Questions tagged [dotcms]

DotCMS is an open source Java based Content Management System (CMS) or if you prefer: Web Content Management system (WCM). It is highly scalable and targets enterprise level websites.

DotCMS is an open source Java based Content Management System (CMS) or if you prefer: Web Content Management system (WCM). It is highly scalable and targets enterprise level websites. More information about dotCMS can be found on their website:

99 questions
5 answers

Open Source Java CMS

Can anyone suggest a good open source cms for java? I have not used any java cms but I have used wordpress. Looking around google I have short listed openCMS, dotCMS and Liferay. Has anyone used these? which one of these would be a "good" CMS. It…
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Java-based CMS with RESTful service / API to access content

For those who might vote to close this question due to "not constructive - As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format." - Would be great if you would suggest where should I post this question…
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dotcms community edition capability

I am working on developing a weksite using a Java based CMS and had a close look at dotCMS community edition. The website will initially hold some 500-600 pages, with good seo integration, performance, search capability. The pages will have images…
1 answer

Edit dotcms templates in eclipse

Dotcms does have a nice template system based on velocity, but it seems like it only support editing the velocity templates inline in the browser which kinda sucks. I really like to using Eclipse when writing velocity templates(Got some nice…
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DotCMS install to existing tomcat errors

I'm currently trying to install dotCMS to an existing tomcat installation. I've extracted the war and dropped it into /webapps/ROOT in tomcat. I've edited the ROOT.xml file to point to the MySQL database I have set up called dotcms. When starting…
3 answers

Clustered elasticsearch setup (two master nodes)

We are currently setting up an environment with two elasticsearch instances (clustered servers). Since it's clustered, we need to make sure that data (indexes) are synched between the two instances. We do not have the possibility to setup an…
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How to deploy dotcms war file into the existing tomcat server?

I downloaded dotcms1.9.3 from, how can i deploy it into tomcat 6, i do know that i have to create or modify some files like specify the mysql (not POSTGRESQ )database connection string to make the system work, can you go…
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1 answer

Is there a way to drill down/search directory in dotcms?

For example, if I wanted to go to is there a way to just drill down to that path quickly via some search function? Scrolling through layers and layers of folders is no fun, especially on a siteas big as ours is here at…
Jaken Herman
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how to convert velocity variable to String?

I am using dotCMS server to generate templates based on specified URL using velocity as shown in below. #foreach($Innowid in $dotcontent.pull("+structureName:Innowid +(conhost:a2f01224-2885-40fd-bde4-a60ae02e3a12…
Nikhitha Reddy
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1 answer

jsonp callback function not getting called

I am doing a cross domain AJAX call with dataType as jsonp. I have set the Jsoncallback querystring parameter in the URL. However, the callback function is not getting called at all and instead the page gets redirected to itself. The AJAX call is…
Anil Soman
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dotCMS - how to find a contentlet by its field?

In dotCMS, I'm using $dotcontent.find('identified') to get a contentlet. What if I want to find a content by its custom fields (name, title, and date...)?
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Issues with starting the dotCMS plugin (the spring controller plugin and OAuth Plugin) on dotCMS version 4.3.1

I am struggling to deploy and run a sample dynamic OSGi plugin in the dotCMS version 4.3.1.  Most of the plugins that I see which has been developed by dotCMS folks not supported on dotCMS version 4.3.1  I tried to setup spring plugin from this…
1 answer

How to get Response Headers when response is empty?

Working with Angular2 and dotcms, I'm trying to get response headers after calling subscribe. const httpOptions = { headers: new HttpHeaders({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }) .append('Access-Control-Expose-Headers',…
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1 answer

Minimal configuration for jboss with dotcms

I am currently developing a portal for a client, and as a part of the delivery, i have to give them minimal configuration of jboss 4.2.3GA I want to ask You, if dotcms has any minimum system requirements specification. If not, can you recommend me…
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2 answers

DotCMS Docker MySQL 500

I am trying to build a docker-compose file for the development of a dotcms site. I have the following in my docker-compose.yml: version: "3" services: dotcms: image: openjdk command: /app/bin/ run ports: - 8080:8080 …
Shawn Northrop
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