Questions tagged [pii]

PII stands for Personally Identifiable Information -- that information which can uniquely identify an individual.

PII stands for Personally Identifiable Information -- that information which can uniquely identify an individual.

Some examples of PII include phone number, home address or (in the USA) social security number.

Some locations will have laws requiring information systems implementers to protect PII for users of their systems. Protecting PII (especially on the internet) has become more and more important as interests looking to discover PII have prevalent.

However, PII is a legal concept, not a technical concept. Because of the versatility and power of modern re-identification algorithms, the absence of PII data does not mean that the remaining data does not identify individuals. While some attributes may be uniquely identifying on their own, any attribute can be identifying in combination with others.

61 questions
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Are Azure Subscription ID, AAD Tenant ID, and AAD App Client ID considered secret/PII?

I would like to log the following in my telemetry for diagnostic and usage purposes: Azure Subscription ID AAD Tenant ID AAD App Client ID Should I treat them as secrets/PII and hash/encrypt them? (it goes without saying I will not be retaining…
Ohad Schneider
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3 answers

10-Day Notification of Google Play Developer Term Violation regarding OneSignal push notification service

Today i received an email from google about policy violation regarding my Onesignal notification service used in my app. It is about collecting personally identifiable information (PII) without disclosure Following email "Hello Google Play…
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2 answers

Protect PII in web app database by encrypting with public key paired with private key protected by users' own passwords?

Goal: I'd like to allow users to create questions and collect information from other users in a custom web app (PHP/MySQL in a shored hosting environment) and protect the data collected. Background: The default questions that all users answer are…
4 answers

Anonymize specific columns with pii in pandas dataframe python

I have loaded an s3 bucket with json files and parsed/flattened it in to a pandas dataframe. Now i have a dataframe with 175 columns with 4 columns containing personally identifiable information. I am looking for a quick solution anonymising those…
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WCF: Include BinarySecurityToken in logs

I need to include the BinarySecurityToken to a third party for an error report but WCF removes it from the logs: I thought this fell under PII (Personal Identifiable…
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3 answers

Python script to search PII

I would like to write a script which can search for and report on Personally Identifiable Information like card numbers, etc in a file system. I would like to find it in txt as well as xls word and PDF files. Any starting tips or which lib to use…
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2-way string encryption in PHP - which of these is more secure?

I have a need to pass a value through the query string to be displayed on my page. The value will have to be encrypted as it contains some PII for the user viewing the page. And in order to make readable to the user, it needs to be able to be…
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TLS secure enough? Need rolling hash in a PA-DSS payment application?

I’m a software engineer and I’m currently working on another payment application (my 3rd one) that must go under PCI PA-DSS compliance. I’m re-examining the PA-DSS documentation and I’m wondering if in the past I overworked on the security of the…
Michel Triana
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2 answers

In Julia 1.0+, print the first 2,000 digits of pi after the decimal point

For teaching purposes, how would you write a "julian" Julia 1.0+ code to print the first 2,000 digits of pi past the decimal point? The result, in the Julia REPL, should match this pi website. The expected output is: julia>…
Julia Learner
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Getting QUERYSTRINGPII_REMOVED in some requests

I have developed a system in which we use captive portals to log in users to a wifi network. A couple days ago I noticed some (very few) of the form submissions I'm getting have some fields stripped out and replaced by QUERYSTRINGPII_REMOVED,…
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2 answers

Why does deleted data persist in SQL Server backup file?

I want to make a backup of my SQL Server database so I can send it to my vendor to help with diagnosis. However, I don't want to include the data from tables with customer information. Here's what I tried: make a copy of the database, delete all the…
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1 answer

How to remove PII from URL (GA4 w/ GTM)

PII (Personally Identifiable Information) should never be sent to Google Analytics, not only it breaches GA Terms of Use, but you also leaking sensitive user data. So how to remove PII from URL, such as query string params (email, userId, ...) or…
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1 answer

marklogic PII access

I created a user that have a role with rest-read only. And an Entity that have an ID as primary key and PII. (The ID is a property of the instance). So when the user search some documents using a rest API, the ID is not hidden! I followed this…
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1 answer

MWS Developer access for PII personal identifiable Information Revoked - Buyersname, phone, Addresses are coming blank

We are using Amazon Seller account and have been using MWS API for last 10 months. However this is the first time we got this issue. 1. All of our API is getting failed. 2. BuyerName, Addresses, phone are not coming from the MWS API. 3. In the XML,…
0 answers

I have exactly same code in DEV and PROD and few properties(PII data) on PROD is masked and on DEV its not

I'm seeing SSN masked on PROD and it is not masked on DEV with same exact code. I looked up the stored procedures it is calling and it is simple select statement. I inquired DB admin and he said they are not doing any masking, since they are using…
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