Questions tagged [react-redux-firebase]

200 questions
2 answers

Firestore to query by an array's field value

I'm trying to run a simple query, where I search for a document that contains a value inside an object array. For instance, look at my database structure: I want to run a query similar to this: db.collection('identites').where("partyMembers",…
6 answers

react-redux v6 a v3.*.* version of react-redux-firebase is required

I've been working on a project using react-redux-firebase, which has worked for me before. today I got the following error: I'm not sure if the error is somewhere else in my code or if I have to update react-redux-firebase to version 3.., which…
Quinlan Hill
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4 answers

"TypeError: Object(...) is not a function" react-redux-firebase

I'm trying to create a project in React and I'm using Firebase. In my react-redux-firebase project one line of code making error but I couldn't fix that. How could I fix this "TypeError: Object(...) is not a function" I have searched for this…
1 answer

How to point firestoreConnect to a nested collection in React-Redux-Firebase?

The below line directs firestoreConnect to my collection labeled projects. { collection: 'projects' } It works when the projects collection is immediately under the root like this: root/ projects/ But what if the projects collection is…
1 answer

How to get subcollection from firestore using react-redux-firebase

I am not able to get the sub-collection from my Firestore data. I followed the documentation here. And also looked at many other similar question on this. I can't seem to get the array of data that i want to get. My code: import…
2 answers

how to pass 'auth' or 'profile' object to firestoreConnect() with react-redux-firebase?

I don't know how to pass 'profile' or 'auth' props to firestoreConnect() function in order to query collections or documents based on user id or some other key (my code snippet is below). i can access both 'auth' and 'profile' objects inside my jsx…
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react-native-firebase vs react-redux-firebase?

Background: I have started using react-native-firebase with react-native to integrate with Cloud Firestore. I'm going to start bringing redux into my test application. Question - Is react-native-firebase ok to continue with as my choice of…
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Why cant I get authenticated by firebase?

am doing a project in react-redux (w hooks) with redux-thunk. Got to the point, where I wanted to use some kind of account authentication. I have chosen to use Firebase since it is popular. So I started to follow ninjas outdated course on yt.…
1 answer

HOC react redux firebase. (Error: Firebase storage is required to upload files)

error firebase storage is required may be i wrong at providing the parameter to uploadFile(). please suggest correction if u see any code: export const addCategory = category => { return (dispatch, getState, { getFirestore, getFirebase }) => { …
3 answers

Object(...) is not a function error for applyMiddleware(thunk.withExtraArgument({ getFirebase, getFirestore }))

I got an error in my project that I created it with React/Redux/Firebase tools when I want to add dynamicly data with my CreateProject react component I got this error: × TypeError: Object(...) is not a function index.js import React from…
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1 answer

What problem does `react-redux-firebase` solve?

I'm new to all of these technologies, but as far as I understand it, you can use React Native with Redux and Firebase without react-redux-firebase. You could just use react react-native redux react-redux react-native-firebase Then you load data…
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Remove nested child from redux state following Firebase 'child_removed' listener triggered

My redux state looks like this (its synced with Firebase). { profile: { activeUsers: { Iiva2BGZffNTH84glOLXv8QHVTF2: { sex: male, age: 20, }, PkfMxrN09RN7ygoBMWqm4jheEOx1: { sex: female, age:…
james murphy
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3 answers

How can I find if firebaseAuthIsReady with v3.0.0?

What is the alternative in react-redux-firebase with v3.0.0 to find out if auth is ready - to render for the first time? Problem in this case is that store doesn't contain firebaseAuthIsReady or am I missing something? //ReactReduxFirebaseProvider…
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1 answer

Firebase Firestore Query using react-redux-firebase

service cloud.firestore { match /databases/{database}/documents { match/projects/{project} { allow read: if get(/databases/$(database)/documents/projects/$(project)).data.uid == request.auth.uid; allow create: if…
1 answer

Firebase query second level with react redux firebase

I have a firebase database who contains all purchase of my users purchase userId1 purchaseId1 purchaseId2 purchaseId3 userId2 purchaseId1 purchaseId2 purchaseId3 A purchase object (ex:…
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