Questions tagged [sproutcore]

Sproutcore is an advanced HTML5 application framework.

SproutCore is a full-stack JavaScript framework that follows the MVC pattern. It comes with a full featured model layer which includes a queryable in-memory store, many useful view widgets and a powerful statechart library for organising application logic.

Sproutcore uses a set of command-line build tools, which include a development server, a build package generator, and class generators. Sproutcore also includes support for QUnit to promote testing. In addition, Sproutcore also has the option to use handlebars templates and SCSS.

249 questions
3 answers

Writing custom controls in Sproutcore 2

I'm fairly new to Sproutcore, but I am familiar with Handlebars. I have walked through the Todo tutorial and checked out a few other samples as well. I love everything about it and would like to use it over Backbone, but I am having a hard time…
John Agan
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1 answer

Compile SCSS at Runtime?

I have a project whose front-end is written in Sproutcore (1.6) and whose back-end is written in Ruby on Rails. I've been using SCSS in the Sproutcore project and I now need to allow the client to change their colors on the fly. It doesn't have to…
Topher Fangio
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1 answer

Cappuchino frontend with a CakePHP backend

Has anyone attempted to integrate the Cappuchino javascript framework into a CakePHP based backend. is this recommended? As CakePHp can populate views with HTML is there any advantage of a frontend based framework on top of it? This question is not…
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Sproutcore 2 - Class methods and variables

I have been implementing class methods as shown in this answer Basic Sproutcore: class method, class variables help but it no longer works in Sproutcore 2:- MyFooClass.mixin({ barClassMethod: function() { /* ... */ } }) gives error…
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3 answers

Which JavaScript framework to develop a client-side complex UI? Dojo, SproutCore, Cappuccino

I have been using Dojo and Dijit for more than a year to develop a browser-based IDE. Dojo is a great framework. But creating an IDE-like interface using Dojo is cumbersome and wastes a lot of time unless you are a CSS superman. I have a good…
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Cappuccino, Spoutcore or Homegrown solution for web based drawing application?

I'm currently looking at building an application for drawing entity relationships (data models). Looking at both Sproutcore and Cappuccino they both look beefy enough to handle that kind of thing (see 280 slides for cappuccino example)... Ideally I…
Daniel Upton
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1 answer

Same frameworks/libraries on Node.js and Sproutcore

I am using Node.js and Sproutcore. My goal is to use same frameworks/libraries as much as possible on both sides so I don't have to learn two things to accomplish one thing. Do you know libraries/frameworks that work on both ends (testing, http…
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1 answer

Simulate sessions in CouchDB?

I let CouchDB serve my Sproutcore application so there is no backend. When the user logs in I want him to be remembered so he doesn't have to log in again. With regular backend servers I used sessions for this. Is there a way to simulate sessions in…
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5 answers

Handling large grid datasets in JavaScript

What are some of the better solutions to handling large datasets (100K) on the client with JavaScript. In particular, if you have multi-column sort and search capabilities, how do you handle fetching (and pre-fetching) the data, client side model…
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2 answers

Method chaining in javascript

This working code is using Sproutcore: person = SC.Object.create({ firstName: 'Foo', lastName: 'Bar', fullName: function() { return this.get('firstName') + " " + this.get('lastName'); …
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2 answers

sproutcore & rails: where does the sproutcore application live within rails' directory structure?

I have a working Rails 3 app service plain old HTML CRUD and I want to build a sproutcore client for the same. I (think) I understand Rails and Sproutcore, but I have an embarrassingly silly newbie question: Where do I put the sproutcore app within…
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Can I use SproutCore without Ruby?

SproutCore is said to be a JavaScript framework, so how to use it entirely without Ruby (actually with PHP or Java) on server side?
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Unable to Identify & perform action on Combobox (Sproutcore) using Selenium Webdriver:Ruby

I have the below HTML for an element on the page. It is of type combobox-view and list is dynamic
3 answers

SproutCore javascript

Hey... I started using Javascript MVC SproutCore Framework ( and I found it impressive. But... Where can I find good tutorials for it? Where can I find widgets for it? How can I use (best practice, loading librarys, implementation)…
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2 answers

Is there any documentation other than the official documentation?

The official documentation seems to be light on explanations of 'how to understand the SproutCore way' e. g., why things are done the way they are, how to intuit what to do from where you're at, etc.
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