Questions tagged [nexus]

Nexus is a Repository Manager for Maven, NuGet and other binary artifact repositories. Repository managers serve two purposes: they act as highly configurable proxies between your organization and the public repositories and they also provide an organization with a deployment destination for your internally generated artifacts.

Nexus is an open source repository manager for Maven and other repository formats like P2, NuGet, static sites, RPM/YUM, NPM, NuGet, RubyGems and more. Repository managers serve two purposes: they act as highly configurable proxies between your organization and the public repositories and they provide an organization with a deployment destination for your internally generated artifacts.

The true power of Nexus comes into play with its caching mechanism i.e its ability to cache any component from any source. On first request, nexus scans its storage to see if the requested component is present in the storage location or not. In case the particular artifact is not present, it will fetch the artifact from a list of configured remote repositories and place it in its storage location before serving the requester. Next time the same component is requested, it will be served directly from the storage, thus saving the overhead of fetching it from the remote repository.

In addition Nexus provides a user interface around the administrative and user related tasks such a searching components and provides further features like support for release process, control over available artifacts, audit and security controls. Nexus Professional also displays up-to-date information about known security vulnerabilities and license issues.

Nexus improves build times as described in this video presentation which provides an overview of how a local Nexus server, that you set up and manage, caches artifacts that are downloaded from the Central Repository (aka Maven Central) and other repositories. There is a commercial version, Nexus Professional, with more features available. You can find out more about it all on the dedicated user community website with lots of helpful blog posts, videos and more.

2813 questions
3 answers

What is the difference between Nexus and Maven?

What is the difference between Nexus and Maven? What is a basic scenario of usage only Maven? What about a scenario considering only Nexus? And how it looks when I want to use both?
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12 answers

Should we use Nexus or Artifactory for a Maven Repo?

We are using Maven for a large build process (> 100 modules). We have been storing our external dependencies in source control, and using that to update a local repo. However, we are ready to graduate to a local repo that can cache central so that…
John Stauffer
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3 answers

How to specify maven's distributionManagement organisation wide?

I'm trying to figure out how to organize many (around 50+) maven2 projects, so that they can deploy into a central nexus repository. When using the mvn deploy goal, one does need to specify the target in the distributionManagement tag like…
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13 answers

Error when deploying an artifact in Nexus

Im' getting an error when deploying an artifact in my own repository in a Nexus server: "Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not transfer artifact" "Failed to transfer file http:///my_artifact. Return code is: 400" I have Nexus running with one custom…
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5 answers

Maven Snapshot Repository vs Release Repository

What is the difference between a Snapshot Repository and Release Repository? This is with reference to setting up Repositories (like Artifactory, Nexus etc)
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13 answers

Upload artifacts to Nexus, without Maven

I have a non-Java project that produces a versioned build artifact, and I want to upload this to a Nexus repository. Because the project isn't Java, it doesn't use Maven for builds. And I'd rather not introduce Maven/POM files just to get files into…
Adam Vandenberg
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8 answers

How to manually deploy artifacts in Nexus Repository Manager OSS 3

After installing Nexus Repository Manager OSS 3 I do not see option Artifact Upload to upload artifacts through web page. In Nexus Repository Manager OSS 2.13 there is option to do that operation. Anyone can show me the way how to upload artifacts…
Paweł Głowacz
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6 answers

how do I get sbt to use a local maven proxy repository (Nexus)?

I've got an sbt (Scala) project that currently pulls artifacts from the web. We'd like to move towards a corporate-standardized Nexus repository that would cache artifacts. From the Nexus documentation, I understand how to do that for Maven…
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12 answers

Maven release plugin fails : source artifacts getting deployed twice

We are using the maven release plugin on hudson and trying to automate the release process. The release:prepare works fine. When we try to do the release:perform , it fails because it tries to upload a source artifact twice to the repository. Things…
5 answers

How to store releases/binaries in GitLab?

I am building a workflow with Gitlab, Jenkins and - probably - Nexus (I need an artifact storage). I would like to have GitLab to store releases/binaries - is it possible in a convenient way? I would not like to have another service from which a…
Kasia Gauza
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3 answers

How long does Sonatype staging take to sync my artifacts with Maven central

I have successfully deployed my Maven artifacts (release) into Sonatype's staging repository with Maven. Uploading address is I would like to know how long will it take before I can see…
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Unable to publish to an NPM Registry (local)

I am running Nexus 3.0.1-01, and am using it to host both Maven repositories and NPM registries. For NPM, I have a local mirror of, a local NPM registry and a group that combines the two... I have been using this with npm internally,…
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What are the gigantic *.CFS files all about in Eclipse workspace plugin folder?

I started to notice my WD drive getting full and ran a size:gigantic file search on it. It has turned up several files here: F:\SCOTT-SHARED-DESKTOP\My…
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6 answers

Using the Nexus rest API to get latest artifact version for given groupid/artifactId

I am trying to use the nexus REST api to get the latest version of a maven artifact. I am able to browse to the specific version I am looking for using…
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4 answers

Maven error: Not authorized, ReasonPhrase:Unauthorized

I checked out my code from the Nexus repository repository. I changed the password for my account and set it correctly inside my settings.xml file. While executing mvn install clean I get the error saying Not authorized, ReasonPhrase:Unauthorized…
Mahendra Liya
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