Questions tagged [android-progressbar]

Android's ProgressBar widget displays visual work-in-progress indication to the user. A determinate progress bar displays how far the operation has progressed. An indeterminate progress bar just displays that work is being done.

Android's ProgressBar widget displays visual work-in-progress indication to the user. A determinate progress bar displays how far the operation has progressed. An indeterminate progress bar just displays that work is being done.

Android ProgressBar is often used in a Dialog using ProgressDialog.

ProgressBar has following different styles

1597 questions
37 answers

How to change progress bar's progress color in Android

I'm using an horizontal progress bar in my Android application, and I want to change its progress color (which is Yellow by default). How can I do it using code (not XML)?
18 answers

ProgressDialog is deprecated.What is the alternate one to use?

I have come across to see that ProgressDialog is now deprecated. What would be alternate one to use in place of that apart from ProgressBar. I am using android studio version 2.3.3. ProgressDialog progressDialog=new…
Sunil P
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18 answers

How to change ProgressBar's progress indicator color in Android

I have set Horizontal ProgressBar. I would like to change the progress color to yellow.
Nishant Shah
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10 answers

How to Customize a Progress Bar In Android

I am working on an app in which I want to show a ProgressBar, but I want to replace the default Android ProgressBar. So how can I customize the ProgressBar? Do I need some graphics and animation for that? I read the following post but could not get…
14 answers

How to Create a circular progressbar in Android which rotates on it?

I am trying to create a rounded progressbar. This is what I want to achieve There is a grey color background ring. On top of it, a blue color progressbar appears which moves in a circular path from 0 to 360 in 60 or whatever amount of…
23 answers

How to change color in circular progress bar?

I am using circular progress bar on Android. I wish to change the color of this. I am using "?android:attr/progressBarStyleLargeInverse" style. So how to change the color of progress bar. How to custom the style? Furthermore, what is the…
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2 answers

How to create circular ProgressBar in android?

Have you any idea how to make a circular progress bar like the one of Google Fit application? Like the image below.
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26 answers

Remove vertical padding from horizontal ProgressBar

By default the ProgressBar has a certain padding above and below the bar itself. Is there a way to remove this padding so as to only have the bar in the end?
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5 answers

Progress bar with rounded corners?

I am trying to achieve this progress bar design: The current code that I have produces this: This is the code:
Georgi Koemdzhiev
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6 answers

how to access downloads folder in android?

I am new android, i'm making an app in which one can download files to downloads folder (using Download Manager). I can see pictures if i go to downloads folder in emulator. So if i want to show a slideshow of downloaded files how can i get the…
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5 answers

How to create a horizontal loading progress bar?

When uninstalling an android application, or do some configuration, there will show such a horizontal progress bar, like following picture: It's not the same style like @android:style/Widget.ProgressBar.Horizontal. How to use it in my own…
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6 answers

ProgressBar under Action Bar

Question Summary: How can I make a ProgressBar integrated inside the ActionBar, like on the Chrome App? Details: Look at this screenshot from Chrome: I want to create an Action Bar just like this. Just under the Action Bar, there's a ProgressBar…
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11 answers

How to set the Android progressbar's height?

My activity_main.xml is below, as you see, the height is set 40 dip. And in MyEclipse, it looks like below: But when I run it on my phone, it looks like below: So my question is why the real height of the progressbar is not the one I set? How…
Tom Xue
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3 answers

How to create a ProgressBar programmatically?

My application needs to create a small ProgressBar programmatically. ProgressBar doesn't have a method to set the style (I want a small ProgressBar). The constructor can take an AttributeSet, however, it is an interface and requires me to implement…
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9 answers

How to change android indeterminate ProgressBar color?

I would like to know how I can change indeterminate ProgressBar color from basis white/grey color to black ? When I change the indeterminateDrawable, I get a static image instead of a moving animated progressBar. Is there any way to do it simply in…
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