Questions tagged [react-redux-firebase]

200 questions
1 answer

Firestore reducer in TypeScript

I've got the following piece of code for my reducers: import { Reducer, combineReducers } from 'redux'; import { routerReducer } from 'react-router-redux'; import { firebaseReducer } from 'react-redux-firebase'; import { firestoreReducer } from…
1 answer

navigation is not working using redux-saga

I am trying to navigate to Main Screen and code still work fine if the JS DEBUGGER is ON(running) but the problem is when i try to run my application when JS DEBUGGER is OFF(disable) and try to login at that time "yield…
1 answer

history.push is slow to reload page when adding a new record

I'm pretty new to react and redux so this may be a silly question but I'll ask anyway as its driving me nuts and I want to fix it: I have a LIST page which shows a list of records from Firebase Firestore. I'm loading that list as a connected state…
2 answers

react-redux-firebase not populating profile in firebase reducer

react-redux-firebase isn't populating user profle in firebase reducer even after a successful signIn width auth.signInWithEmailAndPassword method and data exist users/${uid}.As I'm storing data in firestore so I've configured react-redux-firebase…
1 answer

How to return component only when firebaseAuthIsReady

I decided to make component "reduxStore" (it is toplevel hoc in my project), where i'm creating a global store and make some config, including firebase middleware. This is the code of component: import React from 'react' import { createStore,…
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