Questions tagged [tchromium]

TChromium is a VCL control wrapping around the "Chromium" web browser.It is defined in the cefvcl.pas unit. It's included in the Delphi "Chromium Embedded project" by Henri Gourvest.


128 questions
1 answer

Delphi Chromium Embedded on DLL Form

I have an application that uses VCL forms from DLL. On one of the forms I placed TChromium from DelphiChromiumEmbedded. There is a problem: when I unload my DLL (form destroyed), the application freezes without any errors or AVs. I found some answer…
1 answer

How to get elements by name in Delphi Chromium Embedded?

To get a particular DOM node embedded in the current web document from a TChromium instance, using its ID, you use ICefDomDocument.getElementById(). But how do you find elements by the NAME attribute? Javascript has the…
Robert Oschler
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1 answer

OnLoadEnd called multiple times from Chromum Embedded Framework

Using CEF Browser I try to hook to the OnLoadEnd event in order to traverse the DOM tree. For some strange reason I get the VisitDom called 2 times. procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin FBrowser := TChromium.Create(Self); …
Gad D Lord
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5 answers

Error on LoadURL with TChromium

I found the brilliant Delphi Chromium project for embedding Chrome in a Delphi form. It works well in Delphi7 after a bit of hacking and I can get the demo app running. However when I do my own app with the component, I can't load my own url. I…
Toby Allen
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1 answer

How to install Delphi Chromium Embedded in Delphi 2007?

I'm trying to install Delphi Chromium in Delphi 2007, but there is not a .dpk file for this version in the 'packages' dir. There are packages for D7 and newer versions (XE, XE2), but not for 2007. I tried to use the D7 package, but it returns me…
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2 answers

Emulate Keyboard Typing

How can I emulate typing of a real human in either TWebBrowser or TChromium. It can be either of those two.
Santos Oliveira
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How to click the Chrome Mic button from Javascript in Delphi 6 app, or at least find the button and get its Windows screen coordinates?

I have a Delphi 6 app that embeds the Chromium web browser. I want to click the Chrome microphone button (speech input control) from Javascript. I tried the usual method of calling the button's click() handler, but nothing happened. Below is the…
Robert Oschler
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1 answer

Delphi Chromium - launch a command in Delphi application when button in web page is clicked by user

I'm using Chromium component in a Delphi application. I'd like the following behaviour: When user clicks a specific button in a web page, the Delphi application (the 'container') must execute a command (launch an external executable with ...). Is it…
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Chromium embedded framework: Creating an object fails when using "ExecuteFunctionWithContext"

Overview I am using chromium embedded framework (cef) on Delphi 2009, it is the latest release. Error I can use ExecuteFunctionWithContext to successfully execute a JavaScript callback routine and I can supply it with arguments. However, when I try…
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How to change default background color for TChromium component?

I use TChromium. I assign AWebPageAsString which is a static HTML page with a gray background color. FBrowser := TChromium.Create(pnlHolder); FBrowser.Visible := false; FBrowser.Parent := TWinControl(pnlHolder); FBrowser.Align :=…
Gad D Lord
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1 answer

Make TChromium render anti-aliased

I use the latest TChromium Delphi wrapper of Chromium Embedded Framework from ( The fonts does not get displayed anti-aliased. How I can switch this behaviour on? I tried with this hack which works…
Gad D Lord
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1 answer

Delphi CEF Check if site is not reachable

I'm use CEF 3.2623.1401.gb90a3be (Chromium 49.0.2623.110) in my project in Delphi 10.1. (I have to use a fairly old version of CEF/Chromium for backwards compatibility with WinXP). How do I can check if a site is not reachable? if I try to open any…
Red October
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0 answers

CEF3 upload file without open dialog

I'm use CEF 3.2454.1344.g2782fb8 (Chromium 45.0.2454.101) in my project in Delphi 10.1. (I have to use a fairly old version of CEF/Chromium for backwards compatibility with WinXP). So my question is: when I click "Upload" button on any site I get a…
Red October
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1 answer

Delphi Chromium - Iterate DOM

I'm trying to iterate the DOM using TChromium and because i use Delphi 2007 i can't use anonymous methods, so i created a class inherited of TCEFDomVisitorOwn. My code is as below, but for some reason the 'visit' procedure is never called, so…
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0 answers

TChromium (RAD Studio, C++ Builder): how to use VisitDom and other similar methods?

I need to write a Windows application that uses browser component in it. I chose RAD Studio's C++ Builder because I have already used it in the past, however, I'm not so much experienced in C++ programming as I do in web-dev (I'm mainly a…
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