Questions tagged [profile-picture]

Profile picture refers to the picture a user is currently using as the main/primary picture associated with their account.

Questions using tag might be related to third party APIs allowing for downloading or changing (uploading) these pictures. The tag might also be used for questions about developing a feature related to profile pictures.

61 questions
5 answers

Retrieving Facebook / Google+ / Linkedin profile picture having email address only

What I need I need to automatically find & download profile picture for user knowing his email address only. Originally, I focused on Facebook considering the amount of people actively using it. However, there seem to be no direct support from their…
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How to view instagram profile picture in full-size?

I was able to view and download a person's full sized, high resolution profile picture on Instagram until even a few days ago. I usually remove the 's150x150' from the URL and it worked fine for me. But now when I try the same thing I get a error…
Christie David
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Do the Google+ profile picture URLs returned by the Google API change?

So, I'm using the Google API to fetch people's profile picture using their user_id. The Google API returns a JSON like following: { image: { url:…
0 answers

Edit or remove picture button disabled in skype for business

Edit or remove button is disabled for me in Skype for business. I am also not able to update my profile picture in It says access denied. Screenshots are attached. Thanks in advance!
Vipin Nair
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Django ModelForm to update profile picture does not save the photo

I want to enable my users to change their profile picture. When uploading a photo, I am redirected to the success page but the photo is not uploaded to the folder and the associated field is blank. Note that if a user already had a photo, it resets…
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Profile picture URL using{social network id}/picture?type=large not returning profile pic actual profile picture

For getting profile picture if we are using the graph api url, its returning the avatar image but not the actual profile picture of the user.{social network id}/picture?type=large
Pranesh U H
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How can a user upload a profile picture on my codeigniter registration form

I made a user registration form on the CodeIgniter framework so users can registrate to my website. Now the only thing that doesn't work is that I cant upload a profile picture. When I click on the register button I'm getting 2 errors. I want the…
1 answer

Spring Social Facebook: Getting Null photo information (urls) Only Id is not null

I've been able to retrieve list of album by using the following: final Facebook facebook = new FacebookTemplate(facebookAccessToken, appName); final PagedList albumList = facebook.mediaOperations().getAlbums(); for (Album album :…
5 answers

How to create circular facebook profile picture

I'm having trouble using this library to make one of my images into a circle dynamically. Here is my attempt: private void drawerSetup() { Profile profile = Profile.getCurrentProfile(); ProfilePictureView profilePictureView =…
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1 answer

How to download a full size Instagram profile picture via API

Does someone know how to download a fullsize instagram profile picture via the instagram api?
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3 answers

Android Border of Circular Profile Pic using Glide

Issue Solved Check My Answer Below for Understanding I am trying to create a border of the profile picture which is being downloaded from Facebook account. But I am not able to do it correctly even after studying the other examples here at…
3 answers

Converting Facebook ProfilePictureView to bitmap to use in ImageView

I am trying to convert the profile image returned from Facebook and change it into a bitmap so that I can use it in a method that requires a bitmap. I'm able to get the profile picture by using the code below and put it into the ProfilePictureView.…
1 answer

Fetch User Profile Picture from new Facebook sdk 4 in ios

I am developing an App in Which I have implemented Facebook now I want to fetch Facebook user profile picture and Birthday in my app. I searched into net but all tutorials are 2 or 3 years old. I have set permission like.. …
M Swapnil
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Setting facebook's profile picture as a LinearLayout background

I have been trying with no avail to set my facebooks profile picture as a Linearlayout background in my application. here are the two ways I tried to do this: first way: got the uri from the profile picture and converted it to drawable protected…
Amer Mograbi
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1 answer

round profile image in android

I use the below code for making round profile picture in android But in my main activity I used ListFragment instead of Activity imageViewRound =…
Nidhin Sasankan
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