Questions tagged [pii]

PII stands for Personally Identifiable Information -- that information which can uniquely identify an individual.

PII stands for Personally Identifiable Information -- that information which can uniquely identify an individual.

Some examples of PII include phone number, home address or (in the USA) social security number.

Some locations will have laws requiring information systems implementers to protect PII for users of their systems. Protecting PII (especially on the internet) has become more and more important as interests looking to discover PII have prevalent.

However, PII is a legal concept, not a technical concept. Because of the versatility and power of modern re-identification algorithms, the absence of PII data does not mean that the remaining data does not identify individuals. While some attributes may be uniquely identifying on their own, any attribute can be identifying in combination with others.

61 questions
3 answers

Regex to identify a Medical Beneficiary Identifier(MBI) in python

So I am trying to create a regex for MBIs (medical beneficiary identifiers) in python and my regexes wont work. Any example of a MBi is: 1EG4-TE5-MK73 Here is the format to MBIs: 11-Characters The MBI’s 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 9th characters will…
James Davinport
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5 answers

Bash: Need to replace different email addresses within a file

I'm trying to mask PII in a file (.json). The file contains different email addresses and I would like to change them with other different email addresses. For example: "results": [{…
David Kon
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5 answers

Does SSL use hashing internally?

We are in the process of certifying our health care product (Hitech certification). One of the criteria of the certification process is that our product should be capable of using "hashing" when sending patient information over the network. Our…
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2 answers

How to check if any variable is being passed to GET in URL

I have a situation where someone is trying to sabotage my google adsense account by continuously sending personally identifiable information into the URL to my site. How can I block this or at least detect the random variables they are using? For…
Chris Hully
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0 answers

How to deal with PII data?

I've gone through too many articles in the Internet and unfortunately they are more about selling 3rd party PII/PCI solutions rather that answering particular questions. Currently, I'm working on the project where we should deal with PII data and…
1 answer

Which natural languages does Google Cloud DLP support?

I'm considering using Cloud DLP to help me anonymize my data. However, I can't seem to find explicit mention of what languages are supported. AWS Comprehend's detect PII API only supports English so looking for an alternative.
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How to remove personal information from database backups

Suppose I have huge MySQL dump files and want to garble or remove personal information in them. What would be the best approach to doing that? Are there existing tools? I know the database schema and can split the data into separate files without…
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1 answer

Google Cloud DLP Re-identify PII data using Deterministic encryption

I was experimenting with Google provided the article to re-identify Credit Card Number using Deterministic encryption using…
0 answers

How to secure PII data in transit from REST API to browser

In our application, Organization/Employee Information has PII (Personally identifiable information) like Bank Account Info, Social Security number etc. This data is transmitted from the REST API response to the browser. We have already following…
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0 answers

How to fire like and range query on PII encrypted column in mysql

I have different encrypted columns in my MySQL table for different PII data like email, date of birth, etc.I am using AES envelope encryption coupled with AWS KMS. The encryption and decryption is handled in the application. No MySQL inbuilt…
1 answer

Netsuite : personal information (PI) removal

We have an Amazon MWS API connector that imports data into Netsuite (NS) for shipping and order creation. It is obvious that Amazon data includes PII (Personal Identifiable Information. Amazon policy). Amazon requests that PII never be recorded in…
0 answers

Data Masking Scripts for Oracle Database

Thanks for your time in advance. I am new to the Oracle database environment. I am looking for a solution to mask Personally Identifiable Information in my organization's non-production environments. My research has landed me with two out of box…
1 answer

Oracle Data Masking Clarification

Hi I am looking at the possibility of implementing the Oracle Data Masking Package but require some clarification. I am looking to mask just my non-production data. In the process of doing this does Oracle create clones of the the database? I am…
1 answer

How do I fix [PII is hidden] messages

Hiding PII (personally identifiable information) in a production system is a good idea and sometimes a legal obligation, but in a development environment while debugging it is ridiculous nonsense that makes error messages worthless. How can I…
Peter Wone
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0 answers

How to develop Name Entity Recognizer in to extract and remove all personal information from text

I have to build a Entity extractor in C# which would do following things: read a file(.doc, docx). scan the doc for following entities: Name(forename, surname). Location( includes building, apartment, street names, state, town cities etc.) Zip…
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