Questions tagged [simulator]

A simulator is an automated model that captures the essential logic and behaviour of a particular object. A good simulator allows investigating the properties of the object, exploring "what-if" scenarios, or incorporating the object into a landscape interacting objects. Simulator design often involves running probability engines over know or estimated distributions, time slicing, and state machines. Implementations are frequently object oriented.

A simulator is an automated model that captures the essential logic and behaviour of a particular object. A good simulator allows investigating the properties of the object, exploring "what-if" scenarios, or incorporating the object into a landscape interacting objects. Simulator design often involves running probability engines over know or estimated distributions, time slicing, and state machines. Implementations are frequently object oriented.

1600 questions
10 answers

ios simulator: how to close an app

When you "run" the simulator from xCode, the app automatically launches, and then you can click the home button to suspend the app. What I want to do is close the app from within the simulator. So, how can this be done?
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Adjusting the Xcode iPhone simulator scale and size

Is there anyway to make the iOS simulator for iPhone 5 in Xcode, be the actual size of the iPhone 5. I'm getting a huge display and things seemed to be scaled.
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12 answers

How to resize the iPhone/iPad Simulator?

The iPad-simulator is really small (like one third the size of the real iPad screen) on my 23" Full-HD screen (and also on the 15" MacBook Pro). Is there a way to resize it? I know it must maintain size and dpi-ratio to prevent sub-pixels, but I can…
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7 answers

Xcode6: Run two instances of the simulator

I have two different targets for my iOS app. Is it possible to run simultaneously the two apps on two different instances of the simulator? It's ok if it would require not to benefit of the Xcode's debugger. So far the only solution I found was to…
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9 answers

How to pinch out in iOS simulator when map view is only a portion of the screen?

I have a view on the iPad that I am adding an MKMapView to that is say half the height of the full screen. However, when I try to pinch out on the iOS Simulator it doesn't work since the to nubs fill the entire iPad view on the simulator. And so,…
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9 answers

Xcode Simulator animations extremely slow when played in editor

Recently I have experienced, that Xcode's simulator has become extremely slow. Also if I create a new app and run it i, the transition between the launch screen and the first view controller takes about 3 seconds. Luckily it is only the iOS 9…
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3 answers

Can I install the "app store" in an IOS simulator?

The IOS simulator in my computer doesn't have app store. I want to use the app store to test a program I wrote on my simulator. Is it possible to install the app store in my simulator?
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10 answers

The app delegate must implement the window property if it wants to use a main storyboard file swift

I have just developed an app, but when running in the simulator the debugger console says: The app delegate must implement the window property if it wants to use a main storyboard file. I have an app delegate file. What does the message…
Ethan Marcus
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3 answers

Can React Native apps be tested in a browser?

Realizing that React Native apps are designed to be developed / tested using simulators, is it possible to use a web browser to also test an application? Services such as exist, however my concern is it's powered by…
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17 answers

How can I reset the iOS Simulator from the command line?

I need to reset the iPhone Simulator a lot, and haven't found a way to do it without using the mouse. It's a small thing, but I'm really sick of doing it and would love to have a way to do this using a keyboard shortcut. Even better would be a way…
Cameron Brown
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19 answers

Xcode only lets me run for an iOS device (no simulator)

I just cloned a project into Xcode and am trying to run it in the simulator. However, my only option is iOS Device. This is unique to this project only and I don't know how to fix it. Anyone else run into this and know how to fix it?
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8 answers

Xcode 6.4 showing duplicate 'Simulators' with Unique Id

Till yesterday, everything was normal with Xcode. It was showing simulators as : But today, when I opened it, simulator list changed to : Every simulator can be seen twice, name followed by a unique id. I have also observed that same named…
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7 answers

How to mimic two-finger scroll/drag gesture on ios simulator?

I have a scroll page that I specified two fingers minimum. It works on my device, but don't know how to mimic this gesture on Simulator. I can mimic one-finger scroll without problem. I've tried option/ctrl/shift etc, but couldn't get it work. Maybe…
Tony Xu
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8 answers

Download Xcode simulator directly

I have downloaded Xcode 6.2 today which replaced previous Xcode 6.1 now to use simulator 7.1 & 8.1 it asks to download both simulators , but for some reason after trying 4-5 times it shows network issues in downloading or request time out (note: in…
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8 answers

Programmatically detect if app is being run on device or simulator

I'd like to know whether my app is being run on device or simulator at run time. Is there a way to detect this? Reason being to test bluetooth api with simulator:
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