Questions tagged [terminal-emulator]

Terminal emulators are programs that emulate a terminal within some other display architecture. Often associated with a command line shell, but the term extends to all remote terminals and their graphical interfaces.

Terminal emulators emulate a terminal, typically within a graphical user interface (GUI). The type of terminal emulated may vary and range from terminals such as VT100, IBM 3270/8/9/E, Sun console, QNX, AT386, SCO-ANSI, and many others. Additionally, programs have been developed to emulate other terminal emulators such as xterm and assorted console terminals (e.g., for Linux). Finally, some emulations simply refer to a standard, such as ANSI. Terminal emulators are available on many platforms ranging from DOS and Unix to Windows and Macintosh, to embedded operating systems found in cellphones and industrial hardware.

Popular terminal emulators include xterm, aterm, gnome-terminal, konsole, rxvt, PuTTY, SecureCRT, and many others.

252 questions
1 answer

Android - Strip extra \r\n's in stream?

Updated question: I am trying to connect to a terminal emulator using a library in android, this will connect to a serial device and should show me sent/received data. I should be able to send data over the connection via a text box below the…
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Can 'touch' work and 'mkdir' fail?

Could there ever be a situation in which touch would work and mkdir would fail, within a directory. I understand that both these calls involve writing to the inode of the parent directory. So if touch worked, doesn't it automatically mean that the…
Anirudh Ramanathan
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How does a Terminal Emulator communicates with shell?

I am remaking some programs from scratch to learn how they work. This time its psudo term. I read in wiki that a term works char by char. And even on some posts that its does so. So I implemented it in java with process builder. Read key strokes…
0 answers

Unable to install PuTTY Using Homebrew on Big Sur

I'm trying to install PuTTY on my Macbook Air using Homebrew with the "brew install putty" command, but I'm running into the following error: ==> Searching for similarly named formulae... Error: No similarly named formulae found. Error: No available…
1 answer

Maintainable approach for generating a machine-specific PS1 Prompt

To help myself remember that I am logged into a different system, quickly and visually, I use different colors for the \h field in the Bash PS1 environment variable. I am looking for a way to reliably generate the PS1, tied to a static…
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Qt - get output from running process

I would like to get output from running process on Linux in Qt. My code looks like this: #include "mainwindow.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include #include QProcess process; MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : …
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the terminal emulator configuration in the UFT

I have a problem because I have been sharing try to get a solution. I'm trying to configure the Terminal Emulator on HP-UFT, but unfortunately do not know even begin. I would want to install something before the UFT configuration? Thank you.
1 answer

Application hangs during rapid text drawing

I am working on terminal emulation app to connect to my unix servers through telnet, i am using tableview (one cell for the one text line). What troubles me is that when server sends enormous textual data in response to some command, that makes app…
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Scripting in Android with terminal emulator

I was a beginner in Linux. And I had no Computer when I wrote this. I used terminal emulator on my Android to run Linux commands. I installed Busybox too. I also had root access.I tried to execute a shell script "". The terminal opens but…
Joe_Vj _95
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How can I embed Ruby shell (or pry) emulator into a website?

I'd like to add Ruby shell (irb) or pry emulator into a website like Try Ruby. How can I do it? EDIT: TryRuby was created with jquery-console as I understood from its source code but I wonder another way (especially in Ruby, otherwise JavaScript) to…
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How can I configure Pericom Tandem Emulator(TN6530) with QTP

I know how to connect Hummingbird with QTP but dont know how to configure Pericom Tandem Emulator(TN6530) . I dont even know if it supports hillapi or not. Please provide detailed answer.
1 answer

Terminal behavior within program

I'm using the termcaps library for my UI. And i wish to know if there is some way to change how the emulator behave ? eg: Enable terminal scrollback buffer (termcap flag 'da' and 'db' set to one) Thank you
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