Questions tagged [architectural-patterns]

An architectural pattern is a general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software architecture within a given context. When using this tag on implementation heavy questions - tag the code language the implementation is written in.

An architectural pattern is a general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software architecture within a given context

Architectural patterns are similar to software design patterns but have a broader scope.

The architectural patterns address various issues in software engineering, such as:

  • Computer hardware performance limitations.
  • High availability.
  • Minimization of business risks.

Some architectural patterns have been implemented within software frameworks.

89 questions
10 answers

Is MVC a Design Pattern or Architectural pattern

According to Sun and Msdn it is a design pattern. According to Wikipedia it is an architectural pattern In comparison to design patterns, architectural patterns are larger in scale. (Wikipedia - Architectural pattern) Or it is an architectural…
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3 answers

MVCS - Model View Controller Service

I've been using MVC for a long time and heard about the "Service" layer (for example in Java web project) and I've been wondering if that is a real architectural pattern given I can't find a lot of information about it. The idea of MVCS is to have a…
Matthieu Napoli
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2 answers

MediatR when and why I should use it? vs 2017 webapi

It might have been asked before but I cannot find even in the official site why I should use MediatR and what problems it solves? Is it because I can pass a single object in my constructor rather than a multitude of Interfaces? Is it a…
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6 answers

Transactions in the Repository Pattern

How do I encapsulate the saving of more than one entity in a transactional manner using the repository pattern? For example, what if I wanted to add an order and update the customer status based on that order creation, but only do so if the order…
12 answers

What's the difference between Architectural Patterns and Architectural Styles?

In Software Architecture - Foundations, Theory and Practice, I can find definitions for both. The problem is that I don't get what each one of them means in plain English: Architectural Pattern An Architectural Pattern is a named collection of…
devoured elysium
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10 answers

What Alternatives Are There to Model-View-Controller?

While going through university and from following the development of SO, I've heard a lot about the Model-View-Controller architectural design pattern. I inadvertently used the MVC pattern even before I knew what it was, and still use it in my…
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5 answers

Does Presenter in Model-View-Presenter create views?

How are Views created in MVP? Does the Presenter always create them (in addition to View in case of subviews)? Or is it a separate third-party component or App or something that creates them? Let's also add that I'm probably going to do this on Dojo…
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8 answers

Pros and cons of the use of the DAO pattern

As I mention in the title, I'm interested to know what you (as experienced developers) think about the use of the DAO pattern, specifically within a web application. What advantages have you found and what consequences of its use have you disliked?
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3 answers

MVVM pattern with PySide

I've been trying to find a way to implement MVVM with PySide but haven't been able to. I think that there should be a way to create Views from ViewModels with QItemEditorFactory, and to do data binding I think I can use QDataWidgetMapper. Do you…
Jorge Vargas
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2 answers

Domain Model and Service Layer patterns in P of EAA

In Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture, Martin Fowler talks about two patterns for organizing Domain Logic: Domain Model and Service Layer. The Domain Model pattern is the "pure OOP" approach, where models (those objects that are…
3 answers

Active Records vs. Repository - pros and cons?

Using ActiveRecord you might define a class like this: class Contact { private String _name; public String Name { get { return _name; } set { if (value == String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) throw new…
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6 answers

Confusing term Interactors in Clean Architecture

As per clean architecture, design Interactor is part which contains all business logic. The term Interactor is quite confusing to me. Interactor seems to me like interacting between two different layers like data and presenter. Is it the right term…
Vijay Vankhede
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5 answers

Factory Pattern where should this live in DDD?

I have debated this for a while now and still have not come to a conclusion. While most examples I see have the factories code in the application layer I tend to think it should be in the domain layer. Reasons for this: I sometimes have initial…
3 answers

'Model' and 'ViewModel' in Knockout.js

In MVC, 'Model' is just code representation of data (e.g. in ASP.NET MVC it's a class with according fields). In Knockout however (which employs MVVM), I see that object with fields is called a 'ViewModel'. From official KO documentation: A model:…
2 answers

Web Applications: Allowing super users to impersonate other users - Is there a design pattern for this?

In my web application, I'd like to allow super users to impersonate other users. My Question: Is there a generally accepted design pattern that I could use to make this happen? Generally speaking, I can imagine that I'll need to keep track of…
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