Questions tagged [terminal-emulator]

Terminal emulators are programs that emulate a terminal within some other display architecture. Often associated with a command line shell, but the term extends to all remote terminals and their graphical interfaces.

Terminal emulators emulate a terminal, typically within a graphical user interface (GUI). The type of terminal emulated may vary and range from terminals such as VT100, IBM 3270/8/9/E, Sun console, QNX, AT386, SCO-ANSI, and many others. Additionally, programs have been developed to emulate other terminal emulators such as xterm and assorted console terminals (e.g., for Linux). Finally, some emulations simply refer to a standard, such as ANSI. Terminal emulators are available on many platforms ranging from DOS and Unix to Windows and Macintosh, to embedded operating systems found in cellphones and industrial hardware.

Popular terminal emulators include xterm, aterm, gnome-terminal, konsole, rxvt, PuTTY, SecureCRT, and many others.

252 questions
6 answers

iTerm2 keyboard shortcut - split pane navigation

I have been a long time user of the standard Mac Terminal. Decided to experiment with iTerm2 after hearing good things about it from my colleagues. One of the more useful features I am seeing on iTerm2 is its split panes (much like vim split…
Calvin Cheng
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7 answers

Home/End keys in zsh don't work with putty

I'm running zsh as the default shell on a Ubuntu box, and everything works fine using gnome-terminal (which as far as I know emulates xterm). When I login from a windows box via ssh and putty (which also emulates xterm) suddendly the home/end keys…
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3 answers

tmux man-page search highlighting

When I search in, for example, man ls while in a tmux session, the search strings don't appear highlighted - the page jumps down so that the search string is on the top line of the buffer, as expected, but it's not highlighted. Doing the same thing…
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How to create web based terminal using xterm.js to ssh into a system on local network

I came across this awesome library xterm.js which is also the base for Visual Studio Code's terminal. I have a very general question. I want to access a machine(ssh into a machine ) on a local network through a web based terminal(which is out of…
Ankit Kulkarni
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3 answers

What's a good browser-based terminal emulator?

We have several curses style applications which we'd like to provide access to through a browser-based interface. We have an application from another vendor which ostensibly provides this based on an old version of the JTA (Java Telnet App) but…
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Terminal emulator or shell with vim-like commands

I've kind of become vim crazy these last few months, using plugins like Vimium to control chrome. I currently use iTerm2, but I was wondering if there were any terminal emulators or shells that use vim commands or could be configured to have vim…
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Java terminal emulator

Does anyone knows of a library or a class that emulates the vt100 terminal (doesn't matter if graphical or not). What I want basically is a class that implements the logic of a vt100 terminal (like when receiving a "delete" code will call a delete…
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3 answers

Change width of man command ouput

I use Guake terminal emulator a lot. It's the best thing since sliced bred IMO. But one thing has been bugging me, when I want to read man pages the default width of the output is the width of the terminal windows, which in my case is always full…
Kok Nikol
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1 answer

Why am I seeing only 8 colors in terminal (xfce-terminal)?

I'm running Xubuntu 13.04 and I want to use Vim as my default editor for everything. I have downloaded many vim color schemas and tried them out, but all of them don't look like the official screenshot. For example, vim's own color schema - desert…
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Python terminal emulation

I'd like to have an xterm-compatible virtual terminal running inside a Python app. I'll need to run ncurses-based applications inside it, feed it with user's input and read its output. So far I've found python-vte, but it only provides a GTK+ widget…
Eugene Pankov
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0 answers

Linux terminal emulator for tmux control mode

Is there a terminal emulator for Linux that supports tmux control mode? I'm searching for an equivalent to iterm2. iterm2 does the job under Mac OSX.
Bernd Jungblut
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A terminal-like window for wxWidgets?

I'm looking to add an element to my wxWidgets GUI that behaves like a terminal emulator. Not in terms of a shell which executes commands, but just the input-output setup of an application running in a terminal. Basically, the requirements…
Jeremy Salwen
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Neovim terminal emulator configuration for Windows 10

I am trying to configure Neovim for Windows. One of the key things of this configuration is getting access to the terminal-emulator (it's very comfortable to switch and use the terminal with Vim). But I can't manage to get it to work. I use Neovim…
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3 answers

Bash script for notification when internet is accessible

I wrote this bash script to have a notification when internet becomes accessible but I don't understand many of things that are happening. Here is the script: while ! ping -c 1 2&> /dev/null ; do true; done; The -c 1 option tells ping that…
nawfel bgh
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Is it possible to use node.js in mvc application?

I want to integrate node.js web-terminal emulator into a ASP.NET MVC application. So before that, I would like to know the possibility of integration of node.js with ASP.NET MVC.
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