Questions tagged [port80]

Port 80 in Internet refers to TCP port 80, most often used by HyperText Transfer Protocol

Port 80 in Internet refers to TCP port 80, most often used by HyperText Transfer Protocol

116 questions
1 answer

Running Jetty on Port80 as non root user

I found this out of date howto, does anybody know what replaced SetUIDServer? I'm using Jetty8
Douglas Ferguson
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2 answers

HTTP communication on port 80

I'd like to understand how web servers handle large number of simultaneous HTTP requests and responses. Please keep in mind I'm new to network programming. Can the web server send multiple HTTP responses on port 80 at the same time? Or do the…
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Why does changing my php version on MAMP fix my Apache blocked port 80 error?

I spent a long time trying to figure out how to fix my Apache server on MAMP local host. I kept getting an error message saying that 'Apache couldn't start, because port 80 was in use by httpd'. Everyone seemed to think that another program was…
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2 answers

Docker tutorials all bind to port 80, and fail on local and remote servers as port 80 is already in use

Trying to wrap my head around all these Docker tutorials, and there is really no explanation around what port 80 is all about. Just, "bind to port 80". This is the 3rd Docker tutorial I've taken with the same error after running the sample…
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Nginx address port 80 already in use

I just did a clean install of Nginx, because I had problems with the port and [::]:80 already being in use. Now I still have the same problem and I really could use your help here after trying loads of things. You should know that I'm…
Jerome Braeken
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1 answer

I am getting error "The network adapter could not establish the connection" in my oracle database

I had installed oracle stand alone database on my laptop. It was working perfectly. Two days before I installed new IDE Idea intelliJ and tomcat server along with it. Now when I try to connect to my database account I am getting the error mentioned…
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1 answer

Run node js on ports 80 without running as root

i want to run my node.js application on port 80 without running it as root $> which node /usr/bin/node I have tried to use setcap but it's not working: $> sudo setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=+eip /usr/bin/node Failed to set capabilities on file…
0 answers

C# How to block all sites except a particular site

Because of security issues, the company is developing programs to block specific sites on individual PCs for employees. Find information and use "INetFwPolicy2" on C #. There was a way to access the firewall and add port 80 to the outbound rules to…
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1 answer

Laravel Valet sites connection refused on port 80

Ever since Chrome and Safari started forcing HTTPS redirection on the .dev TLD I've been getting issues connecting to my Laravel Valet sites. Without knowing that Chrome and Safari had done this, I updated Valet to from 1.2 and not thinking to check…
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2 answers

How to limit port 80 to just one user with iptables

I want to limit port 80 so that only one user can use it. I want to do this with iptables I have not found any documentation on how to do this.
1 answer

nodejs express local ip address

I have a NodeJS app running with express which I'm trying to access at the port 80. So I have this: app.listen('80', function () { console.log('Server started'); }); Going to the browser I can acess it by typing "localhost", "", both…
2 answers

Django: use sudo to run server in virtual environment

I got Django set up on my server. I have activated my virtual environment and I'm able to run server successfully on port 8000: python runserver I would like to use port 80 so I'm able to access (test) my app from outside so I use: sudo…
Tara Sutjarittham
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Pointing Sub-Domain on Windows Apache Server to NancyFX Self-Host

Firstly, I'd just like to say that I don't know which StackExchange site this should go on, please could you let me know where I should put it. I have an Apache server managed by the windows version of zPanel. I have a windows service which runs a…
Zach Ross-Clyne
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IIS not working after Xampp uninstalled

I just started working in VS 2012. I started the IIS service successfully, but alongside I wanted to use Xampp also. So, I changed http.conf file's (inside Xampp's Apache folder) servername localhost 80 to servername localhost 8080 and both the…
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5 answers

Django Python - No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

I have a Django python server in a virtual environment at the root of my hard drive. In the command line, when I activate the env and run python it starts the server normal (no migration notice or anything), but when I load…
Jacob Jewett
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