Questions tagged [rich-client-platform]

30 questions
8 answers

To JavaFX [1.3] or not?

We are starting a new Desktop application and considering using javafx but we are a bit confused given the recent announcement by oracle that javafx scripting is not going to be developed further. Since we cannot wait for javafx 2.0, is it a good…
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How to break someone into testing?

OK. Our product works. Beta testers are actually getting their stuff done. Time for the next iteration. But how to ensure quality? We need a tester! How do I get someone fresh off the street started in testing? I have no clue on how to do it myself…
Daren Thomas
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1 answer

How robust is the Project Silk type architecture for data heavy LOB apps?

Project Silk looks good for social networking applications where there are streams of frequently updated data that need to appear in a dashboard style presentation. I would like to ask if such an architecture also is appropriate for typical LOB apps…
2 answers

Web-based clients vs thick/rich clients?

My company is a software solutions provider to a major telecommunications company. The environment is currently IBM WebSphere-based with front-end IBM Portal servers talking to a cluster of back-end WebSphere Application Servers providing EJB…
1 answer

How to load multiple templates from handlebars.js partial

Is there an easy way to load a partial, with multiple templates in it, using handlebars.js, just like you can do it using mustache.js and the jQuery plugin from "jonnyreeves" e.g: $.Mustache.load('./templates/greetings.htm').done(function () { …
1 answer

Client-side validation framework for Knockout.js

I am developing a rich client web application and wondering whether which framework would be suitable for client-side validations. I tried JQuery validations plugin but found out it does not really works well with knockout data-bind="click:…
0 answers

.NET rich clients: how to manage configuration settings in a Dependency Injection architecture

I'm developing a solution involving multiple .NET rich clients, a central server and a database containing configuration settings. I want to follow a properly decoupled architecture and not treat application settings like global variables. Instead I…
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Data layer architecture for WPF Rich-Client?

Background I need to build a Rich-Client application using .NET. The app needs to handle TreeViewControls and TableViewControls with about 100000 entities. GUI is build with WPF, very likely using Telerik Controls. My question is about the general…
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How to use Table control in Apache Click

I would like to know how to use the Table control in Apache Click. What I really need to know is how to populate a Table control. The examples I have seen so far involve the use of methods that are not defined in the example. In the example below,…
1 answer

Notify JSF Server side about changes on (DOM) client-state made by Jquery/Ajax

Using a component based Framework like JSF, a component for a checkbox get defined:
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1 answer

Track Application Usage in .NET Application

I have a.NET (C#) WPF application which run on different clients. I would like to track the usages, metrics, error, etc. of the application (with the clients permission off course) and have this information be sent back for further analysis. I'm…
Ido Ran
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Long term client API strategy for building a Windows application?

I'm starting to architect a new Windows application that will require a fairly rich client interface, but I have no idea what client API I should go with (WPF, Silverlight, WinRT, HTML5, other?). I'm actually rather disturbed that there is so…
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Is there any framework for rich web clients on top of html/css/js?

Some RAD tools like openobject use rich web clients. I.e. their client side code reside inside the browser and they talk to the server via xml-rpc or json-rpc only and change the view accordingly, all the javascript and css are transferred only…
5 answers

Web client development technology for java fundamentalist

I am a java developer and I would like to develop rich clients for the web. My problem is that I hate javascript, flash, etc. and most of the programming languages usually used for web client. I would be happy to keep doing java to develop web…
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1 answer

SAP Business Intelligence table by table

I am using the Web Intelligence Rich Client, if I want to do something like ID: XXXX Name: Name1 Department: Dept1 ID: YYYY Name: Name2 Department: Dept2 ID: ZZZZ Name: Name3 Department: Dept3 So on, so on...... Is there a table format in…