Questions tagged [proget]

ProGet is a NuGet package repository (server software) that lets you host and manage your own personal or enterprise-wide NuGet feeds. It is a product of the company 'inedo'.

57 questions
4 answers

NuGet Server With Caching

I have a build server that pulls nuget packages on every build, and currently have a NugetGallery deployed internally for custom packages. Right now that eats bandwidth like no tomorrow (not a huge deal, but I want to be kind and make things faster…
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Publishing NuGet Packages - TeamCity

I have just setup TeamCity to automate our builds, our current solution has both a dev and main branch. What I am trying to achieve is to have the development branch build and publish to a development NuGet feed on our ProGet installation, and then…
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Why is Visual Studio skipping over my method when debugging?

I'm attempting to debug into a method in a library (which was installed via NuGet, if that matters), and Visual Studio is skipping over it with the message: Step into: Stepping over method without symbols …
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How to define the successor package ID after a rename of the NuGet Package ID

I know, you should not change the Package ID of a NuGet Package. But I did, because of a big refactoring. Now I want to know if there is a proper way to define a successor NuGet package. Old ID in Nuspec: OldLibrary1 New ID in Nuspec/csproj file:…
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1 answer

Nuget Package Versioning & promoting from CI to Production Nuget feeds

Technologies: Proget – Nuget Package management server TFS – On premise 2017 Update 1 Issue: When re-releasing a build from TFS release, to re-package a CI Nuget package that has already gone to my Proget development feed, there does not appear to…
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How do I setup a Chocolatey feed in ProGet as a source for Chocolatey?

I created a Chocolatey feed, named "Chocolatey", in ProGet. Now how do I use it from Chocolatey? I tried running this command to add the source: PS> choco source add --name=ProGet --source="http://my-proget-server/feeds/Chocolatey" Chocolatey…
Kenny Evitt
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2 answers

I'm getting 400 (Bad request) in nuget paket server when I do paket push

i have run this command .\.paket\paket.exe push url "[ip]" file "bin" apikey "jenkins:jenkins" endpoint "/nuget/dev" Im getting some thing Pushing package bin to http://[ip]/nuget/dev - trial 1 Could not push bin: The remote server returned an…
0 answers

ECONNRESET Errors when using npm-shrinkwrap via ProGet

We are seeing ECONNRESET issues when using a shrinkwrapped package installed through our internal ProGet server. When configuring npm registry to be the regular npm registry and shrinkwrapping a package based on that, everything installs fine. We…
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2 answers

Proget Server Up but Feed Inaccessible in Visual Studio

We have reinstalled ProGet as we rebuilt our server after a security hole was discovered (unrelated to ProGet). The feed is visible in the browser, but inaccessible in Visual Studio. While rebuilding our server, we have ProGet running on a…
Scotty H
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2 answers

Publishing to ProGet and I can't see any packages

I'm trying to set up a NuGet server using ProGet and am hitting a brick wall when publishing a package and it doesn't appear in the feed. The package is written to disk and works in other NuGet feeds. Other packages also don't appear in the ProGet…
Andy Davies
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Nuget restore is ignoring .xml files but downloading only .dll and .pdb files

The nuget package Project Xyz contains all xml files along with dll and pdb files. We are using this package Xyz in a different project Abc of a different solution. We have a team city build setup for publishing the package Xyz to Proget feed(we use…
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How to manage stable binaries and avoid risk of CI rebuilds when install packaging?

I am looking for a tool to manage the collection of binary files (input components) that make up a software release. This is a software product and we have released multiple versions each year for the last 20 years. The details and types of files…
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1 answer

ProGet not importing npm packages from Drop Path

I am in the process of migrating to the latest version of ProGet. I'm currently using version 3.8.6, so am quite far behind the stable release. I decided to start fresh, moving to a brand new Windows Server 2016 box in AWS, and using RDS for the SQL…
Lewis Lebentz
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1 answer

Delete all but last 10 NuGet packages \ NuGet package retention feature request

We would like to start using ProGet for dependencies in CI builds & their dependencies, however this can cause a lot of NuGet packages to sit in the feed and the only option is to delete one at a time or the entire feed. Is there an alternate way to…
Gary Howlett
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0 answers

Why does ProGet handle leading 0's in build numbers differently from

When I use nuget.exe to install Moq 4.2.1502.911 using ( as the source, the folder name is Moq.4.2.1502.0911. When I upload the same package to a ProGet server and try to use nuget.exe to install that package,…
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