Questions tagged [profile-picture]

Profile picture refers to the picture a user is currently using as the main/primary picture associated with their account.

Questions using tag might be related to third party APIs allowing for downloading or changing (uploading) these pictures. The tag might also be used for questions about developing a feature related to profile pictures.

61 questions
1 answer

Android Facebook Login Integration - Issue in Profile Picture

UPDATE Question 1 Solved I have solved the issue of profile pic not loading by changing the context of Glide from getApplicationContext to HomeActivity.this and image loaded quickly. :) But still, I need your help with other two questions. If I am…
1 answer

How do I enlarge fb profile pic in Ionic without distorting it?

After I get a user's fb profile pic from the login process. I want to be able to make it to fill the card. No matter what height and width I use, the pic is distorted unless I use it at a very small size. How do I know if my pic is a vector or a…
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Save or Link to Social Media Profile Image

In my app, I let users register/login with their social media accounts i.e. LinkedIn, Google and Facebook. My question is once I get the profile picture URL for the user, should I save the image in my system OR am I allowed to simply save the URL…
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Invalid ID from Facebook friend

I am trying to get the user's friends using Facebook API. Here is my current code: FBSDKGraphRequest(graphPath:"/me/taggable_friends", parameters: ["fields":"first_name, last_name, id"]).start(completionHandler: { (connection, result, error) in …
Pranav Wadhwa
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Swift. Facebook picture url returning nil

I'm trying to create a SKSpriteNode with the texture of a profile picture from the facebook users friend. I have the right ID but its still returning nil. My code: let pictureData = NSData(contentsOfURL: NSURL(fileURLWithPath:…
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picture uploading picture but redirecting to another page after pressing the submit button

here is my code that allows me to click on the picture and upload the picture,It works fine but only when i upload the picture it redirect to another page which i do not want,I want to stay on the same page. My HTML Page
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Swift. Facebook profile picture returning a question mark?

Okay so when I try to recieve the users profil picture, the picture returns a white box with a question mark in it? Heres my code: func getProfilePic(fid: String) -> SKTexture? { let imgURL = NSURL(string: "" + fid +…
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facebook login does not provide profile picture or name

I have implemented the facebook login functionality for my app. After you click the log in button(which has its class set to FBSDKLoginButton) and you login in with username and password, the text of the button changes to logout, which is…
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Facebook Graph api profile picture URL

I'm trying to display the profile pic of the logged in user but for some reason the url gets changed. This is the function i've put together function testAPI() { FB.api('/me','GET',{"fields":"picture{url},name"},function(response) { var…
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Getting a fatal error when trying to set up PFUser's profile picture

I was trying to set up the sign up page so that the user can set up a profile picture but as soon as i press the sign up button and it segues to the signup page it keeps crashing because of the profile picture codes. This is the button to set the…
2 answers

how to change profile picture on whatsapp

I want to access the dp (profile picture) option of whatsapp using android code I have used that code Code Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_SEND); …
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Copy Facebook profile picture from Graph API URL

I use the following simple code to copy images from their URLs to my localhost/server; however it doesn't work when I use it with Facebook Graph API. For example: $url=""; …
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iOS: Set profile picture to facebook

I am working on one app in that i want to set profile picture of Facebook. I am not getting any solution to set picture using sdk so it will be fine to have solution using graph API.
Bhagyashree mahajan
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Why Facebook profile picture request return null on iOS?

Everything works perfect on android but when I try to get the profile picture on iOS devices. The image returns null. I checked the Facebook documentation for iOS 9 I have exactly the same plist as shown in documentation. When I run the app in…
Çağatay Kaya
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1 answer

Facebook get likes of profile picture

I want to get the likes of a profile picture in Facebook. I just found that I can get the picture with And I found different FQL solutions for how to get the like count but FQL is deprecated since 2.0 and I need…
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