Questions tagged [profile-picture]

Profile picture refers to the picture a user is currently using as the main/primary picture associated with their account.

Questions using tag might be related to third party APIs allowing for downloading or changing (uploading) these pictures. The tag might also be used for questions about developing a feature related to profile pictures.

61 questions
1 answer

Flutter firebase_storage FirebaseStorage.instance(): The expression doesn't evaluate to a function, so it can't be invoked

FirebaseStorage storage = FirebaseStorage(storageBucket: ''); is deprecated, but when I use FirebaseStorage storage = FirebaseStorage.instance(); I get this error: The expression doesn't evaluate to a function, so it can't be invoked.
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Facebook - how to get public profile image using graph

please help me get new way to get public profile picture from FB. I'm using it in my home system to get current user photo. Few days ago something has changed and my solution stopped working. I was using graph for 3…
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Node.js upload user profile picture REST API

I am looking for a way to create a REST API to enable users to upload their profile picture. I am using node.js, express and MySQL database. Profile picture should be retrieved with the other user details on GET user details request. I am not sure…
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Storing profile pictures from social authentication

I am using social login for my project, both Facebook and Google. for the profile picture of a user of my project, I want to make use of google's or FB's profile picture of the same user. I get a URL of the user's profile picture. I have stored it…
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Changing User Profile Picture using firebase

This is my code for updating profile image to firebase but it keeps showing something went wrong and never updates the profile pic because after fetching image from external storage or camera it dosent update private void uploadImage(){ …
2 answers

save pictures from Webcam using EMGU

I want to modify my program in VB 2015 that captures a photo using a webcam and saves it to my folder. The problem is that it replaces every picture taken, I want to save every picture with this format name picture01, picture02 etc. Info: I am…
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My profile picture doesn't show in Laravel 6

I'm learning to create some forum, but when I update a photo profile, it can't show. When I try to inspect element it says: "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)" This is my Controller: public function…
1 answer

How to prevent constantly downloading an image from Firebase and show the image even if there is no internet connection?

Every time I show the profile picture, the UIImageView flashes to signify that the image was just downloaded from the Firebase Storage URL. This download speed differs based on the device type, some times it is unnoticeable while other times there…
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Instagram Profile Picture Access Denied

I get my client-id from instagram. It says CLİENT STATUS Live . But when I type this into browser it does not give me sample output in the website. I replaced ACCESS-TOKEN with my…
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How to set profile picture in robot framework

How to set profile picture in robot framework. I have to select a picture in windows prompt and the same needs to updated in the web application as profile picture. Any one help me on the above request with example
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Sharepoint 2016 profilepicture problems on My site pages

we are upgrading from SP2013 - SP2016. Our master page for my site pages has not changed. The profile picture is showing up fine on person.aspx, but not on any other pages under my site. Code from master page:
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Cropping issue while setting Profile Pic

I am new to android field and I tried to do a cropping an image while setting a profile photo like Whatsapp.I developed the program but cannot get answer.If I try to open my camera button it would open and captures a pic only It won`t move to…
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Need to use a variable (which is equal to a function) that is from another php file

I'm trying to make a website that allows users to add a profile picture. Hence, I have this upload.php:
Satellite Sage
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How can I change ProfilePictureView to circle image. Drawable is not working

I have tried to change ProfilePictureView to circle image with drawable. But it is not working. Here is my xml for ProfilePictureView
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Alter profile picture using tag and PHP

I'm still new on php. I'm currently building a website which a user can upload an image to change their profile picture. The file of image will we insert into table user, row image location on database and directory "upload". The formatting is like…
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