Questions tagged [graphedit]

A visual tool for interactive building and testing filter graphs for DirectShow API in Microsoft Windows.

A visual tool for interactive building and testing filter graphs for DirectShow API in Microsoft Windows. The tool is available with Windows SDK.

More information at:

46 questions
3 answers

How to detect if HDMI cable is plugged into PCMCIA card / no signal?

I'm trying to write a simple helper application that is used to prompt the user to turn on a camcorder if no signal is detected, which in this case would mean the camcorder is off and/or the HDMI cable is not plugged into the PCMCIA capture card. If…
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Mac OS X equivalent for DirectShow, GraphEdit

New to Mac OS X, familiar with Windows. Windows has DirectShow, a good number of built-in filters, COM programming, and GraphEdit for very fast prototyping and snooping on the graphs you've constructed in code. I'm now about to go to the Mac to…
Joe Raglenid
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2 answers

Is there something like GraphEdit for MediaFoundation?

GraphEdit only works for DirectShow, and not for topologies built using MediaFoundation. Is there a similar tool as GraphEdit for MediaFoundation?
Steven Jeuris
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3 answers

Graph edit on windows 10

I'm not able to find graphedit tool on windows 10 64 bit m/c, I have also installed the windows 10 sdk as per microsoft docs. ref: Could anyone advice me on the links for…
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VMR9 and EVR differs in contrast using "video player settings"

When using YCbCr formats like YUY2 the contrast differs between VMR9 and EVR when the graphics card is set to use the "default player settings" (NVIDIA Control Panel). Notice the slightly lower contrast in the VMR9 video in the screen-shot…
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0 answers

DirectShow - Filters connect in GraphEdit but not in my application

I have a C# application that is supposed to build a DirectShow graph to render an H.264 encoded video stream. I'm using DirectShowLib as managed wrapper. I already got it working with different filters for RTSP Source and H.264 (Video Processing…
2 answers

Mathematica Graph Editor?

I've got Mathematica 8 and I'm trying to use GraphEdit[] but I am finding it extremely annoying. For one thing, I can't figure out how to use its output to feed back to itself. For instance, I create a simple graph using GraphEdit[] and get back…
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1 answer

why do I see different filters in GraphEdit & GraphStudio

I am using both GraphEdit & GraphStudio to process videos. However, there are some filters which are visible via GraphEdit only and vice versa. For example: ffdshow is available in GraphStudio but not in GraphEdit, MainConcept filters are visible…
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1 answer

Property page for custom Directshow filter

I managed to create a custom DirectShow transform filter, register it, and export it in a DLL. It now works properly in both GraphEdit and a C++ test program. My next goal is to create a custom interface to control the filter's main parameter, from…
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3 answers

Using a custom DirectShow filter (DLL, registered)

I've written a small transform filter (derived from TransInPlaceFilter baseclass), and managed to make it work properly in a Directshow graph, entirely coded in C++. I basically followed the 5 first steps described on MSDN, and the last part of the…
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1 answer

Viewing .graphml files

I am trying to view a .graphml file in the graph yEd editor as suggested in this thread. However I have difficulty in viewing the values in the nodes. When I open the .graphml file it appears as shown in Figure 1. Then I clicked Layout-> Tree->…
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4 answers

DirectShow Filter Graph Editor doesn't show remote graphs

I have a problem with connecting to remote graph from DirectShow Filter Graph Editor. When I run application that creates a direct show graph, on my Windows XP machine graph is shown in the list of remote graphs, but on the Windows 7 (x64) machine…
Aleksandar Vucetic
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0 answers

Capturing through a single multi-head (stereo) camera using OpenCV

I have a single multi-head (stereo) usb camera that can be detected and can stream stereo videos using the "Video Capture Sources" filter in GraphEdit . I'm trying to access both channels using OpenCV2.4.8 (on PC that has VS2010, Win7 X64) for…
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1 answer

How to use SampleGrabber with Matroska Muxer in DirectShow?

I made a simple graph to write MKV file. But I do not want to use file writer. I want to use SampleGabber and get stream using simple program. Problem is that I get data from anything but Matroska muxer!( What shall i do? (source: So my…
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1 answer

DirectShow - Microsoft LifeCam Studio - RBG24 format lost

I'm using DirectShowNet in C#. I've been developing an application to work with webcams to display video, change resolution, and take pictures (either Still pin or from the Capture stream). I've been testing it on 2 different machines (Win 7 64-bit…
Michael Yanni
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