Questions tagged [port80]

Port 80 in Internet refers to TCP port 80, most often used by HyperText Transfer Protocol

Port 80 in Internet refers to TCP port 80, most often used by HyperText Transfer Protocol

116 questions
1 answer

How to make my XAMPP server public on the internet?

I am trying to make my XAMPP server public on the internet. But when i try to access it using my ip adress it says connection refuzed. I have followed lots of tutorials but most of them are for older versions. I have set the 80,443 ports on and…
2 answers

Uwamp 3.1.0 says apache port 80 is busy while it seems not

Uwamp 3.1.0 refuses to start apache on port 80 arguing that this port is already in use. This is quite strange because : tcpview tool shows no process using port 80 my old easyphp v12 runs perfectly on apache port 80. Is it a bug or am I missing…
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Wamp not starting, port 80 already in use

The problem is simple, my wamp icon stays orange. I tried restarting Wamp several times, restarting my laptop and even uninstalling skype, but it doesn't work. When I test port 80 it says this: Your port 80 is actually used by : Server:…
Maarten Wolfsen
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blank screen issue in dotcms admin panel

Whenever i am using dotcms 3.3 admin panel, i get blank screen. Actually it is hidding the body.This happens on js issue. Initally i never encountered this issue. Solution: To counter this issue i have tried the following solution which has in…
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How to access Tomcat from external ip

I want to show a friend from far my Tomcat stuff. So, I tried to make my Tomcat accessible to external ip. And, of course - that's why I'm here ;-) - it didn't work. The XAMPP 3.2.2 runs on win7 in a LAN. I tried the following steps: Router: set…
1 answer

Run JIRA in port 80 as root

i want to access my JIRA installation on Port 80. System: CentOS7 Jira-Version: 7.0.0 I edited the server.xml from Connector port="8080" to Connector port="80" and set the jira-user into the root-group with usermod -a -G root jira But if i…
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Cannot access environment variables on port 80

I'm working on a rails application and in my dev environment I'm forced to use port 80. Running on any other port that would require me to go to localhost:xxxx isn't gonna work. I run the application with rvmsudo rails s -p 80 after stopping…
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Same prefix can be added in two separate http listeners

I have to create two separate listeners each provides support for some files. Listener 1 is used to provide support for some XML files. Listener 2 is used to provide support for some HTML files. I want to create these two listeners separately. But I…
Aneesh Narayanan
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0 answers

Apache is not starting?

I am not able to start apache server(version 2.4) on my windows-64. I tried everything like changing the port from 80 to 81 or 8080. And I also looked into my services, not even a single service, using 80 port(like skype, IIS or Webclient). Can…
2 answers

Installing Wampserver2.0i on Windows Server 2003 but Oracle Server using port 80

I've installed Wampserver2.0i on Windows Server 2003 and I've tested the port 80 using the option from the menu once I clicked the wamp icon in the notification bar and the result from the cmd as the below: Server: Oracle HTTP server powered by…
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1 answer

php: Cron error, Connection refused

I try to do a cron job via Plesk with the command line: wget -O /dev/null and I get the following error: Connecting to (||:80... failed: Connection refused. idem…
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How to make your website online using XAMPP & ROUTER? (already tried the steps but the result is..)

Can someone help me? I already tried this steps: Open Port 80 Set rules in windows firewall (inbound rules, port 80, both protocols, allow connection, etc..) Port forwarding Port 80 & 443 enabled but I still cannot access my server. I used…
1 answer

Azure Websites: socket reading port 80 returns 404 error

I have a php script that run perfectly when requested by the browser (example):"XXXXX" in this case, I get the information of an user with the key XXXXX, which is the expected behavior. However, inside my…
2 answers

Java Connect Exception: Failed to Connect to local, port 80

I am building a chat application in Android with backend MySQL, PHP and running on local network with Apache. However, as a user attempts to sign up, the LogCat displays an error as " failed to connect to /'computers…
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0 answers

WebClient DownloadString keeping connection open (VB.NET)

I'm using a WebClient object and the method DownloadString to get some information from a site. The issue I am having is the server this program runs on only keeps port 80 open for a short while after the iniital connection is made. This means, if…