Questions tagged [tmux]

tmux is a terminal multiplexer: it enables a number of terminals (or windows), each running a separate program, to be created, accessed, and controlled from a single screen. tmux may be detached from a screen and continue running in the background, then later reattached.

tmux is intended to be a simple, modern, BSD-licensed alternative to programs such as GNU screen.

When tmux is started it creates a new session with a single window and displays it on screen. A status line at the bottom of the screen shows information on the current session and is used to enter interactive commands.

A session is a single collection of pseudo terminals under the management of tmux. Each session has one or more windows linked to it. A window occupies the entire screen and may be split into rectangular panes, each of which is a separate pseudo terminal


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1631 questions
8 answers

Is there any way to redraw tmux window when switching smaller monitor to bigger one?

Let's say you're connecting to a remote server over ssh with When you "tmux attach" with bigger resolution monitor from smaller one you previously started tmux, it draws dots around the console. It doesn't fit the new window size. Is…
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3 answers

How to increase scrollback buffer size in tmux?

How do I increase scrollback buffer size in tmux? If I enter copy mode, the number of available scrollback lines (visible in upper right corner) is always below 2000. I tried to find a list of all tmux commands, but I can't find anything about…
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21 answers

How to set up tmux so that it starts up with specified windows opened?

How to set up tmux so that it starts up with specified windows opened?
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9 answers

tmux set -g mouse-mode on doesn't work

I've been looking around and people say that putting set -g mouse-mode on should let you scroll through the terminal output when running tmux. However, after both putting this in my ~/.tmux.conf file and saying tmux set -g mouse-mode on when in a…
David says Reinstate Monica
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21 answers

lose vim colorscheme in tmux mode

I'm running iterm2 and when I'm in tmux mode the colorscheme I have set in vim does not show up. Only the color scheme I've set in iterm. If I run vim from shell the colorscheme appears correct - its only when I'm in tmux mode. I've tried setting…
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11 answers

How to terminate a window in tmux?

How to terminate a window in tmux? Like the Ctrlak shortcut in screen with Ctrla being the prefix.
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5 answers

Keep the window's name fixed in tmux

I'm new to tmux. I want to keep the windows' name fixed after I rename it. But after I renaming it, they keep changing when I execute the commands. Is there any way that I can keep them in a static name?
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2 answers

How do I disconnect all other users in tmux?

I've got a tmux session where the window is too small because some user somewhere is connected. How do I tell tmux to disconnect all connected users?
Drew LeSueur
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8 answers

How to send a command to all panes in tmux?

I like to call :clear-history on panes with a huge scrollback. However, I want to script a way to send this command to all the panes in the various windows. I know how to send a command to all the windows, courtesy of this question, but how do I…
Ehtesh Choudhury
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13 answers

How can I clear scrollback buffer in Tmux?

FYI, I am using Tmux through the Mac OS X Terminal app.
Daya Sharma
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4 answers

Tmux: How do I find out the currently running version of tmux?

I know that I can run tmux -V to find the version of tmux that is in my PATH, but how can I get the version of tmux that is currently running?
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7 answers

How to rename a pane in tmux?

How to rename a pane in tmux ?
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7 answers

How to create new tmux session if none exists

I am trying to figure out how to attach to a tmux session if a named tmux session exists, if not I want to create a new one with the given name. Currently, I know of a few tmux commands which can partly achieve what I am looking for, but its not…
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3 answers

How to send commands when opening a tmux session inside another tmux session?

A typical situation may be: $ tmux [0] $ ssh $ tmux attach [0] $ I open a tmux session, then ssh in to a server and attach to an existing tmux session. At this point I have one tmux session inside another. How do I send…
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1 answer

tmux: How to join two tmux windows into one, as panes?

I have two tmux windows, with a single pane in each, and I would like to join these two panes together into a single window as a horizontal split panes. How could I do that?
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