have the tridion tag. Example topics include SDL Tridion:

  • Code
  • APIs
  • Errors
  • Configuration details
  • Possibly behavior, unfortunately StackOverflow is focused on programming-type questions which overlaps much of Tridion but is tangential to functional aspects of the software.
1162 questions
2 answers

Date/DateTime object type in AmbientDataFramework

I'm having a bit of an issue with the Date (java) / DateTime (.net) type when using the Ambient Data Framework in SDL Tridion 2009. I'm setting a claim value in java like this: Date myDate = rs.getDate("DATE_FIELD_IN_DB"); store.put(CLAIM_URI_DATE,…
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3 answers

Has anyone used LINQPad to connect to Tridion Core Services?

I love LINQPad! I'm trying to connect to Tridion Core Services using a WCF connector in LINQPad to help with my rapid development & learning of Core. Currently, LINQPad is reporting a 404 (not found) error for the URI, but this same URI works in my…
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1 answer

Tridion 2011 with DD4T - no MetaData fields available on Component entity

I'm using Tridion 2011 (with DD4T, feeding an MVC webapp). It seems that MetaData fields for Multimedia Components (specified on the Metadata tab of my Images Schema in Tridion) are not populating the corresponding property on the DD4T "Component"…
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2 answers

Precompiled core service client versus generating your own proxy

Since 2011sp1 Tridion comes with a precompiled core service client. Would there still be a reason to generate your own proxy by adding a service reference? Or is that older method officially deprecated now?
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4 answers

Tridion Workflow - Component version history incorrect

We have YAWF (Yet Another Workflow Framework) set up for one of our customers. We have a simple Workflow process, which is working exactly as we require, except for the component version history. In the version history, instead of the name of the…
Ibrar Hussain
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4 answers

Quickest way to comma separate a Tridion multivalue field

What would be the quickest way to have a multivalue Tridion text field split into a comma separated string? In my case I am using C#, but I guess any other examples are welcome as well. This is the ugly and long way it seems: var multiTextField =…
Hendrik Beenker
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1 answer

Any good sources for Tridion Taxonomy query examples

I have a scenario where I have several thousand Component Presentations published that are classified with a specific category/keyword, but the components also have Custom Metadata fields pertaining to define the top n. that will be displayed. …
1 answer

Tridion 2011 Core Service: Unable to connect in a SSO environment

While trying to connect to the Core Service I get the following error: The HTTP request was forbidden with client authentication scheme 'Anonymous' The Tridion environment is configured with SSO from SiteMinder. Here's my code: public static…
3 answers

XSLT in component gets (un)encoded

Really simple question, but I can't seem to get it working right. I have a component in which there is some XSLT (for navigation). It gets published using the XSLT Mediator via an XSLT TBB. Upon publishing the < gets changed into <, and breaks…
Hendrik Beenker
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2 answers

Tridion - Insert HTML (literal and partial elements) in a RTF

I am trying to create a GUI extension in Tridion where I insert a specific html in to the RTF when a button is clicked.... I have the tool bar button and popup to inform the user. But when I click OK on popup when I insert the HTML "
Ram Gandhapuneni
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2 answers

Uncheck a checkbox in ComponentView

Im trying to uncheck a checkbox in the ComponentView of Tridion by jquery using the document ready event in a GUI extension: $j(document).ready(function(){ alert("is loaded"); var field = $j('[type=checkbox][value=Aceptar]') …
Sara C. Lorca
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2 answers

Timeout when uploading images

I am currently testing Tridion 2011 and am having problems creating multimedia components with uploaded content (as opposed to external). I fill out the title, schema, multimedia type, select a file from my system then click save. I get a Saving…
Kevin Brydon
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1 answer

What is the main difference between the SessionAwareCoreServiceClient to the CoreServiceClient?

What is the main difference between the SessionAwareCoreServiceClient to the CoreServiceClient? Is wsHttp the preferred binding from a remote application not running on the server? Is it possible to use the netTcp binding from a remote Core Service…
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5 answers

Creating a list of keywords in the Content Delivery

Imagine I have a content type that has two fields of type category: one is a taxonomy Author and another one is a taxonomy Topics, these two taxonomies are unrelated, the only 'thing' they may have in common is the component itself. Now we go to the…
3 answers

Can we replace the labels in SiteEdit 2012 (on Tridion 2011)?

Right now I've been implementing User Interface 2012 and after some hurdles it works just fine. I've been looking to optimise the usability of any UI-editable fields, and run into a related challenge. Within a component there are several fields…
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77 78