Questions tagged [rich-client-platform]

30 questions
0 answers

SAP WEBI Rich Client export csv by batch

I am using Web Intelligence Rich Client 4.2 SP3 Patch 3. I have created many .wid reports with different parameters. I want to generate .csv files by Column value. For example, there are 7 staff in ColumnA, for each staff, filter the report and…
0 answers

Web Intellignece Rich Client Number format auto rounding issue

I am using the Web Intelligence Rich Client 4.2 SP3 Patch 3. There is a column that I set the number format to be "####.00000000000000". However, when I extract data from my sql database, if there is '99' in the decimal place, it round up…
1 answer

VisualStudio-based Rich Client Platform

I remember hearing about a rich client platform based on Visual Studio, similar to Eclipse's Rich Client Platform, that gives you things like auto updates, shells, help system and so on built in. I can't seem to find it on Google though, does anyone…
Abdullah Jibaly
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2 answers

Advice on front end implementation of rich client web app based on ASP.NET MVC2

We use MVC2 to build up our web app. There are some complicated pages in our project. They have plenty of user interactivities, realtime stock data and charts, requiring no page refresh. I am new to front end development and ASP.NET MVC2. After…
Chris Li
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1 answer

Eclipse Plugin: Editor for a file type with some simple elements

I want to create a plugin for Eclipse that allows me to edit a file in a graphical way. Parsing and saving the file is no problem, but I can't seem to figure out the simplest way of designing an editor in Eclipse. I guess this must be super easy,…
Franz Kafka
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1 answer

Eclipse RCP Application cannot use -vm & -console together?

In my Java application .ini, I have specified a dedicated version of JVM to use. If launching by double clicking the .exe, the application will use the JVM specified in the .ini. However, if launching in command line with -console option, it won't…
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1 answer

Moving IDE Log menu item in NetBeans RCP

How can we move menuitem "IDE Log" of NetBeans RCP from "View" menu to other menu ?
1 answer

A multiple conditioned count

I have a list of references in a database. If the reference exists in a month then it is rated either a 1 or a 99. If the reference does not exist then it gets a rating of 0. Each 3 months forms a quarter. In the rich client I am able to create the…
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4 answers

Best mechanism to have rich form controls on web page (HTML) equivalent to windows forms

I am working towards porting a windows application to web. The windows application is quite rich w.r.t. the form controls, complex validations and user interactivity. Basic web forms are inadequate to meet these complexities. So I would like to know…
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1 answer

Scraping adf faces oracle rich client

I am trying to scrape a oracle adf faces rich client webpage but I am not getting the best of luck, I login automatically using node.js request module but after that I can't get to any other page with request. I get stuck on redirects, the loop…
2 answers

Rich client choice for an intranet web application with 5000+ users

For an intranet web application with 5000+ users we need to develop highly interactive (as few postbacks as possible) client. So performance issue might arise. What would be your choice and why? - ASP.NET Web Forms + JQuery/Ajax - ASP.NET Web …
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1 answer

Eclipse RCP - conditionally displaying menu

I am working on an Eclipse RCP product (based on Eclipse 3.6) which has multiple applications/plugins. Following is the use case in which I have got stuck: There are 3 plugins A, B and C. I need to display a menu contribution in "Edit" menu in…
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1 answer

Rich Client/Java EE server best practices?

I am looking for some suggestions on re-architecture of a 2EE app which seems to me overly complex, and I'm wondering if there are simpler ways of doing this. The architecture is as follows: browser-based client using GWT GWT RPC Asynchronous…
1 answer

Using Extension Points: no configurable elements found

i created an extension point for one plugin(A). Another plugin(B) is setup as an extension to the ep from the first plugin. When trying to use the extension point eclipse in A eclipse tells me that, it is not able to find configurable elements for…
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Modifying MapEditor - uDig Eclipse RCP

I am currently working on a research project utilizing uDig. I am trying using the MapEditor class to display an interactive map that displays real-time scheduling. The current problem I am experiencing relates to the open-save-close life-cycle of…
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