Questions tagged [delphi-6]

Delphi 6 is a specific version of Delphi. It was released in May 2001. Delphi 6 generates .Net code which differentiates it from the Delphi versions before or after it. Use this tag for issues related to development in Delphi, version 6.

Delphi 6 is a specific version of Delphi.

Delphi 6 codename is Iliad.

Delphi 6 introduced a number of new features for building and using industry-standard Web Services with full support for XML, SOAP and WSDL. Delphi 6 also included the CLX library, a cross-platform alternative to the Windows-only VCL, for targetting both Windows and Linux with a single codebase. Delphi 6 was available in three editions: Enterprise, Professional and Personal.

Delphi 6 was preceded by Delphi 5 and succeeded by Delphi 7. From August 2003 it was no longer officially supported.

253 questions
8 answers

What's the difference between public and published class members in Delphi?

Please could someone explain me what's the difference between public and published class members in Delphi? I tried to look at Delphi help and I understand that these members have the same visibility, but I don't understand very well how they differ…
Ondra C.
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4 answers

What is the difference between compiling and building in Delphi?

With Delphi-6 there are two options: Build and Compile. I know when I run a program it compiles only the files which have changed and uses the DCUs for those which haven't. When I click build apparently it rebuilds the DCUs. What I have been…
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Do I need to finalize array of records in Delphi?

In my application I have the following record: TTransaction = record Alias: string Description: string Creation: TDateTime Count: Integer end; and I'm using this record in this array: Transactions = array of TTransaction; I'm keeping the…
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Delphi - How to prevent Forms/MsgBoxes to move under prior form?

Many times after the Windows 98 era we have experienced that some dialogs lose their Z-Order and move back to the prior form. For example: Dialog1.ShowModal; Dialog1.OnClickButton() : ShowMessage('anything'); When MessageBox appears, it sometimes…
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6 answers

How do I compile my Delphi project on the command line?

Has anyone ever managed to compile their Delphi 6 & 7 (NOT any Delphi > 7 ) projects using the command line? All the instructions I see are not very clear on what exactly needs to go where! Am looking for step-by-step kind of instructions. Answers…
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Delphi - Is there any equivalent to C# lock?

I'm writing a multi-threaded application in Delphi and need to use something to protect shared resources. In C# I'd use the "lock" keyword: private someMethod() { lock(mySharedObj) { // something with mySharedObj } } In Delphi…
Ondra C.
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1 answer

Indy 10 - IdSMTP.Connect raising "Could not load SSL library."

Here is my configuration: IdSMTP1.Host := ''; IdSMTP1.Port := 587; IdSMTP1.UseTLS := utUseExplicitTLS; IdSMTP1.IOHandler := IdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL1; IdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL1.SSLOptions.Method := sslvTLSv1; I've downloaded the…
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9 answers

How reliable is the Random function in Delphi

I am writing a program which write statistical tests in Delphi (must be Delphi) and I've heard that the Random functionality is somewhat odd. You have to call randomize to randomize the seed of the random function when the program starts. I'm…
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2 answers

"specific to a platform" warning in Delphi 6 on Windows 7

We have some legacy code that compiles in Delphi 6. There are plans to rewrite it in a more current IDE, but they are a ways out. When we compile it we get several warnings like this: FPrecision is specific to a platform. This is in VCL\DB.pas. …
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Recent Failures on Delphi TADOStoredProc / D6 and RAD Studio XE2

Thanks to any that can provide some assistance... Background: I have an application coded and still supported in Borland Delphi v6. Very recently I have had issues with the TADOStoredProc class failing to execute the stored procedure. This code…
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Can Delphi 6 be installed in Windows 10

Previously, a few weeks back, I asked a similar question regarding D6 and Windows 7. After installing Delphi 6 in another path, it worked. BUT now, after upgrading from W7 to Windows 10 it no longer works. I am prompted to register the software. I…
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Delphi 6: How can I change created filedate (= file creation date)

I've been searching now for HOURS on Google (and here). And I cannot find a solution. I want to CHANGE the "Created Filetime" (= creation filetime) in DELPHI 6. Not the "Modified file time" (for which a simple call to "FileSetDate()" is needed) and…
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Convert hex str to decimal value in delphi

I've got a problem to convert a string representation of an hex value in integer value with Delphi. for example: $FC75B6A9D025CB16 give me 802829546 when i use the function: Abs(StrToInt64('$FC75B6A9D025CB16')) but if i use the calc program from…
Simon Mardiné
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5 answers

How to force Delphi compiler to display all hints and warnings

Is there a way to force the Delphi compiler to display all hints and warnings all the time? Here is the behavior that I am currently seeing in Delphi 6: Check out fresh copy of my application from source control Open project in Delphi and…
Scott W
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2 answers

Is there a way to make a Delphi VCL form sizable without changing the BorderStyle?

I have just spent quite a lot of time trying to make the Tools/Environment Options dialog of the Delphi 6/7 IDE sizable from within GExperts. Everything seemed to work fine until I found that changing the form's BorderStyle to bsSizable closes and…
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