Questions tagged [oracle-enterprise-manager]

Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM or EM) is a set of web-based tools aimed at managing software and hardware produced by Oracle Corporation as well as by some non-Oracle entities.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control is used for managing lots of databases and application servers.
It can manage multiple instances of Oracle deployment platforms; the most recent edition also allows for management and monitoring of other platforms such as Microsoft .NET, Microsoft SQL Server, NetApp Filers, BEA weblogic and others.
Partners and IT organizations can build extensions to Oracle Enterprise Manager, and make them available to other Enterprise Manager users via Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Extensions Exchange.
Oracle Enterprise Manager provides comprehensive, flexible, easy-to-use monitoring functionality that supports the timely detection and notification of impending IT problems to the intended users. It offers the most comprehensive monitoring from Oracle Database instances to Oracle Real Application Clusters to Oracle Application Server Farms and Clusters.
OEM Grid Control comes with a comprehensive set of performance and health metrics that allow monitoring of key components in your environment such as applications, application servers, databases, as well as the back-end components on which they rely, such as hosts, operating systems and storage.
The architecture of the OEM for Grid Control has three distinct components:

  • the collection agent (Oracle Management Agent or OMA)
  • the aggregation agent (Oracle Management Server or OMS)
  • the repository agent (Oracle Management Repository or OMR)
    The OMA runs on the target host and collects information on the hardware, operating system, and applications that run on the target. The OMS runs on one or two servers and collects the data generated by the OMAs. The OMS pulls the information from the OMAs and aggregates the collections into the repository. The OMS also acts as the user-interface — by generating web-pages for database administrators to view the status of systems and services. The OMR comprises an instance of the Oracle database that stores the data collected by the OMS. Installers can make the OMR highly available or fault-tolerant by running it on an Oracle RAC instance across multiple nodes.

    Oracle Enterprise Manager performs much of its activity through intelligent agents which Oracle Corporation refers to as Oracle Management Agents. These run as autonomous proxy processes on a managed node, and perform execution and monitoring tasks for Oracle Enterprise Manager, communicating using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP or HTTPS).
54 questions
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Triggered SMS through SOA/UMS not getting Sender Address from sdpmessagingdriver-smpp driver configuration settings

DESCRIPTION: We are using sdpmessagingdriver-smpp driver deployed on SOA server to send SMS messages. We have configured SMPP driver properties with "Sender Address" & "Default Sender Address". When we try to send SMS then it fails with error…
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What does Active Sessions and User I/O mean in Oracle Enterprise Manager?

What does "Active Session" mean? I need to analyze database performance by using this graph taken from Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM), but I don't understand what is "Active Session" and why there are 22 of them of User I/O? Could someone please…
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httpServletRequest.getParameter returns null

I have two servers one (local) and the other (remote calling through vpn). On both, the same application is deployed. I stop the vpn to call the local one, so no interference between them. I am trying to get the param in the servletFilter in…
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ORA-02065: illegal option for ALTER SYSTEM

I'm new to Oracle. I was learning Backup and Recovery. For that, I did $ sqlplus system/password SQL> alter system set db_recovery_file_dest_size=8gb scope=both; But I got error this error:-enter image description here Can anyone tell me the exact…
1 answer

Oracle Monitoring on AWS: EM Express vs Cloud Control

I am looking for general advice from anyone who has experience monitoring Oracle RDS databases in AWS. The system that I am working with will involve several enterprise Oracle RDS databases (on the order of a few dozen) in AWS. My organization is…
0 answers

Oracle enterprise manager 11g internal error?

I've successfully installed oracle 11g enterprise edition on my 64bit machine with windows 10. After i access https://localhost:1158/em and enter username and password correctly i get an error as Internal Error has occurred. Check the log file for…
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How do I run Oracle Enterprise Manager now that flash has reached its EOL?

I'm used to going to https://localhost:5550/em to access the enterprise manager, but since the enterprise manager uses flash and flash has reached its EOL, I'm out ideas on how to create new users/new tablespaces now. Is there a workaround to still…
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How to upgrade Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Console without upgrade the database version itself?

Maybe the question is not so clear. I'm not sure about the relations of these Oracle's components. We have an Oracle 11g with an OEM dbconsole on it. Is dbconsole and databse control are actualy the same thing? Since Adobe Flash EOL arrived at…
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Oracle Enterprise Manager export real time monitoring for more databases in separate window

I am using Oracle Cloud Manager 13c. I have many databases, but I would like to track the CPU load of only five or six important ones. I see the Performance Hub where I can see the load and also performance when I click on goals-databases where we…
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Frequent OEM agent down alert

We are getting frequent agent down alerts from OEM for oracle database servers. When login to the server and check the agent will be running without issues. How can we stop these false alerts?
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Oracle Enterprise Monitor behind nginx proxy keep redirecting infinitely

I am trying to setup OEM behind nginx reverse proxy. Here is my nginx config. location ~* "^/em/(.*)" { add_header X-debug-message "Just for testing" always; proxy_redirect https://em/; …
1 answer

Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c RAC

We've just provisioned a 2 node Oracle 12c RAC with the help of an outside vendor, and we have very little internal knowledge or experience of Oracle (2 guys used to use Oracle 9i elsewhere). I've been asked to setup Enterprise Manager to make the…
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How to force accept a SQL Plan Baseline?

In Oracle (looking at this in Oracle Enterprise Manager) I have a particular SQL Plan Baseline which is set to Enabled = YES. However, I can't get the ACCEPTED = YES to work. According to the documentation, you need ENABLED and ACCEPTED both. I…
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Tables with no rows in oracle

When I create any new tables in oracle 11g enterprise manager or sql plus it results in something like this: -there is no row count (no event zero) When I insert data to the table by SQL*plus, it says that rows are inserted but when I reconnect by…
2 answers

Installing Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c on 11gR2

Installing Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c The progress just halts at 52% with this message Configuration assistant "Repository Configuration" is in progress log file shows. still running...
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