Questions tagged [pii]

PII stands for Personally Identifiable Information -- that information which can uniquely identify an individual.

PII stands for Personally Identifiable Information -- that information which can uniquely identify an individual.

Some examples of PII include phone number, home address or (in the USA) social security number.

Some locations will have laws requiring information systems implementers to protect PII for users of their systems. Protecting PII (especially on the internet) has become more and more important as interests looking to discover PII have prevalent.

However, PII is a legal concept, not a technical concept. Because of the versatility and power of modern re-identification algorithms, the absence of PII data does not mean that the remaining data does not identify individuals. While some attributes may be uniquely identifying on their own, any attribute can be identifying in combination with others.

61 questions
1 answer

How to store and display asymmetrical encrypted customer data without keeping the private key

Here are the requirements: 1. Receive data and store it encrypted data with public key 2. Private key is not supplied and not stored 3. Return encrypted data through the APIs 4. Display decrypted data in the web client with the private key…
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