Questions tagged [business-objects]

BusinessObjects is a business-intelligence suite from SAP. Only programming related questions are on-topic for Stack Overflow. System administration and customer support questions are off-topic.

BusinessObjects is an integrated, business-intelligence, software suite with components that provide performance management, planning, reporting, query and analysis and enterprise information management.

Disambiguation : this tag should not be used to describe the "business object" design concept.

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972 questions
6 answers

Force validation on bound controls in WPF

I have a WPF dialog with a couple of textboxes on it. Textboxes are bound to my business object and have WPF validation rules attached. The problem is that user can perfectly click 'OK' button and close the dialog, without actually entering the data…
Valentin V
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18 answers

Business Objects, Validation And Exceptions

I’ve been reading a few questions and answers regarding exceptions and their use. Seems to be a strong opinion that exceptions should be raised only for exception, unhandled cases. So that lead me to wondering how validation works with business…
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12 answers

What are some good open source c# examples of quality domain models

I'm a pretty young developer, and still in the emulation phase of my career. I have read a lot about some topics like concurrency, and using unit of work to allow your business layer to control persistence transactions. I have even implemented…
Matthew Vines
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3 answers

what's the difference between service layer and domain model layer

for example, I have a user table, to be layer-ing, I create such POJOs: (business object, domain model?) (for service layer) what's the difference between and…
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3 answers

Business Logic Classes Naming

I have a business layer that has some business objects/POCOs/entities/whatever. I also have some repositories for the data access. Up until this point, I've been accessing the repositories directly from my UI layer. I'm at a point where I actually…
Josh Close
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7 answers

How to Design a generic business entity and still be OO?

I am working on a packaged product that is supposed to cater to multiple clients with varying requirements (to a certain degree) and as such should be built in a manner to be flexible enough to be customizable by each specific client. The kind of…
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2 answers

c# combobox binding to list of objects

Is it possible to bind a ComboBox to a list of objects, but have the selectedvalue property point to the object, not a property of the object? I only ask because we have some Business Objects which have references to other objects - such as a 'Year'…
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2 answers

What is a DTO and BO? What is the difference?

I know DTO is a data transfer object and a BO is a business object. But, what does it actually mean? When should I choose one over the other? From, what I understand DTO is just used to transfer data and doesn't have business logic. Does this mean…
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3 answers

Are there any worthy CSLA alternatives available?

My company is interested in porting a large business application to .NET. We plan on developing a desktop version and a silverlight version. I mostly researched the CSLA framework (got rocky's book, halfway through already) and found it a bit…
James Couvares
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2 answers

Standard business logic data classes for .NET

There are a lot of "primitive" boiler plate types of data classes that could appear in many different programs. However, I have never seen a class or library set that recognizes the need to combine all these things with common logic required for…
Brett Allen
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7 answers

UI, Business Logic Layer, Data Layer and where to put web services

We are developing a web application. We want to possibly reuse the work we do here for a different application that will use the same database, and use the same business rules for reading and writing to said database. Which design would be more…
1 answer

show only in the first row in crystal reports details section

i have a crystal report and there is a field in details section which currently showing for each row. what's the way to set this field to show only once on the very first row?
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8 answers

Business Objects - Containers or functional?

Where I work, we've gone back and forth on this subject a number of times and are looking for a sanity check. Here's the question: Should Business Objects be data containers (more like DTOs) or should they also contain logic that can perform some…
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3 answers

Business-Objects vs Crystal Reports

Would someone please explain the difference? Are these the same product, and if not what are they each used for?
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3 answers

Validation and in Service Layer or Business Objects?

Martin Fowler suggests using a service layer as a boundary between the domain model and and "Data Loaders". However, Rockford Lhotka suggests building validation into the business object itself and this is exactly what CSLA.NET does. The benefits of…
Ryan Tomlinson
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