Questions tagged [mkv]

This tag is for questions about playback of, creation of, and programmatic interaction with, Matroska multimedia Container (*.mkv,*.mka) files.

MKV refers to Matroska Multimedia Container format, an open standard free container format, that can hold an unlimited number of video, audio, picture or subtitle tracks in one file. It is intended to serve as a universal format for storing common multimedia content.

For more details see

244 questions
1 answer

Possible Locations for Sequence/Picture Parameter Set(s) for H.264 Stream

I'm working on a H.264 Decoder and I'm wondering where to find the SPS and PPS. My reference literature tells me that those are NAL Units encoded in the H.264-Stream, but when I look into an example-MP4-File with IsoViewer, it says that the SPS and…
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5 answers

How to play MKV file in browser?

I have a video file in MKV format, i want to play that file in the browser without converting, how can i play this file format in browser?
Nitin Aggarwal
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5 answers

How to playback MKV video in web browser?

I am trying to make a MKV video with a MPEG4 video codec and AC3 audio codec available to be played online using Mozilla or Chrome. I have tried multiple methods including native HTML5, which plays back the video but no audio and from what I've read…
Alex Meyer
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5 answers

Extract every audio and subtitles from a video with ffmpeg

I have multiple audio tracks and subtitles to extract in a single .mkv file. I'm new to ffmpeg commands, this is what I've tried (audio): ffmpeg -i VIDEO.mkv -vn -acodec copy AUDIO.aac It just extract 1 audio. What I want is tell ffmpeg to extract…
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2 answers

Converting DVD image with subtitles to MKV using avconv

This is the procedure I know to convert a DVD image to another videoformat (v.g. MP4): concatenate the VTS_01_n.VOB files inside VIDEO_TS folder (for n >= 0) into a single VOB file. use avconv or ffmpeg in order to convert that VOB into another…
3 answers


So I accidentally opened an mkv video file with Chrome, and to my surprise it played it using the native player: It was playing perfectly. HTML5 video supports matroska container?
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Tagging mkv files with cover images?

I found this screenshot which shows that you can add a cover image to an mkv file in a way that it is displayed as the icon of the file in the Windows explorer using Shark007+icaros. But these tools are messing with the system in a really bad way.…
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How do Media Player Android apps like MXPlayer and MoboPlayer play unsupported file formats like MKV?

Android doesn't support many media file formats (files like .mkv), by default. But players like MXPlayer and MoboPlayer enables you to play such files. How do these applications work? Is there any programming tutorials or articles explaining how it…
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Split mkv file with mkvtoolnix command line

I found mkvtoolnix command line, installed with brew. But i found nothing about splitting a movie with the command line, i only found with GUI. The installation create 4 binary mkvextract mkvinfo mkvmerge mkvpropedit . SOLUTION : mkvmerge --split 3G…
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1 answer

how to replace audio track in mkv file (on Ubuntu 11.10)

I have a mkv file with webm video and ogg audio an ogg audio file I want to replace the audio in the mkv file with the audio from the ogg file. How can I do that on Ubuntu 11.10 with programs available from default repositories? The resulting file…
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1 answer

Play MKV video from remote

I'm trying to play a remote MKV video in my iOS app but the video won't play. I tried with AVKit/AVFoundation and MobilePlayer and it's working with a MP4 file. Here's a sample of my code: AVKit / AVFoundation let videoURL = NSURL(string: url)! //…
2 answers

Converting mkv to h264 FFmpeg

EDIT: This question has become very popular and is one of the top results for searching "convert mkv to h264 ffmpeg" and thus I feel it is appropriate to add that for anyone stumbling upon this question to rather use ffmpeg -i input.mkv -c:v libx264…
Rikus Honey
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4 answers

How to read the metadata of a MKV movie files in C#?

How to read the metadata of a MKV movie files in C# (or C or C++ or AS3)? for example…
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Converting MKV to MP4

So I am trying to convert a really long video from MKV to MP4. I tried this command first which is supposed to be the fastest way to convert mkv to mp4 ffmpeg -i "vid.mkv" -codec copy -map 0 "MP4/vid.mp4" however I am getting this error everytime I…
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1 answer

Initializing an output file for muxing mkv with FFmpeg

I'm a first time user of ffmpeg and I'm having trouble with initializing an output file for mkv muxing. I followed the description on the middle of this page but it doesn't work. When I call the avformat_write_header() function it returns the error…
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