Questions tagged [progress]

"Progress" is the name of a development tool and database from Progress Software Corporation. The "progress-4gl", "progress-db" and "openedge" tags are more specific to that environment.

1454 questions
31 answers

Text Progress Bar in the Console

I wrote a simple console app to upload and download files from an FTP server using the ftplib. I would like the app to show some visualization of its download/upload progress for the user; each time a data chunk is downloaded, I would like it to…
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3 answers

CSS Progress Circle

I have searched this website to find progress bars, but the ones I have been able to found show animated circles that go to the full 100%. I would like it to stop at certain percentages like in the screenshot below. Is there any way I can do that…
Adam GunShy Said
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6 answers

Animate drawing of a circle

I'm looking for a way to animate the drawing of a circle. I have been able to create the circle, but it draws it all together. Here is my CircleView class: import UIKit class CircleView: UIView { override init(frame: CGRect) { …
Roi Mulia
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9 answers

Progress bar in console application

I'm writing a simple c# console app that uploads files to sftp server. However, the amount of files are large. I would like to display either percentage of files uploaded or just the number of files upload already from the total number of files to…
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22 answers

How to create a spinning command line cursor?

Is there a way to print a spinning cursor in a terminal using Python?
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11 answers

Progress during large file copy (Copy-Item & Write-Progress?)

Is there any way to copy a really large file (from one server to another) in PowerShell AND display its progress? There are solutions out there to use Write-Progress in conjunction with looping to copy many files and display progress. However I…
Jason Jarrett
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1 answer

Hide progress of Invoke-WebRequest

How can I hide the progress display of Invoke-WebRequest? I do a lot of successive requests and have my own Write-Progress display that I use, so I don't need the built-in one popping up underneath it every time. I use the mshtml results (the IE COM…
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12 answers

Using Bash to display a progress indicator

Using a bash only script, how can you provide a bash progress indicator? For example, when I run a command from bash - while that command is executing - let the user know that something is still happening.
Pez Cuckow
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7 answers

JavaScript loading progress of an image

Is there a way in JS to get the progress of a loading image while the image is being loaded? I want to use the new Progress tag of HTML5 to show the progress of loading images. I wish there was something like: var someImage = new…
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2 answers

Is there any way to show progress on a `gunzip < database.sql.gz | mysql ...` process?

Once a week I need to run a giant database update into my local development environment like so: $ gunzip < /path/to/database1.sql.gz | mysql -uUSER -p database1 & $ gunzip < /path/to/database2.sql.gz | mysql -uUSER -p database2 & $ gunzip <…
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13 answers

Android ExoPlayer onProgressChanged

How can I monitor progress changes on ExoPlayer? I tried to implement a hidden MediaController and overriding setOnSeekBarChangeListener methods, but for now without success. I'm wondering if there is another way to listen to the ExoPlayer progress.
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3 answers

Show spinning wheel dialog while loading data on Android

I want to show a spinning wheel dialog while my app loads some data: The spinning wheel dialog should show on a button click. I’m using the code below but it does now show the spinning wheel. What could be the problem? public void…
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5 answers

Update Label while processing in Windows Forms

What is the best way to update a label on a Windows Forms application while processing? I have a loop that does some processing to files on the user's system when the user clicks a button. foreach (System.IO.FileInfo f in dir.GetFiles("*.txt")) { …
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9 answers

Android Back Button and Progress Dialog

I have an AsyncTask that shows a progressDialog whilst working (it calls runOnUiThread from within doInBackground to show the progress dialog). Whilst its running I want to allow the use of the back button to cancel the operation; someone else has…
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6 answers

Get download progress in Node.js with request

I'm creating an updater that downloads application files using the Node module request. How can I use chunk.length to estimate the remaining file size? Here's part of my code: var file_url = ''; var out =…
Jack Guy
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