Questions tagged [dojo]

Dojo Toolkit is an open source modular JavaScript library designed to ease the rapid development of cross-platform, JavaScript/Ajax-based applications and web sites. It is dual-licensed under the BSD License and the Academic Free License. Dojo uses the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) format for its source code, allowing completely modular web application development.

Dojo Toolkit is an open source modular JavaScript library designed to ease the rapid development of cross-platform, JavaScript/Ajax-based applications and web sites. It is dual-licensed under the BSD License and the Academic Free License.


  • Easily make use of third party AMD-compliant libraries like jQuery, Backbone, mooTools, Underscore.js, ... .
  • Build sophisticated webapps using Dojo's widget library, "Dijit".
  • Make your apps ready-for-business using MVC Application Controller & DataBinding.
  • Powerful base APIs containing the essential capabilities any website needs.
  • Build mobile apps with beautiful, native looking themes, optimized for performance.
  • Use the cross-browser high-level gfx API for graphics, charting and visualization.


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9278 questions
5 answers

What happened to Dojo in 2008?

Many of you have seen this graph of Google Trends of popular AJAX frameworks (Dojo, jQuery, YUI). The graph seems to make it clear that interest in Dojo collapsed in the second quarter of 2008, falling by 80%; jQuery picked up the slack and…
Dan Fabulich
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1 answer

dojox.gfx bounding box for Text and Group nodes

The documentation for getBoundingBox() in dojo says: Returns a bounding box of a shape. A text shape is a point-based object, so it doesn't define a bounding box. I don't get it. Any sane implementation of vector graphics for the web includes…
Elazar Leibovich
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4 answers

How to copy a DOM node with event listeners?

I tried node.cloneNode(true); // deep copy It doesn't seem to copy the event listeners that I added using node.addEventListener("click", someFunc);. We use the Dojo library.
Chakradar Raju
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1 answer

Missing events in custom dstore using WebSocket and dgrid

I am trying to create custom Store, which should use WebSocket or REST (in case of WebSocket failure). Code file rachet-store.js It works almost perfectly. It works without problems with the REST also (myRest). Problem is if the wsStore is used and…
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3 answers

How to check if an object has a function? (DoJo)

var testObj = this.getView(); How can I check with DoJo (or just native JS) if testObj has callableFunction before I actually try to call callableFunction() and fail if it isn't there? I would prefer a native-DoJo solution as I need this to work on…
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3 answers


I'm building my own Ajax website, and I'm contemplating between REST and RPC. If my server supported Servlets I'd just install persevere and end the problem, but my server doesn't support Servlets. RPC is simpler to code (IMO) and can be written in…
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3 answers

Chained promises not passing on rejection

I am have a problem understanding why rejections are not passed on through a promise chain and I am hoping someone will be able to help me understand why. To me, attaching functionality to a chain of promises implies an intent that I am depending on…
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1 answer

What is the main difference between require() and define() function in dojo and when would we use either?

I am new to learning dojo and I have come across the require() and define() functions and I can not get my head around either of them. Also, when would I use either of them? A small demo or example would be beneficial. Many Thanks!
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2 answers

Dojo require() and AMD (1.7)

I'm having a heckuva time transitioning to Dojo and the new AMD structure, and I'm really hoping someone can shed some light on the whole concept. I've been living on Google for the last few weeks trying to find information on not the usage, but…
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3 answers

Warning : The page index.html ran insecure content

I deployed my application on google appe engine. My web site use Dojo with the template claro. When I run "google chrome inspection", I see a lot of warning when I navigate throught my site. Here is the type of warnings : The page index.html ran…
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4 answers

Loading Dojo dijit CSS from CDN

I am quite new to dojo world. Using dojo with google's CDN is well and Fine. But while using dijit just dojo.require() does not work. Where can I find the default CSS Themes from CDN ?? and another question out of quorisity: Would the the CSS…
Neel Basu
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3 answers

how to catch ALL javascript errors with window.onerror? (including dojo)

this question is a follow-up to javascript: how to display script errors in a popup alert? where it was explained how to catch regular javascript errors using: