Questions tagged [flutter-in-app-purchase]

20 questions
0 answers

Implement In app promotion on subscription with promo code in flutter using in_app_purchases official library

I recently implemented the in-app subscription into my app. Now I am working on adding the promo codes for a subscription. People with promo code can have 15 days trial and after that, they'll be…
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How to check freeTrialPeriod Expire Date InApp purchase in flutter

Implement InApp purchase(non-consumable) in flutter using flutter_inapp_purchase . I have three plan 1 month, 6 month and 1 year, now i am checking is if 1 month plan then check transactionData and add 30 day to check expire date same for other 2…
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No results for in app purchase product query with Flutter app on Google Play Store

UPDATE: Works now. I don't know why I did not change anything. Maybe Google needs more time these days... I am struggling to query products for my android app. The app is created with Flutter and uses the official In App Purchase Plugin. I assume it…
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Google Billing API: Shortly after subscription purchase, subscription expired is triggered, directly followed by subscription renewed

I am using Firebase Cloud Functions to handle the back-end process for In-App-Purchases. If I purchase a subscription (on Flutter/Android client), the purchase flow works without problems. However, when the first Renewal happens, I get first a Real…
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Flutter In App Purchases. Go to production

I am using the plugin in_app_purhcases in order to make purchases. I have tried it using the sandbox mode, so I am not charged for any purchase. The next step is to send the app to review and I am wondering how I can change it to production. I want…
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Flutter google_pay implementation

So have searched all through the whole internet to see if I can get any code to help with google pay integration for flutter to replace my existing Java android code but the closet was which loads Google play UI…
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Flutter In app purchase - How allow purchase based on the user that is logged?

i'm building a flutter app tha will allow users to subscribe. I'm using this plugin: in_app_purchase 0.5.2 So, my question is: I have to log my users in, and i do this using firebase Auth. But, how can i check wich user is logged to deliver them the…
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Flutter: Show dialog of payment success/Fail after in app purchase flutter package android. Wait for confirmation dialog?

Is there a way to show a alert dialog to user after payment successfully done or user canceled payment. await for google play 1 tap buy and the show an alert.
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Flutter: In-app purchases with multiple accounts

I am facing a problem with in app purchases/subscriptions: I am using this in app purchase documentation to my app. but If there are multiple accounts on the device, I can't select a specific google account…
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Why Flutter RevenueCat for iOS getOffering null?

I am using Revenuecat for in app subscription for android and ios. I successfully implemented revenuecat in app subscription for android. But I am not able to implement in iOS. I have followed all the steps to setup revenuecat subscription for ios…
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Does RevenueCart handle pricing template from Play Store?

Does someone have a clue about how implementing pricing template from PlayStore through RevenuCat ? I have a pricing template for an app on playStore. I charge 3$ for US customer. I charge 6€ for europe ones. Is it handled automatically on…
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Flutter, in_app_purchase: way to show subscription expiration date or status

Using the in_app_purchase: ^0.3.5+1 package, I'm trying to verify that a user has an active subscription on iOS. I can get the productID and transactionDate, with purchaseDetails.productID & purchaseDetails.transactionDate. But I can't seem to get…
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How to add quantity for an ios consumable in in_app_purchase flutter?

I'm using in_app_purchase: ^0.3.4+12 and flutter 1.22.0 I need to add multiple quantities of a consumable product. I know that in_app_purchase plugin exposes multiple StoreKit Wrappers and SKPaymentWrapper is the one for quantity. But, I don't know…
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Flutter: In app purchase returns the same for different users

This library works fine and I can buy and check the purchase but how is this detecting the user? My app uses Firebase and I can log in/out and create new accounts. I did the test to following test: Check my purchases: none Pay for a…
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Add discounts in-app-purchase for Auto-renewable subscriptions

I have implemented in-app-purchase successfully with a flutter in_app_purchase library. Now I want to give discounts to the users while subscribing to the product. I searched a lot but didn't find any solutions for discounts. link to the…
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