Questions tagged [http-proxy]

An HTTP Proxy is a server that receives requests from your web browser and then makes the request to the Internet on your behalf. It then returns the results to your browser.

A proxy server is a server (a computer system or an application) that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers.

A client connects to the proxy server, requesting some service, such as a file, connection, web page, or other resource available from a different server and the proxy server evaluates the request as a way to simplify and control its complexity.

Today, most proxies are web proxies, facilitating access to content on the World Wide Web.

1339 questions
12 answers

How to use vagrant in a proxy environment?

My company's network is using proxy. So when I use vagrant up, it showed me a 401 permission error. How can I do some setting to use vagrant?
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1 answer

How to set up a squid Proxy with basic username and password authentication?

I currently I use ip in acl, and I want to use username and password to do this.
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12 answers

How do you run `apt-get` in a dockerfile behind a proxy?

I am running a virtual machine (Ubuntu 13.10) with docker (version 0.8.1, build a1598d1). I am trying to build an image with a dockerfile. First, I want to update the packages (using the code below - the proxy is obfuscated) but apt-get times out…
Christopher Louden
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4 answers

When should one use CONNECT and GET HTTP methods at HTTP Proxy Server?

I'm building a WebClient library. Now I'm implementing a proxy feature, so I am making some research and I saw some code using the CONNECT method to request a URL. But checking it within my web browser, it doesn't use the CONNECT method but calls…
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8 answers

NPM behind NTLM proxy

Is it possible to run npm install behind an HTTP proxy, which uses NTLM authentication? If yes, how can I set the server's address and port, the username, and the password?
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5 answers

Nginx will not start with host not found in upstream

I use nginx to proxy and hold persistent connections to far away servers for me. I have configured about 15 blocks similar to this example: upstream rinu-test { server test.rinu.test:443; keepalive 20; } server { listen 80; …
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2 answers

How should I organize multiple Express servers on the same system?

I'm using one server to host multiple Node.js web apps, which are distributed across multiple domains. My current practice is to run an Express server for each app on a different port, and to run a base server that simply routes (redirects) requests…
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3 answers

How does a HTTP Proxy utilize the HTTP protocol? a Proxy RFC?

How does one go about implementing a HTTP proxy compared to implementing a HTTP webserver, what are the differences? Is there a definitive guide or RFC or a helpful book on this subject?
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2 answers

How to intercept all http requests including form submits

I would like to intercept all http requests going out from my web page and add a parameter to the request body. My page includes forms - I also want to capture form submits. I have tried using Jquery ajaxSend and Javascript's setRequestHeader but…
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5 answers

Remove proxy settings from the windows command prompt

I had set proxy settings in cmd when I was in a proxy network as follows: set http_proxy=http://username:pass@hostname:port set https_proxy=https://username:pass@hostname:port Now that I am on a normal network I want to unset the proxy settings in…
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3 answers

How to temporarily disable git http proxy

I am using git behind a corporate firewall, and I am successfully cloning external projects by using the http.proxy --global config. My problem arises when I want to clone through http on the intranet. I suspect that the proxy config interferes with…
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3 answers

Denial of Service - http proxy - React

I am pretty sure that this error appeared only today and it never occurred before. When I create a new react app, the process found 1 high vulnerability: High: Denial of Service Package: …
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Basic proxy authentication for HTTPS URLs returns HTTP/1.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required

I want to use a proxy with basic authentication (username, password) for a connection (and only this connection) in Java. The following code works for HTTP URLs (e.g. ""): URL url = new…
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3 answers

Are there any http proxies like fiddler or wireshark on android?

I need to see what page an Android App is calling from my device. Are there any Apps like Fiddler or Wireshark to see what´s happening behind?
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3 answers

webpack-dev-server proxy dosen't work

I want to proxy /v1/* to, and here is my script devServer: { historyApiFallBack: true, // progress: true, hot: true, inline: true, // https: true, port: 8081, contentBase: path.resolve(__dirname,…
Arthur Xu
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