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The purpose of this library is to allow access to Microsoft's DirectShow functionality from within .NET applications. This library supports both Visual Basic .NET and C#, and theoretically, should work with any .NET language.

The purpose of this library is to allow access to Microsoft's DirectShow functionality from within .NET applications. This library supports both Visual Basic .NET and C#, and theoretically, should work with any .NET language.

Microsoft's managed solution to allowing access to DirectShow from .NET isn’t nearly as complete as the DirectShow interfaces for C++. For developers who want the complete range of functionality of DirectShow in .NET, this library provides the enums, structs, and interface definitions to access them.

Reviewing the source code will show that there is very little executable code in this library. There are a few helper functions (mostly in DsUtils.cs), but everything else in the library is just definitions.

DirectShow.NET web site

419 questions
3 answers

How to lock autofocus

Is there a way to prevent auto-focus from focusing, using any of the "standard" libraries, such as OpenCV, EmGU, DirectShow, etc? I want auto-focus to find the optimal focus, then during video capture, prevent auto-focus from auto-focusing. I know I…
3 answers

How to list camera available video resolution

if I have more than one camera attached to my PC ... I want to know the best available resolutions for a specific camera ... for example some cameras are HD or FullHD (1,280×720 pixels (720p) or 1,920×1,080 pixels (1080i/1080p)) or the most common…
Amer Sawan
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FFmpeg Hardware Acceleration -> GPU + DirectShow

Is there a hardware accelerated version of FFmpeg (e.g. a version that utilizes the GPU)? Also, does anybody use FFmpeg with GPU support? Possibly for scaling and converting video format? Or, for example, use DirectShow for image scaling and…
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Video Capture output always in 320x240 despite changing resolution

Ok I have been at this for 2 days and need help with this last part. I have a Microsoft LifeCam Cinema camera and I use the .NET DirectShowLib to capture the video stream. Well actually I use WPFMediaKit, but I am in the source code of that dealing…
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Accessing USB camera controls with AForge

I have a project where i need to work with a USB camera to process images aquired at a very close range (under 5mm). Because the space available is very short, I can't use auxiliary lens. I know I can do some post processing at bitmap level, but I…
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Capturing pictures from webcam at high resolution while previewing at a lower one using DirectShow.Net

I am using DirectShow.Net to stream a webcam to my C# (4.0) app for reading QR codes. It is taking a snapshot every .5 seconds to see if it can find any QR codes and decode them. This works great on my dev computer at any resolution I can get my…
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Capturing frames from webcam using DirectShow.NET

I am new at DirectShow, so some parts of this library i don't understand well. I already see the example DxSnap, but i need to capture frames without previewing it, for futher processing. How can i do it?
Denis Ionov
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3 answers

How can I learn a DirectShow programming?

I'm a .Net C# Developer. I want to develop the media programming about video/audio codec, capture media from source, etc. I'm going to use the DirectShow Lib, but I read it on MSDN, and I'm very confused, because I'm a beginner. Do you have the best…
Noppol Pilukruangdet
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3 answers

C# + DirectShow.NET = Simple WebCam access?

I have found an example for accessing a webcam in C#. The example uses the DirectShow.NET library. I have tried to understand the code, but so far the only thing I could figure out is that somehow the usercontrol calls directshow to draw directly to…
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1 answer

Question about setting up FIle Writer in C#

Im using DirectShowLib in C#. I want to use File Writer in C# to set a file output. I want to use File Writer because Graph.SetOutputFileName() wont connect to my encoder, but File Writer will. How can i set the File that File Writer saves to in…
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2 answers

Is it possible to use an embbeded control in Excel to preview video feed from webcam using DirectShow?

There are a quite a few of sources to get a video stream from webcam into a picturebox embedded in a userform. Preview a camera in DirectShow and capture a still image - in How do i use attached webcams to take still image in my…
1 answer

Recreating Theater Mode with DirectX

I need to simultaneously display a video that is playing in my applciation, full screen on a larger monitor. On some video cards, this is called Theater mode and is configured using a tool that the card manufacturer supplies. I would like to do…
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4 answers

How to simulate low memory for .net application?

Well, I have to debug a memory allocation issue. The application runs out of memory over time. I need to simulate low memory system for a .net window app, as a way to reproduce the out of memory issue more quickly. PS: My initial investigation…
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2 answers

Can't make IAMStreamConfig.SetFormat() to work with LifeCam Studio

I'm brand new to DirectShow and am working on adding a video stream to my application. I've looked into many solutions out there (TouchLess,, etc.) and ended up going with this small project on Code Project There isn't much to it,…
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2 answers

How to create audio spectrum in c#

I want to make an audio player in c# with signal spectrum. I saw some examples in the net about how to make the player but cant find example about the spectrum. Anyone can give me a direction…
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