Questions tagged [terminal-emulator]

Terminal emulators are programs that emulate a terminal within some other display architecture. Often associated with a command line shell, but the term extends to all remote terminals and their graphical interfaces.

Terminal emulators emulate a terminal, typically within a graphical user interface (GUI). The type of terminal emulated may vary and range from terminals such as VT100, IBM 3270/8/9/E, Sun console, QNX, AT386, SCO-ANSI, and many others. Additionally, programs have been developed to emulate other terminal emulators such as xterm and assorted console terminals (e.g., for Linux). Finally, some emulations simply refer to a standard, such as ANSI. Terminal emulators are available on many platforms ranging from DOS and Unix to Windows and Macintosh, to embedded operating systems found in cellphones and industrial hardware.

Popular terminal emulators include xterm, aterm, gnome-terminal, konsole, rxvt, PuTTY, SecureCRT, and many others.

252 questions
1 answer

Is there a way to make regions in term modes respect line wrapping?

When using a term mode derivative (like ansi-term or multi-term), I often want to select a region and copy it someplace else. If that region includes a line which wraps at the edge of the terminal window, pasting that region in another buffer always…
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Executing python script in android terminal emulator

I installed python 2.7 in my Android device and I tried executing a python script by typing the command in terminal emulator. The problem is that although I use the full path for python the following error appears: link_image[1997]: failed to link…
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3 answers

How to programmatically determine character dimensions of my terminal window?

I am writing a script which will display a stock chart as ASCII art in a terminal emulator window. I normally use OSX/ but a Linux-based solution would be an acceptable alternative. My script currently has command-line args for screen…
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iTerm2 hide marks

I recently install the Shell Integration for iTerm2, but it also added those little arrows (called marks) when entering as shell command, which are really annoying. Is there any way to disable/hide them, I cannot find online?
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Shift key doesn't work in my emacs

I run emacs in gnome-terminal with -nw option, it works well except for some key shortcuts that include the shift key. For example, when I execute C-M-S-v (scroll-other-window-down), only C-M-v keys are recognised by Emacs which in turn scrolls the…
Douglas Su
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Android: How to create a notification from the command line (terminal emulator or shell script)?

I would like to create a notification (icon in notification bar plus message in notification drawer) from a shell script that I'm running on my android device. I have CyanogenMod11, which comes with BusyBox v1.22.1 bionic. I've discovered how to…
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2 answers

Lines vs rows in the terminal

There appears to be some concept of lines vs rows in terminal emulators, about which I'd like to know more. Demonstration of what I mean by rows vs lines The Python script below displays three lines of 'a' and waits, then with three lines of…
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How can I make my terminal prompt extend the width of the terminal?

I noticed in this video, that the terminal prompt extends the entire width of the terminal before breaking down to a new line. How can I set my PS1 variable to fill the remaining terminal space with some character, like the way this user did? The…
Trevor Hickey
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emacs shell: type once, run everywhere

Within emacs, I want to have multiple shells open, type a command once, and have it run in each shell -- similar to the way multixterm ( ) does.
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0 answers

How can I send a tn3270 compatible screen to a terminal emulator?

I want to test a terminal emulator I have, but I really don't want to learn Hercules 360, before someone mentions that. I'm not after creating mainframe applications, what really want to do is learn how to send tn3270 screens for display on a…
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1 answer

libcaca - changing ascii glyphs to Katakana

I am creating a video effect that is supposed to look as in "Matrix" movie, but a bit different ("Matrix"-like video output will be mixed with an altered alpha channel with real video, so it will look half real, half with digits). I am using simply…
1 answer

ANSI escape sequence for collapsing/folding text (maybe hierarchically)

E.g. in Travis, by printing travis_fold:start: and travis_fold:end:, which behave like escape codes for Travis, it will fold the text away. See here about Travis folding. See for example this output. The same would be…
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how to get root access on android 2.3 emulator

i am trying to get root access on my android emulator to run iptables. i went through many forums and tried many methods but nothing seems to work. the following is my device specification and i try everything on emulator. version - 2.3 kernel…
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3 answers

MySQL command output too wide in command-line client

I am using mysql command line client in terminal emulator lxterminal in Ubuntu. When I run the following command: mysql> select * from routines where routine_name = "simpleproc"; The output is a mess: But if I copy and paste it here, the output…
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Writing a Linux Terminal emulator

I'd like to write a x11 terminal emulator, but I don't know how I should spawn and communicate with the shell, is there any basic (pseudo- or C) code for that? like what sort of PTY to create, how to bind the shell to it, what signals I have to…
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