Questions tagged [promotion-code]

69 questions
5 answers

Is there a way to give promo/coupon codes for people to download your app for free?

I need a way to share my app to allow people to download it for free with a coupon code or promo code or checkout code. I would like to post the code to a board, and invalidate it after some time. My app uses licensing and in-app billing, so mailing…
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In-app purchases made via promo codes return empty developer payload string

I have an app published to the alpha channel, with an in-app (un)managed item that costs $1. When I purchase normally, i.e, use a credit/debit card Google returns the correct developer payload string, but if I choose to "redeem" a promo code and…
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In-app purchase promo codes breaks remote server verification?

Releasing promo codes for in-app purchases seems like it will prevent an app from (ever again) performing remote server purchase verification! When a promo code is used for an in-app purchase (the PURCHASES_UPDATED broadcast), it will completely…
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3 answers

App doesn't handle redemption of in-app purchase promo code of consumable products

My app has in-app purchase built in (I followed this tutorial), the purchase functionality works. However, when I redeem the promo code in App Store for one of the in-app purchase products, my app doesn't response to it. Even the App Store says the…
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iOS App Promotion Code expiration conditions

As I understand, promo-codes expire 4 weeks after generated. You are also given 50 codes per version uploaded. But, what would happen if you generate a promo-code, e.g. for app version 1.0, then upload a new binary/version, e.g. app version 1.1, to…
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Android: Promo Codes for Subscriptions?

Recently, Apple began allowing the creation of promo-codes for in-app subscriptions. I know Android allows promo codes for one-time in-app purchases, But I do not know if Android allows promo codes for in-app subscriptions. For example, I know I can…
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How to create a promotion code for iOS in-app purchases

As of about May 2014 this year, searching Google for "ios in app purchase promotion code", yields lots of news sites reporting the same thing - Apple seem to be working on allowing promotion codes for testing in-app purchases as evidenced by a…
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Implement In app promotion on subscription with promo code in flutter using in_app_purchases official library

I recently implemented the in-app subscription into my app. Now I am working on adding the promo codes for a subscription. People with promo code can have 15 days trial and after that, they'll be…
1 answer

Testing in-app purchase before going live

So here is the scenario: You have already tested your in-app purchase code in the sandbox environment and everything went perfectly. Your app is now "Ready for Sale" and you want to make sure in-app purchases work flawlessly prior to actually…
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How can I generate a large number of promotional codes for a paid iOS app?

I'm looking for a workaround to allow many users (100+) to download my paid app via a unique code of some kind. I'm aware of Apple's limit of 50 per release but this will not be enough. Is there a way to gift an app en masse? What about a…
Bryan Young
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How do I combine StoreKit with Promo Codes for In-App Purchases?

My app uses StoreKit to handle in-app purchases. Now I would like to make use of the recently introduced promotional codes feature. The documentation explains how to generate and redeem codes. However, I have no clue in which way a redeemed promo…
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4 answers

Display collection of Shopping cart rules and products categories associated to each rule

I want to check if there is a sales promotion on the product then stick the promotion label on that product on category list page. But I don't know how to loop through all the shopping cart rules and retrieve the products/categories associated to…
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3 answers

What's the URL to redeem iOS App Store promo codes

I'd like to be able to generate links that allow users of my iOS app to redeem promo codes for in app purchases. So, they might receive an email with a button that says, "Redeem Code" that takes them to the app store redemption page with the code…
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Google Play Promo Code for beta app - "the code you entered is invalid"

I'm trying to beta test an Android app using Google Play's beta testers. But the way they have it set up, beta testers have to PAY for the app! I read in another post that you can issue promo codes for the app and give those to your beta testers. …
Bob S
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3 answers

Adding "Promo Code" functionality to my ASP.NET C# website

The idea is I'll have a page that will accept a user's promotion code. When the user clicks "Submit", the code will make a call to the database to ensure that the promo code is indeed valid. I plan on having a "PromoCode" table in my database…
Mike Marks
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