Questions tagged [progress-bar]

A progress bar is a component in a graphical user interface used to convey the progress of a task, such as a download or file transfer.

A progress bar is a component in a graphical user interface used to convey the progress of a task, such as a download or file transfer. The graphic is often displayed as a bar which illustrates the task percentage complete. Descriptive textual information may accompany the bar.

enter image description here

Typically, determinate progress bars use a linear function, such that the advancement of a progress bar is directly proportional to the amount of work that has been completed. However, varying disk, memory, processor, bandwidth and other factors complicate this estimate. Consequently, progress bars often exhibit non-linear behaviors, such as acceleration, deceleration, and pauses. These behaviors, coupled with humans' non-linear perception of time passing, produces a variable perception of how long progress bars take to complete. However, this also means progress bars can be designed to "feel" faster. Finally, the graphical design of progress bars has also been shown to influence humans' perception of duration

Indeterminate progress bars, on the other hand, provide a simple animation (often in the for of a spinning ring or an horglass).
These are meant to indicate that an operation is currently running, but it's not known when it will be over.

They may look similar to this:

enter image description here

6983 questions
2 answers

Refresh progress bar

I want to refresh a progess bar in C# WPF. This question sounds very easy and i should be able to google it. But the solutions I have seen unsatisfy me. Assuming that i have to run a very long algorithm with e.g. 5 different steps. I don't know…
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Uploading video to youtube through the API, and show progress bar

HI, does anybody know if there's any option to show a real progress bar in my web site, when uploading a video to youtube using their API? I believe that in order to do so , I would need to have the option to make ajax calls during the upload to…
Hagai L
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1 answer

How can I have terminal outputs while also having a progress bar at the bottom of the terminal in Python 2 and Python 3?

I want to have various terminal printouts while also having a progress bar displayed at the same place on the terminal (say, the bottom) and I want this to work in Python 2 and 3. The code I have now is as follows: #!/usr/bin/env python import…
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Multiple Images Progress Bar loading Like in Whats App

I want to show Multiple Progress Bar Like in Whats App while Uploading or downloading Images or Videos. And the progress which is completed to bi hide progress bar. I tried to do this Using Async Task But not getting the Exact Solution And Also used…
1 answer

Updating ToolStripProgressBar and ToolStripStatusLabel along with with an action

In a Windows Form, I have a search box that fires an event to search a remote database and display some results. The query is pretty fast, usually just a fraction of a second, but in case the delay is noticeable there is a progress bar and label in…
Travis Christian
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1 answer

Custom ProgressBarIndicator WinRT

I want to make custom ProgressBar with ProgressBarIndicator like image. Now i am creating ImageBrush and setting it to ProgressBar's Foreground property:
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1 answer

I want my angular-loading-bar to work AUTOMATICALLY with XHR requests

I'm working with a JavaScript framework (wakanda) in back-end that uses XHR requests, and with AngularJS in front-end. I used angular-loading-bar that works perfectly and automatically with HTTP requests, but it doesn't work automatically with XHR…
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2 answers

Implementing Progress bar using WPF with MVVM pattern (without BackgroundWorker)

I have a WPF application which is built on the MVVM design pattern. I wish to implement a progress bar in the app, that follows the MVVM pattern. I found some solutions to implement this using background-worker class. For some reasons i am not…
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1 answer

Javascript - Progress Bar not Working

I have a progress bar, and I have my js getting the value of it with document.getElementsByTagName(progressbar)[num]. I have this in multiple functions, but when one of the progress bars are removed, the others don't continue because num is set...…
3 answers

In the custom progress bar, white background is showing in Android. How to remove that?

I am making a custom progress bar using one small image/icon which will basically rotate. But in the background there is white patch or background is showing. I have attached the image here.. I have used the below code for this: …
Arindam Mukherjee
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1 answer

ProgressBar doesn't work with a fxml file and a controller

So I used this link to set up my progress bar and it worked perfectly fine when I ran this code. However, with the setup that I have, I can't seem to get the progressbar to actually update... progressBar.getProgress() actually gets the right…
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1 answer

Super simple download with progress bar

Setting up an asynchronous download in AutoHotkey is a pain, but this is is necessary if you want to run some code during the download, like for example updating progress bar. So the question is: Is there a short and simple way of downloading a file…
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BitmapDrawable as ProgressBar in Android. How to build it?

I'm developing a library with some widgets for Android but I need to use a bitmap as a ProgressBar with a color that fills it as the progress bar. The below image describes what I mean: My first guess is to create a PNG with inverse transparent…
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1 answer

Hide the process progress bar on the toolbar in netbeans IDE?

I need to hide the progress bar which is constantly and annoyingly moving while I am debugging. How is it done? I'm using version 8.0.2. Apparently there is an old bug related to this problem:
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1 answer

blueimp Jquery upload plugin : Large gap between last file progress hitting 100% and the done event

all people are asking the same questions no no answer anywhere in all threads and forums. $('#fileupload').fileupload({ dropZone: $("#dragandrop"), pasteZone: $("#dragandrop"), //singleFileUploads: false, //progressInterval:50, …
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