Questions tagged [react-native-firebase]

This tag is for the react-native-firebase npm package.

This tag is for the react-native-firebase npm package. React Native Firebase allows the use of the full firebase suite of modules whilst working with react native, it works by providing a javascript bridge to the native android and iOS firebase SDK's.

When using this tag it would be helpful to specify the following:

1. Application Target Platform(s):

2. Operating System:

3. React Native version:

4. RNFirebase Version:

5. Firebase Module:

1074 questions
3 answers

Error: RNFirebase core module was not found natively on iOS

I created a new app and I am trying to use react-native-firebase. But I continually get this error: RNFirebase core module was not found natively on iOS, ensure you have correctly included the RNFirebase pod in your projects 'Podfile' and have…
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9 answers

Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lcom/google/firebase/FirebaseApp

This is React Native project. I have an error after successful build in Android Studio Emulator: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lcom/google/firebase/FirebaseApp My files: package.json: ... "react-native":…
2 answers

Firebase & iOS 14 > Will dynamic links tracking and campaigns continue to work?

As most of you are probably aware of, iOS 14 will basically put an end to app acquisition tracking as we know it. Here are two great articles that explore the issue in length: The App Attribution Industry Is Dead How To Prepare Your Mobile App and…
2 answers

How can we use Firebase Analytics with an expo based react-native app

I am trying to add Firebase Analytics (FA) to my react-native app. Actually, I didn't find a problem to put Google Analytics (GA) using this library expo-analytics. But apparently Firebase analytics is more powerful and it is really built for mobile…
2 answers

library not found for -lRCTGeolocation

Have installed react-native-firebase & and i'am using my project.xcworkspace for getting build on iOS with Xcode that was fine when I installed only auth & core packages. When i installed messaging package I get the error "library not found for…
3 answers

Get Error : Firestore: The caller does not have permission to execute the specified operation. But I have already signed in

I have this problem and try to fix with all solutions I had found,but still not works. My rules in firebase cloud firestore is : service cloud.firestore { match /databases/{database}/documents { match /{document=**} { allow read,…
Kakata Kyun
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2 answers

ERROR: Could not find method platform() for arguments - React Native - Firebase

Has anyone faced this issue following the official documentation for react-native-firebase? ERROR: Could not find method platform() for arguments [] on object of type…
2 answers

What's the difference between Firebase JavaScript SDK and react-native-firebase

I am trying to use to use Firebase (Cloud Firestore) for a react-native app, to store my JSON objects. I ve seen people using Firebase in their apps (npm install firebase), and others using react-native-firebase. Most blogs say that Firebase itself…
4 answers

Can't compile React Native iOS app to run on physical device, issue with React Native Firebase

For some reason since recently, I cannot run my React Native app on a physical device from Xcode or even from the command line. I'm getting the following error: duplicate symbol '_md5_block_data_order' in: …
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4 answers

Version conflict between gms:play-services-vision and firebase

I've installed both react-native-firebase and react-native-camera. The camera was fine when play-services -vision was stuck at 12.0.1, but I just ran into this error (Error updating property googleVisionBarcodeDetectorEnable) …
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1 answer

React Native Firebase error Thread 1 SIGABRT - iOS

Problem After following the tutorial for react-native-firebase, my app hangs after a successful build. The error I get in Xcode is: Thread 1: signal SIGABRT. I understand from other questions that this has something to do with connections, but I do…
2 answers

Can't get data from React-Native-Firebase(v6) Firestore: undefined is not a function (near '...this._firestore.native.collectionGet...')

I've been stuck on this issue for so long. I just started implementing Firestore in my react-native application with react-native-firebase. I'm just following the docs…
3 answers

Firebase Dynamic Links - Can't get Url in android after install app from play store

If I install the app when clicking the dynamic link. All of that information from dynamic should be still available when I open the app for the first time.How can I get that information? It is not working when I use this: getInitialLink() returns…
2 answers

React Native Firebase Storage Upload fails with Unknown error

I am using react-native-firebase to work with our Firebase account for authentication, firestore and storage. Attempting to upload a photo to Storage is failing with an unknown error. Here is the code attempted: _pickImage = async () => { await…
2 answers

How to combine Firestore orderBy desc with startAfter cursor

i am trying to query a list in firestore that should be sorted by a descending date property and make use of a startAfter cursor to paginate the results. As you can see in the snippets below, this is failing once i combine orderBy('date', 'desc')…
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