Questions tagged [twebbrowser]

TWebBrowser is a VCL component available in the Delphi Internet tool-palette. It is defined in the `SHDocVw.pas` unit. It provides access to the Web browser functionality of Microsoft's Shell Doc Object and Control Library.

451 questions
1 answer

Update TWebBrowser in a separate thread?

I use a TWebBrowser to show a Google map. The problem is that it blocks the main ui thread while it loads the map. Is it possible to update the map in a separate thread? Edit: RRUZ you are right TWebBrowser have async loading for the URL. But I…
Roland Bengtsson
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How can I disable javascript errors on "TWebbrowser"?

I am getting javascript errors popping up in some webpages I am browsing to. Does anyone know how to disable javascript error boxes from displaying in a Delphi app using a TWebbrowser? or any other messageboxes?
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3 answers

How to have Delphi TWebbrowser component running in IE9 mode?

I am experiencing Javascript errors with TWebbrowser due to the fact that TWebbrowser is running in IE7 compatibility mode. Is there a way to prevent this and just have it run in IE9 mode?
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4 answers

How can I get HTML source code from TWebBrowser

How can I get source code from WebBrowser component? I want to get source code of active page on WebBrowser component and write it to a Memo component. Thanks.
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How to debug division by zero exception in Internet Explorer?

i am hosting Internet Explorer in a Windows application. i can scroll down to the bottom of the document. When i then try to scroll back up i get a division by zero exception: When i scroll using Page Up the crash appears to happen at the call to…
Ian Boyd
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1 answer

Chrome/ Firefox Alternative to TWebBrowser Control

I have a Delphi app that shows a group of webpages in a TWebBrowser control. Its a kiosk type app so a user touches a button on the side and it shows a particular webpage in a tab. I am having some problems with certain sites and getting IE…
Toby Allen
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2 answers

How to make TWebBrowser Zoom when using ctrl+mousewheel like Internet Explorer does?

According to,guid,356fbe68-3ed6-4781-90a4-57070a0141da.aspx and getting the hosted WebBrowser to zoom using the control key and the mouse…
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1 answer

Javascript in Delphi TWebBrowser, Closing Threads

I am attempting to build a system in delphi that allows users to use Google Maps. It all works fine, but i'm noticing that every time a new TWebBrowser object is created and the javascript that handles Google Maps is loaded, a number of new Threads…
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3 answers

open default browser with a post in Delphi

I know in delphi you can open the default browser with: ShellExecute(self.WindowHandle,'open','',nil,nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL); but I'm wanting to know if there is a way to automatically post data on the new opened brower window OR auto…
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Masking floating point exceptions with Set8087CW, SetMXCSR and TWebBrowser

As I am receiving "Floating point division by zero" exception when using TWebBrowser and TEmbeddedWB from time to time, I discovered that I need to mask division by zero exceptions Set8087CW or SetMXCSR. Q1: What would be the best approach to do…
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Is there a technical reason not to use a TWebBrowser in Delphi to view Google Earth?

I do hope that this is not deleted as subjective. The only subjective part might be that 1) my Delphi is better than my PHP and 2) I prefer compiled to interpreted programming languages. However, the actual (non-subjective) question is - if I choose…
Mawg says reinstate Monica
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How i can display the output of a rss feed in HTML format in a TWebBrowser?

I Want to show the output of a rss feed in a formatted HTML in a TWebBrowser component, if a load this feed in a TWebbrowser, this shows the content as a XML file but if I use IE to load the same…
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How to force load a page in Twebbrowser control when this is not visible

i need to execute some javascript functions from delphi code, but this functions fails if the page is not loaded in the Twebbrowser control. so the problem is if page is located in a tabshet wich is not active the page is not loaded until the…
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1 answer

TWebBrowser control slow performance only in Delphi

Can someone explain me why TWebBrowser control is working so slow on all XE editions of Delphi including XE5 and possibly XE6? To test this you need to create a new Delphi project and put TWebBrowser control in it. On form show event, navigate to…
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Modify requestHeaders in "custom" browser in delphi

I have a browser integrated in my deplhi application (IE). I need to call a certain web app and I need to append a new variable in the header for all the requests that come from my application's browser, like jquery adds to the xhrobj the…
Catalin Marin
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