Questions tagged [paket]

Paket is a dependency manager for .NET and Mono projects, which is designed to work well with NuGet packages and also enables referencing files directly from GitHub repositories.

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84 questions
1 answer

Why Paket installs way more packages than Nuget?

Why Paket installs way more packages than Nuget by default? Is it normal behaviour or am I doing something wrong? I followed Getting Started guide (but with the help of paket.powershell which I installed by choco install paket.powershell): I made a…
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2 answers

How to use paket from command line

I installed paket from nuget in Nuget Package Manager Console with: Install-Package paket I then tried to run paket convert-from-nuget. It stalled out on a user prompt (it wouldn't let me type into the package manager console). My next thought…
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2 answers

Why does Paket need three files to support dependency management?

I am a Java developer used to Maven and Gradle, now coming into .NET and trying to understand Paket. From my understanding, Paket has three different files supporting a .NET solution's dependency management: a root paket.dependencies file where…
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2 answers

MSB4020: The value "" of the "Project" attribute in element is invalid

I have a solution with .NET Framework projects in mostly F# and then a few in C#. I use Paket instead of NuGet for packet management. Now I've added my first .NET Standard 2.0 library to this solution. When I run my build script, which runs another…
Bent Tranberg
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1 answer

How can I reference in paket.references a file from a git repository?

I have a TFS git repository in my paket.dependencies file: git http://mytfs1server:8080/tfs/2015Projects/_git/DEV-Commons Withing that repository, there is a file "src/Tools.fs" In the paket.references file, how do I tell Paket to add a reference to…
Juan Tarquino
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Paket framework restriction differences

I have added Argu to my project and about 700MB of packages were downloaded together with it. This is related to Paket installs extra packages however I would like to undestand the subtle differences in specifiying the framework restrictions with >=…
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How to get correct resolution folder of F# Type Provider when referencing assemblies via #load?

I'm writing a type provider which allows the user to supply a configuration file to it. I use the TP's internal configuration object to identify the ResolutionFolder, which I use to get the fully-qualfied path to the config file. Great. However,…
Isaac Abraham
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3 answers

Java developer needs help understanding the .NET build process in F#

Most of my development has been in Java, where I am used to having a runtime, a compiler, and a build tool. So now I'm trying to come into the .NET world, specifically using VSCode, Ionide plugin, and F#, to build an F# program. I'm having a hard…
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0 answers

Paket: what is the point of the framework restrictions?

The paket.dependencies page of the Paket documentation describes the purpose of the framework restriction field framework very briefly, and I still don't understand what it does. Apparently, the specified frameworks will cause Paket to download and…
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0 answers

F# SAFE template: How to add library to the server?

I am trying to learn to use the SAFE framework and have installed the SAFE template. I want to add some code to the server which interacts with a MySql DB, but nothing I have tried seems to result in VS2019 recognizing a reference to the MySql.Data…
Chechy Levas
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1 answer

Paket include-referenced-projects with project references

I have a solution that looks like this: -> Proj A -> proj B Proj B references Proj A Both projects have a paket.template that looks like this: When I paket pack, I get two nugets created, one for each project. Fantastic. However, I now want to…
Andrew Bullock
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Improve edit-run cycle time on .Net Core

I'm trying to improve the performance in Logary and am bumping into an unexpected issue with .Net Core; even a single-character change in Logary.PerfTests causes a complete restore throughout all of the repository (I think), with this as a…
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1 answer

Paket TimeoutException

I have the following paket.dependencies: source nuget Fable.Compiler 1.3.0-beta-002 beta nuget FSharp.Core nuget Fable.Core prerelease nuget Fable.Import.Browser clitool dotnet-fable 1.2.0-beta-005 group…
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1 answer

Why can't I add packages with Paket?

I followed the instructions in the answer by smoothdeveloper in How to use paket from command line and now I have all three Paket directories in my solution. However, I cannot add packages either from the command line or from VS 2017. I tried to…
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1 answer

Private Github Repository as Nuget Source with Paket

Is it possible to use a Github Repository as a Nuget Source with Paket? Looking at the documentation it doesn't appear to be the case, and I've tried applying a combination of the Github…
Grant Trevor
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