Questions tagged [samplegrabber]

The Sample Grabber filter is a directshow filter, which provides a way to retrieve samples as they pass through the filter graph. It is a transform filter with one input pin and one output pin. It passes all samples downstream unchanged, so you can insert it into a filter graph without altering the data stream. Your application can then retrieve individual samples from the filter by calling methods on the ISampleGrabber interface.

36 questions
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ISampleGrabberFilter one frame step at a time

I have a graph end point of which is a SampleGrabber where I get uncompressed data of all frames using callback function. In my top level interface code I want to have a function ReadNextFrame() which gets the data of the next frame in the graph…
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2 answers

How do i use samplegrabber in vc++ ? The samplegrabber is not defined

In visual community 2015 I have a c++ project. In the cpp file top I have #include "stdafx.h" #include "VideoCaptureFilterSample.h" #include "VideoCaptureFilterSampleDlg.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif I also set when entering the…
1 answer

Calculate FFT from SampleGrabber using DirectShow .NET

I'm developing a project using DirectShow .NET. I'm trying to integrate a library called "WPF Sound Visualization Library" which creates a spectrum analyzer visual. In order for the visual to work I need to implement these 2 methods in my…
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How to use SampleGrabber with Matroska Muxer in DirectShow?

I made a simple graph to write MKV file. But I do not want to use file writer. I want to use SampleGabber and get stream using simple program. Problem is that I get data from anything but Matroska muxer!( What shall i do? (source: So my…
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Unable to display two cameras in DirectShow

I'm using two DirectShow graphs, running on separate threads, to display streaming video (using VMR 9 on a seperate) and capture frames (using Sample Grabber) from two webcams. One of them is a built-in webcam (HP TrueVision HD) and the other is a…
1 answer

How to to make sure the Sample Grabber filter won't generate any more callbacks when shutting down my DirectShow filter graph?

I have a DirectShow application written in Delphi 6 using the DSPACK component library. When I shut down my filter graphs (stop play), I get an access violation due to a callback from the Sample Grabber DirectShow filter occurring after the object…
Robert Oschler
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Directshow CLSID_AsyncReader:how to set the Output Pin sample size?

I'm trying to play a wav file(44100sr 16bits 2 channels) from the disk , and I need to process the audio data in the SampleGrabber filter callback ,but it always received 44100 bytes data four times per seconds, I want to change the callback rate to…
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Finding out when the samplegrabber is ready in DirectShow

I am continuing work on my DirectShow application and am just putting the finishing touches on it. What the program is doing is going through a video file in 1 second intervals and capturing from the samplegrabber the current buffer and processing…
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Seeking keyframes using DirectShowNet

My task is : I create a graph, attach a SampleGrabber to it, and grab the keyframes using the IMediaSeeking interface after building the graph. The following is what I have done : In the Main method : Type comType = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID ( new…
Jayesh Bhoot
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Capture a frame from video using directshow filters in C++

I have taken a code from the net to capture a frame from a video file and modified to capture all frames and store it as bmp images. HRESULT GrabVideoBitmap(PCWSTR pszVideoFile) { IGraphBuilder *pGraph = NULL; IMediaControl *pControl =…
Arun AC
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Grabber for splitting in UWP

I need your advice. I'd like to develop the app for audio/video splitting using Metro interface. Usually I use DirectShow for it using the follow schema: create a grabber, add it to DS graph, capture by it the audio/video streams and pass them…
0 answers

Capture Video very slow in C#

I am trying to write a video player which is able overlay video with text and image. Now I am using driectshow sample grabber filter to capture the video and present it on my software. It works fine, but it is very slow on less powerful systems like…
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Problems Using SampleGrabber with CaptureGraphBuilder2

I have been trying to use SampleGrabber to grab a frame from a webcam and save it as a bitmap but haven't had any luck. I used the Directshow video capture example on MSDN using ICaptureGraphBuilder2 along with the Sample grabber example as well. I…
1 answer

What's the best way to fix Pixel Aspect Ratio (PAR) issues on DirectShow?

I am using a DirectShow filtergraph to grab frames from videos. The current implementation follows this graph: SourceFilter->SampleGrabber->NullRenderer This works most of the time to extract images frame by frame for further processing. However I…
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Grabbing Data From asp using curl

I had made below code to display all crop prices to one webpage from this site: But I had only got the prices for Ranaghat(Kalyani) from West Bengal. but I want to get…
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