Questions tagged [progress-bar]

A progress bar is a component in a graphical user interface used to convey the progress of a task, such as a download or file transfer.

A progress bar is a component in a graphical user interface used to convey the progress of a task, such as a download or file transfer. The graphic is often displayed as a bar which illustrates the task percentage complete. Descriptive textual information may accompany the bar.

enter image description here

Typically, determinate progress bars use a linear function, such that the advancement of a progress bar is directly proportional to the amount of work that has been completed. However, varying disk, memory, processor, bandwidth and other factors complicate this estimate. Consequently, progress bars often exhibit non-linear behaviors, such as acceleration, deceleration, and pauses. These behaviors, coupled with humans' non-linear perception of time passing, produces a variable perception of how long progress bars take to complete. However, this also means progress bars can be designed to "feel" faster. Finally, the graphical design of progress bars has also been shown to influence humans' perception of duration

Indeterminate progress bars, on the other hand, provide a simple animation (often in the for of a spinning ring or an horglass).
These are meant to indicate that an operation is currently running, but it's not known when it will be over.

They may look similar to this:

enter image description here

6983 questions
14 answers

How to Create a circular progressbar in Android which rotates on it?

I am trying to create a rounded progressbar. This is what I want to achieve There is a grey color background ring. On top of it, a blue color progressbar appears which moves in a circular path from 0 to 360 in 60 or whatever amount of…
9 answers

File upload progress bar with jQuery

I am trying to implement an AJAX file upload feature in my project. I am using jQuery for this; my code submits the data using AJAX. I also want to implement a file upload progress bar. How can I do this? Is there any way to calculate how much has…
Eddard Stark
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23 answers

How to change color in circular progress bar?

I am using circular progress bar on Android. I wish to change the color of this. I am using "?android:attr/progressBarStyleLargeInverse" style. So how to change the color of progress bar. How to custom the style? Furthermore, what is the…
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16 answers

Command line progress bar in Java

I have a Java program running in command line mode. I would like to display a progress bar, showing the percentage of job done. The same kind of progress bar you would see using wget under unix. Is this possible?
g andrieu
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7 answers

How to get progress from XMLHttpRequest

Is it possible to get the progress of an XMLHttpRequest (bytes uploaded, bytes downloaded)? This would be useful to show a progress bar when the user is uploading a large file. The standard API doesn't seem to support it, but maybe there's some…
8 answers

Custom Drawable for ProgressBar/ProgressDialog

Reading the limited documentation that Google has provided, I get the feeling that it is possible to change the look (drawable) of a ProgressBar/ProgressDialog by simply creating a new style an assigning it to the style property of the ProgressBar.…
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9 answers

Multiprocessing : use tqdm to display a progress bar

To make my code more "pythonic" and faster, I use "multiprocessing" and a map function to send it a) the function and b) the range of iterations. The implanted solution (i.e., call tqdm directly on the range tqdm.tqdm(range(0, 30)) does not work…
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3 answers

CSS Progress Circle

I have searched this website to find progress bars, but the ones I have been able to found show animated circles that go to the full 100%. I would like it to stop at certain percentages like in the screenshot below. Is there any way I can do that…
Adam GunShy Said
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8 answers

Output to the same line overwriting previous output?

I am writing an FTP downloader. Part of to the code is something like this: ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + file_name, process) I am calling function process to handle the callback: def process(data): print os.path.getsize(file_name)/1024, 'KB / ',…
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4 answers

How to use WinForms progress bar?

I want to show progress of calculations, which are performing in external library. For example if I have some calculate method, and I want to use it for 100000 values in my Form class I can write: public partial class Form1 : Form { public…
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4 answers

Show Download progress inside activity using DownloadManager

I'm trying to reproduce the same progress that DownloadManager shows in Notification bar inside my app, but my progress never is published. I'm trying to update it using runOnUiThread(), but for some reason it's not been updated. my download: String…
Victor Laerte
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2 answers

How to create loading dialogs in Android?

Those dark spinning progress dialogs in the Amazon and Engadget apps - are those standard in Android?
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15 answers

Progress Bar with HTML and CSS

I want to create a progress bar like in the below image: I have no idea about creating this. Should I use HTML5 techniques? Would you please give me some help about creating this progress bar?
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16 answers

tqdm printing to newline

I'm working on a small command-line game in python where I am showing a progress bar using the tqdm module. I listen for user input using the msvcrt module to interrupt the progress. Once interrupted, the user can restart by entering 'restart' into…
Pieter Helsen
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7 answers

How to disable user interaction while ProgressBar is visible in android?

I am using a custom ProgressBar. Now while a task is going on, I am showing the progress bar, but user can still interact with the views and controls. How do I disable the user interaction on whole view just like a ProgressDialog does , when it is…
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