Questions tagged [laravel-6]

Laravel 6.0 is the current stable and LTS version of the open-source PHP web framework created by Taylor Otwell. It was released on September 3, 2019. Use the [laravel] tag for general Laravel related questions.

Laravel 6.0 (LTS) continues the improvements made in Laravel 5.8 by introducing semantic versioning, compatibility with Laravel Vapor, improved authorization responses, job middleware, lazy collections, sub-query improvements, the extraction of frontend scaffolding to the laravel/ui Composer package, and a variety of other bug fixes and usability improvements.

What is new:

  • Semantic Versioning
  • Laravel Vapor Compatibility
  • Improved Exceptions Via Ignition
  • Improved Authorization Responses
  • Job Middleware
  • Lazy Collections
  • Eloquent Subquery Enhancements
  • Laravel UI


1845 questions
28 answers

Laravel: How to Get Current Route Name? (v5 ... v7)

In Laravel v4 I was able to get the current route name using... Route::currentRouteName() How can I do it in Laravel v5 and Laravel v6?
3 answers

"Call to undefined function str_slug()" in Laravel 6.0

I've upgraded my laravel 5.8 project to 6.0. It has upgraded successfully but when I'm trying to run the project or installing another package to my project it is giving me error named as "Call to undefined function str_slug()" in session.php. I…
Soft Technoes
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4 answers

After upgrading Laravel from 5.6 to 6.0, Call to undefined str_random() function not working

I have upgraded Laravel from 5.6 to 6.0. Previously, default helper functions were running fine on the controllers, but now it says "undefined." In my controller, I have used the following. $filename = str_random(12); I am getting the following…
9 answers

Artisan command "make:auth" is not defined in Laravel 6

I have a problem when creating login/auth in Laravel 6. I typed "make: auth" in the terminal and I get an error "Command" make: auth "appears not defined." Is there a solution for this?
af rizal
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13 answers

auth pages not getting css in laravel

I am beginner to laravel. I have created project. And I have run following commands to it. composer require laravel/ui --dev npm install npm run dev php artisan ui vue php artisan ui vue --auth after this command I get Login and Register menus on…
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3 answers

Lumen/Laravel 6: Call to undefined function array_except()

So my Mailable view is throwing this error - and this is all I have on my hands. It was working fine while I was on Lumen 5.8, so my guess is that it happened after upgrading to Laravel 6. Call to undefined function array_except() (View: …
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7 answers

Command 'ui' is not defined in laravel 6.0

I start a new project in laravel but my composer installed a fresh version of laravel 6.0.1. Php artisan make:auth command can't work. I try many times but error can't remove composer require laravel/ui installed but when I use the second…
5 answers

Laravel 6 passport returns 400 Bad request on wrong credential

I use Laravel 6 passport grant password for my Vue backend. When i send right credential to oauth/token it works and returns token, but when i send wrong (email/password) it returns 400 instead of 401 with this message. { "error":…
Mojtaba Sayari
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4 answers

Undefined class constant 'App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider::HOME'

After upgrading the laravel 5.8 to laravel 6.x I am getting this error: Undefined class constant 'App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider::HOME' Before upgrading the application login system was the custom. After upgrading to laravel 6.x I want to use…
5 answers

Laravel: customize or extend notifications - database model

IMHO, the current Database channel for saving notifications in Laravel is really bad design: You can't use foreign key cascades on items for cleaning up notifications of a deleted item for example Searching custom attributes in the data column…
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5 answers

Laravel 6.0.3 Not Loading Key Resources App.js or App.css 404 Not Found

To setup my project I ran: laravel new cms composer require laravel/ui php artisan ui:auth php artisan migrate However, when I go to http://cms.test/login I am shown the login page: And get two 404 errors for missing…
Jack Robson
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2 answers

ConfirmPasswordController doesn't exist after upgrade from Laravel 5.8 to 6.2

I am working on a project which is in Laravel 5.8, and recently, I upgraded it to Laravel 6.0 with its packages dependencies versions too. The project was running fine. But, today, I update the composer via composer update, and it upgraded to…
Rashed Hasan
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8 answers

SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) . DB_HOST set to localhost

I know this question may have answers already in stackOverflow . But I have different issue here . I moved the laravel project from localhost to server . Which I have done every steps in server. I can able to view the login page in my server. The…
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3 answers

Laravel Telescope Failed to open stream: no such file or directory TelescopeServiceProvider.php

I am trying to use the Telescope package from Laravels official documentation and I followed the first 2 steps: composer require laravel/telescope and php artisan telescope:install Everything went fine in my command line untill the install. I got…
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3 answers

Laravel relationship conflicts in union

I have following model: 1- User model /** * Define user and functional area relationship */ public function functionalAreas() { return $this->belongsToMany('App\FunctionalArea', 'user_functional_areas', 'user_id',…
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