Questions tagged [react-redux-firebase]

200 questions
1 answer

What is the correct way to numerically paginate blog posts in firebase using URL params

I have a blog app built on React Redux and using Firebase. The blog is suposed to have a "view all posts" page which is limited to showing 10 posts per page and is paginated based on the current ULR param; that is, say i have 100 posts, should my…
2 answers

How to transform async data in mapStateToProps?

I am using firestoreConnect() to sync my data from firestore with redux. I am getting an array of employee objects back from firestore via state.firestore.ordered an employee is shaped like this: { id: 'XtVe567...', name: { first: 'John', …
1 answer

update root Component's property from the child Component with redux

I have two components the Root Component that contains list of data. the data is displayed from firebase. the second component is a DateRangepicker that helps picks to dates so We can filter the root's component data. class Child extends…
Ayoub Bani
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2 answers

Firestore error - INTERNAL ASSERTION FAILED: Unknown wrong type: symbol

I develop web app with React which use firestore. I try to create new document with data provided as js object: this.props.firestore.add({collection: 'sample'}, data) .then((docRef) => {...} sometimes it works without any problem but in…
0 answers

React/Redux/Firebase lazy load

import React, { Component } from 'react'; import Notifications from './Notifications'; import ProjectList from '../projects/ProjectList'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { firebaseConnect } from 'react-redux-firebase'; import {…
1 answer

Why is the async/await portion of my callback getting skipped?

My callback function "login" gets called correctly when onSubmit is invoked in my LoginForm component, but the async/await portion of the code is skipped. Console.log 1 and 2 get invoked and I see them in the console, but console.log 3, which is…
0 answers

How to update firestoreConnect (using listener) in React-Redux-Firebase?

How do I force firestoreConnect to update? It pulls correctly from Firestore when the component mounts. But after Firestore data changes, it does not fetch the new data. Almost like there is no listener attached. Any ideas? TodoList.js export…
1 answer

TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined in my custom function

I am working on my react-app and I am now using react-redux-firebase. Following the step. I want to make it synchronize and use setState() method. It shows the error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined dbGetDate.js const…
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Material-UI Switch status is not being updated from DB value

The Material-ui Switch is not updating when the firebase value is updated. I posted just a part of the code here, the full Demo is available on CodeSandbox. The project is connected to firebase and using depenedncies as: react-redux-firebase,…
1 answer

React-Redux-Firestore: Page Not Auto Reloading on Change in Firestore Data

I am making a react/redux app that is using a firestore database for storage and I was able to link up my app to firestore so that I can create, read, update, and destroy new data to firestore from within my app. The problem is, on one of my pages…
1 answer

React Redux pass props to other component enhancer

I have 2 components, ReviewList and Review. ReviewList has a list of components Review and for each component Review has a property review. I want to put some logic work on the component so I want to create an enhancer (Review.enhancer.js) to do…
Hugo Silva
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1 answer

React-Redux-Firebase and Redux-Firestore not populating my Redux state with data

I am a beginner using the above 2 libraries. I have some dummy employees data on my cloud firestore which I would like to get using react-redux-firebase and redux-firestore. I have configured the redux store and added in the reducers but no…
Hendry Lim
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1 answer

Create user profile with user choice on firestore using redirect

I am creating a site using react-redux-firebase, and when a user logs in with facebook I want to create a profile that stores a user choice. I know how to define what to store with the profileFactory, but I don't know how to pass dynamic data coming…
1 answer

Reset Password Email with react-redux-firebase

I have a react-native project that is succesfully using react-redux-firebase. The documentation has a resetPassword() method, however it is mapped to Firebase's reset password method. React-redux-firebase seems to be missing a method mapped to…
0 answers

Firebase load lada in specific range

I use firebase in React.js project. in firebase I have such collection. there nearly 400 IDs: users:{ '1JDJDHDHDSbBDBDB':20, '2JDJDHDHDSbBDBDB':8, '3JDJDHDHDSbBDBDB':23 ........... '3JDJDHDHDSbBDBDB':79 '3JDJDHDHDSbBDBDB':23 } How to make…
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