Questions tagged [objective-j]

Objective-J is a programming language for web development and is used to create web applications in the Cappuccino front-end web framework.

Objective-J is a programming language for web development and was used to implement the Cappuccino Web Framework. Objective-J syntax and API is modelled after Objective-C and the language is built entirely on top of JavaScript. Programs written in Objective-J are interpreted in the client, so no compilation or plugins are required. Objective-J is a superset of JavaScript, meaning that any valid JavaScript code is also valid Objective-J code, in the same way that Objective-C is a superset of C. Objective-J is released under the LGPL.

81 questions
21 answers

Xcode Crashing When Opening Project File

Xcode keeps crashing on me when I open my project file. I've been able to open it fine for weeks now. Not sure how to diagnose. It only crashes for a specific project. Process: Xcode [1293] Path: …
Sheehan Alam
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5 answers

SproutCore vs. Cappuccino

Aside from the language differences Javascript vs. Objective-J what benefits does Cappuccino provide over SproutCore and vice-versa in your experiences? In terms of a long-term forecast, is SproutCore more "supported" than Cappuccino because it is…
Sheehan Alam
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2 answers

Is Objective-J essentially JavaScript?

I've been stumbling upon Objective-J. It should be a superset of JavaScript ... but how's that possible without a browser plugin or some addon? How can they drive around the syntax of JavaScript and make it look like Objective-C code? I mean...…
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4 answers

Anyone know of Objective-J syntax highlighting in vi?

I have been looking at the new Objective-J / Cappuccino javascript framework from 280North. They provide plug-ins for SubEthaEdit and TextMate to handle syntax highlighting, but I primarily use vi. Does anyone know of a way to get Objective-J…
Brian Ramsay
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4 answers

Are there other languages than Objective-J that get "compiled" to JavaScript in the browser?

Objective-J is compiled/transformed into JavaScript directly on the browser. (This is contrast to doing this on the server, as GWT does for Java.) Has this approach been implemented for any language, other than Objective-J?
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3 answers

How well is Objective-J documented? Is the documentation good enough to start using it seriously?

I consider going with Objective-J, instead writing plain JavaScript. But I wonder if the documentation of the language and the frameworks is good enough, since it seems like a very young development.
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2 answers

Can I use node.js with Objective-J?

I would like to write a web application using node.js and Cappuccino. I want to write the back-end in Objective-J, just like the front-end. Can I use node.js with Objective-J? What is needed to do this?
4 answers

What is the Best Editor or IDE for Cappuccino Objective J development in Windows?

Could any one recommend me a Good Editor or an IDE for Cappuccino Web development in Windows.
Yoosuf Mohamed
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1 answer

Objective-J and Cappuccino and CGRect

I'm quite new to objective-j and the framework so I was attempting to drill down and understand some code, but I'm getting lost with the object (or struct) CGRect. Here is the full documentation: Cappuccino Ok, now I'm drilling down and I try to…
Derek Litz
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1 answer

sproutcore or cappucino for web app development?

I recently found out about the sproutcore and capuccino frameworks for web app development as proper MVC approach to creating Desktop-like applications. As far as I could understand, the main difference between the two frameworks is that Cappucino…
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2 answers

Atlas280 IDE alternatives

Are there any alternatives to 280Atlas ( (free/commercial)? Which of those are mature?
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3 answers

Are there any other frameworks (besides Cappucino) for building a desktop-like app in browser?

I would like to build an app which would be very similar to (will draw the mockups). Are there any other frameworks, besides Cappucino, for that? I dislike Objective-J syntax and built-in Cappucino pseudo-mac interfaces. Any…
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1 answer

Cappuccino - CPSplitView fixed subviews' size

I have a class GridNode inheriting from CPSplitView that is used to wrap objects of type GridELement. Each consecutive split of a GridNode divides it into two new GridNodes (containing GridElements that resize with their parent). Another class -…
Konrad Madej
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1 answer

Cappuccino - take an image from a CPView

I have a CPView with some children (CPImageView's, CPTextField's, etc) and I would like to know if it's possible to take an screenshot of that parent view. Thanks
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1 answer

Clear and Redraw with Cappuccino (Objective-J)

basically I have this @implementation MyView : CPView { CPArray MyPanelArray; } // Populate the MyPanelArray and position each panel - (void)initMyView { ... } MyPanels are pretty much wrappers for images. When everything is initialized it…
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