Questions tagged [profile-picture]

Profile picture refers to the picture a user is currently using as the main/primary picture associated with their account.

Questions using tag might be related to third party APIs allowing for downloading or changing (uploading) these pictures. The tag might also be used for questions about developing a feature related to profile pictures.

61 questions
1 answer

PHP MySQL Set Profile Picture From Pre-Selected Images

I want to make a function that changes the user's profile picture. I don't want to upload custom images, so I have mines. I have a modal, which is displaying the pictures, and when the user click onto the image, it navigates the user to…
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How to upload a profile picture and update it in identity core 3

I want to upload a profile picture in the identity user and update it in account management. if there is any post with good examples for core please give me links.
0 answers

Is there a way in which I messed up the code for downloading my profile pic from Firebase Realtime Database?

If i give to the Picasso's load() method any photo url as parameter, the photo uploads, but when i give the load() method the parameter "image" as you can see in following code, the image is not displayed on the android device. The device displays…
1 answer

How to get profile_picture and friends_lists from facebook in iOS(Swift4)?

I am working on iOS app and I need to get the users friend list from facebook and also the profile picture. However I can Sign in without a problem but still need this two pieces of information.. This is my code: @IBAction func loginFBAction(_…
0 answers

Play Game Services Get other player profile picture

I've recently added Google Play services to my game and merged new players score with my old leaderboard with Facebook users. So I have one common leaderboard for everybody. (That's why I can't use Google's built in leaderboard). Within the game I…
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2 answers

Unable to change Profile Picture Laravel

I am able to store the image in desired location but I am unable to view it. When the page is reloaded ,the same default image appears . Default image never changes to my desired Image. My Controller File(UserController.php): public function…
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Uploading the profile pic using modal

I have created the rails app that has a gallery. Now i am willing to have gallery cover photo. I want to update the cover photo using modal. to upload the photo i am using paperclip. This is my model: class Gallery < ActiveRecord::Base …
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How a user profile picture in ios app should be downloaded and maintained?

What I do in my app is when a user uploads profile pic, I write the imagedata in document folder, in other words I store the image. When a user removes profile picture, that file is deleted. So that is basic. But I also remove this file when user…
Hiren Prajapati
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How to create Facebook's app to customize profile picture?

Where do I start if I want to create Facebook app to customize profile picture? I could not find documentation for that. I see someone made an app to set #starwars themed profile picture. And below, there's a suggestion to customize my own profile…
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Can't Get Contact Profile Images in UWP

I am using the ContactPicker.PickContactAsync() api in a Windows 10 UWP (C#/XAML) project. I have tried using both my own code, and the sample project from the Windows 10 samples github repo, both have the same symtpom. The same symptom also occurs…
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django-allauth: Check whether user signed up using a social account

So I have integrated django-allauth in my app, and now users have the ability to log in via instagram. Let's say I have a model called UserProfile and it has a field user_avatar = models.ImageField(upload_to='profile_images', blank=True,…
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Select a photo from the gallery and rename it

I select an image from the gallery and want to rename it and then upload it to the host But I can not change the image name Can anyone help? With this code, I receive and save the image path String path = RealPath.getPathFromUri(this,…
Reza Abiri
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Microsoft Developer Program Sample Pack not adding SharePoint User Profile Pictures

I recently signed up for a new Microsoft 365 E5 Developer Subscription here: I installed the recommended Sample data packs, which includes: Users Mail & Events SharePoint sample…
2 answers

Displaying picture before submitting the form JavaScript

I'd like to prepare a profile picture upload form. What's necessary here? Ability to see how is the image going to fit, before submitting it which is the moment I'm stuck at unfortunately. I attached here the form element from my JSP and JS file…
0 answers

AWS S3 For Profile Picture

I’m creating an app where a user can upload/remove a profile picture established to their account. I’ve seen numerous things on this but nothing quite fits my scenario. I’m using Okta as the Idp and all user accounts are held within Okta Universal…
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