Questions tagged [sproutcore]

Sproutcore is an advanced HTML5 application framework.

SproutCore is a full-stack JavaScript framework that follows the MVC pattern. It comes with a full featured model layer which includes a queryable in-memory store, many useful view widgets and a powerful statechart library for organising application logic.

Sproutcore uses a set of command-line build tools, which include a development server, a build package generator, and class generators. Sproutcore also includes support for QUnit to promote testing. In addition, Sproutcore also has the option to use handlebars templates and SCSS.

249 questions
4 answers

Accessibility and all these JavaScript frameworks

I've been investigating a few of the JavaScript frameworks such as Backbone.js and Batman.js for a while and whilst I really like them, I have one niggling thing that I keep coming back to. That issue is accessibility. As a web developer I've always…
5 answers

SproutCore vs. Cappuccino

Aside from the language differences Javascript vs. Objective-J what benefits does Cappuccino provide over SproutCore and vice-versa in your experiences? In terms of a long-term forecast, is SproutCore more "supported" than Cappuccino because it is…
Sheehan Alam
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2 answers

Differences between Sproutcore and Ember

I had selected sproutcore as a framework right before Ember forked from sproutcore. I am left uncertain of which way to go and a bit frustrated in the apparent dilution of efforts caused by the fragmentation - as rarely does that lead to better…
Troy Harvey
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How to push/pop arrays in Ember.js?

I can include an array in an Ember object, and display the contents using Handlebars. However, I can only replace the array contents using set(). How can I modify the array contents using push/pop/etc. and still have the UI bindings update? //…
Luke Dennis
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How to do commenting in emberjs script handlebars?

Can anybody tell me how to include commented code in emberjs handlebars templates?
Kapil Garg
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5 answers

SproutCore and Cappuccino

I'm about to build a web app and I would like to use either SproutCore or Cappuccino. Only thing is, I can't figure out which one to use... I've been reading about them, and they seem to share the same goals (MVC on the client, with a thin REST…
2 answers

What is SproutCore and why should I care?

I have just seen the news that a person has left Apple to develop SproutCore. It seems to yet another collection of jscript code. So what is the big deal and way are a lot of people making song and dance about it? What does it provide that jquery /…
Ian Ringrose
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7 answers

I am getting rvm: command not found after installation of rvm

I know the above question is very common question. I have gone through multiple posts on this topic. But I didn't get any resolution. I have installed rvm locally. We already have the installation files. SO went into the folder and run the install…
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4 answers

sproutcore vs javascriptMVC for web app development

I want to use a javascript framework with MVC for a complex web application (which will be one of a set of related apps and pages) for an intranet in a digital archives. I have been looking at SproutCore and JavascriptMVC. I want to choose one…
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2 answers

SproutCore Ace for jQueryUI

Does anybody know if there is a port of the SproutCore Ace theme to jQuery UI? link:
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1 answer

Sproutcore vs Cappuccino speed

I am evaluating sproutcore and cappuccino for use in my current project. Since I am a rails developer and I like pure javascript I think that sproutcore suits my style better. My problem is that every single sproutcore sample I have tested seems…
9 answers

Which web application framework?

From the following list of frameworks, which one would you use to develop a rich web application and why would you choose it over the others? Sproutcore GWT ExtJS GXT SmartGWT Dojo / Dijit Flex Capuccino Grails
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3 answers

Using CouchDB's jquery.couch.js?

Here it says that jquery.couch.js is the standard JavaScript API that ships with CouchDB. But how do i get the jquery.couch.js file from couchdb so I could use…
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2 answers

GWT, Sproutcore or Cappuccino

I am about to start a new webapp that will be running on P/GAE and reagarding the front end we would like to use one of the mentioned frameworks (GWT, SC, Cap). Which one do you think is the most developer friendly? It seems that Cappuccino looks…
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Sproutcore + PhoneGap/Titanium?

I'm learning Sproutcore at the moment to write my application on it. The backend will only be a server that pushes json out to the frontend Sproutcore application. I wonder how it will be when I use PhoneGap or Titanium to port my app to the mobile…
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