Questions tagged [delphi-7]

Delphi 7, released in August 2002, is a version of Delphi for Windows 32 bit.

Delphi 7 (codename: Aurora) is a specific version of Delphi. Always use the tag alongside this tag.

It was released in August 2002, became the standard version used by more Delphi developers than any other single version. It is one of the most successful IDEs created by Borland because of its stability, speed and low hardware requirements, and remained in active use as of 2011. Delphi 7 added support for Windows XP Themes, and added more support for building Web applications. It was the last version of Delphi which could be used without mandatory software activation.

Its release immediately preceded a period of turbulence in the history of Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero that, combined with Delphi 7's robustness, contributed to its widespread use and longevity. In this regard, Delphi 7 can be considered the counterpart to MSVC6.

Delphi 7 introduced full support for XP themes, probably the most significant enhancement over Delphi 6.

Delphi 7 was preceded by Delphi 6 and succeeded by Delphi 8 (Codename: Octane).


Borland Delphi 7 Studio was released in four different editions:

  • Architect
  • Enterprise
  • Professional
  • Personal


2996 questions
9 answers

Unit testing in Delphi - how are you doing it?

I'm wondering how the few Delphi users here are doing unit testing, if any? Is there anything that integrates with the IDE that you've found works well? If not, what tools are you using and do you have or know of example mini-projects that…
Drew Gibson
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5 answers

Delphi: StringList Delimiter is always a space character even if Delimiter is set

I am having trouble with the delimiter in the TStringList Class. Take a look: var s: string; sl: TStringList; begin sl := TStringList.Create; s := 'Users^foo bar^bar foo^foobar^barfoo'; sl.Delimiter := '^'; sl.DelimitedText := s; …
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6 answers

Antivirus False positive in my executable

I just ran into an annoying problem. Suddenly Avira AntiVir started to flag one executable from my software as being a virus. As the default action from almost any user is to click OK and Avira suggests to put the virus in quarantine, most of my…
Ricardo Acras
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5 answers

wsMaximized forms do not appear maximized

Setting a form to WindowState = wsMaximized will sometimes cause the form to be maximized but not: Long-time bug: this is a question I first asked in the Borland newsgroups in 2003: Accepted fix for WindowState = wsMaximized? and then again in…
Ian Boyd
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2 answers

How to hook a method to the Edit event in Delphi 7 IDE?

I'd like to automatically checkout a file when I start to edit it in Delphi 7 IDE. ClearCase is my version control system and I really hate the need to checkout a file before starting to edit. It always breaks my thought flow: I'm trying to solve a…
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6 answers

How hard is it to migrate a project from Delphi 7 to Delphi XE?

Our company have a software that has been in development for over 10 years, so there are some really dated stuff in there. It's still quite functional and everything, but I see the new features on Delphi XE and it makes me want to switch. Problem is…
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3 answers

ms sql xml data type convert to text

in MS Sql there are data types that are not supported by delphi 7, the xml datatype is one example. I wish to convert the XML datatype to Text datatype, so that i could handle it in delphi. Is there a way to convert from xml to text?
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6 answers

Form is hidden behind other forms when ShowModal is called

My application is based on modal forms. Main form opens one form with ShowModal, this form opens another with ShowModal, so we have stacked modal forms. There is sometimes a problem that when we call ShowModal in new form, it hides behind previous…
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6 answers

Delphi won't run

If I try to run Delphi 7, I get this frightening message: Borland license information was found, but it is not valid for Delphi. You cannot run Delphi without this information. Click the exit button to exit Delphi. Delphi was running fine this…
No'am Newman
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6 answers

how can delphi 'string' literals be more than 255?

im working on delphi 7 and i was working on a strings, i came across this For a string of default length, that is, declared simply as string, max size is always 255. A ShortString is never allowed to grow to more than 255 characters. on delphi…
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3 answers

Arithmetic bitwise shift right "a shr b" with signed integers that stored in variables – wrong results! Internal Delphi’s bug?

I have a question (or more likely a bug report) about bit shifting behavior in Delphi (tested in Borland Delphi 7). Target: perform an "Arithmetic" bitwise shift right with any number. This means that sign-bit must be extended – binary number will…
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2 answers

How to get current method's name in Delphi 7?

Is there any way to know the name of a method I'm currently in? So that: procedure TMyObject.SomeMethod(); begin Writeln('my name is: ' + ); end; would produce this output: my name is: SomeMethod
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1 answer

How do I avoid UAC when my EXE file name contains the word "update"?

I noticed the following phenomenon: An executable built with Delphi 7 and part of the name including "Update" (e.g. "UpdateMyApp.exe") causes UAC to step in to display a warning like "do you want to allow the program to make changes to your…
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3 answers

How to use Animated Gif in a delphi form

I think theres no native support to gif animated images. How is the best way? any free component that allow that? I was thinking in using a TImage and a ImageList + Timer, but I need to export each frame of the gif to a separated bmp file.
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4 answers

How to save a string to a .txt file in Delphi?

I need to make a program that generates a password that is saved in a text file format in a specific destination I set and the user needs to open the .txt to get the password to 'unlock' another program. I have already got the code to generate the…
Nyt Ryda
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